
Pakistan tourism

Do you know Pakistan is most underrated country for tourism why? I saw a foreigner vlogger on social media.he traveled to Pakistan to explore the hidden beauty of Pakistan he said that before travelling to Pakistan when i discussed with my family that i wanna travel to Pakistan My family was trying to stop me from traveling to Pakistan Their thoughts about Pakistan was that whenever we think about Pakistan only one thing that comes in our mind that is terrorism but I finally agreed them that whatever you think about Pakistan but I wanna explore Pakistan I was personally worried about that there is terrorism in Pakistan but when I reached Pakistan the whole story was different I was surprised by the hospitality of Pakistanis whenever i buy something the shop keeper refuses to take money they told me that you are our guest and we donot take money from guest's .

Now come about beauty of Pakistan . Pakistan comes in the most beautiful countries in the world the northern area of Pakistan is like heaven on earth




Naran Kaghan



Ziarat quetta


Malam jabba

anyone who wanna travel to Pakistan he should must visit

these places these places are like haeaven on earth when you will explore these areas you will find

world second largest mountain k2

beautiful lakes

mountains covered with snow

lush green places

beautiful rivers

fantastic weather

and many more.

Now come towards historical places of Pakistan.

Do you know Pakistan is a very historical country it has a lot of historical places even thousand years old historical places like


saif al malook lake

tomb of emperor jahangir

Badshahi Mosque

Rohtas fort

Sheesh mahal

khewra salt mines

shah jahan masjid thatha

masjid mahabbat khan

faisal mosque

bhuddas remain in taxila and mansehra

and many more

So the theme of the topic is that don't hesitate to travel to Pakistan. Pakistan is a peaceful country you should explore Pakistan. don't believe on the rumors about Pakistan that Pakistan is not a peaceful country And honestly It has places like heaven on earth

So you must travel Pakistan

