1 Pale blue eyes

Flames burn bright in the pitch black night no one knowingly what started the blaze. It's possible it was a spark from the stove, or another object. To a blind girl she only feels the heat from the flames, the intense heat she knows she is hurt. Barely hanging onto life as the oxygen slowly fades her lungs with each breath. Only to be saved by nature's storm to lighten the flames that burned her home down. The girl covered in ash and spot of what used to be her home, the girl dreamed of a time she was able to see the world around her and when she still had her parents. To the girl everything fell silently her arm and torso still having a stinging pain she attempted to move but found she was stuck. She tried to feel around her area to see if she might be able to get free. She mustered up her strength freeing herself from the charred remains of her beloved home. She attempted to call out and trying to feel the air around her. To her dismay no one attempted to make contact with her. She moves around carefully trying to feel around her surroundings, slows and steadily moving around the debris. 
