
Padfoot and his Nephew

What if Harry had His godfather? What if Harry grew up in a good household not restricted by damning blood magic? What if Harry is a charming devil that thinks and charms people instead of just believing whatever he is told? and what if he is a proper noble that likes muggle playboy books like his godfather? LETS FIND OUT!! :) Oh and Harry might become overpowered... but it will make sense due to DumbyDork not being able to interfere and him having a good education from a decently early age. I dont own hp, J.K. Rowling does. The artwork is by HitoFanart and if you don't want me to use it I will take it down (I just REAAALLY LOVE YOUR WORK!) and btw its just a fanfic, dont hate... too much rofl.

Zarosian · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Recognizing One's Responsibility

On a dimly lit road, a well dressed and handsome man walks while constantly searching his surroundings while carrying a bundled babe held tight to his chest. This man had luscious black shoulder length hair, and a brilliant shining grey eyes akin to the sun shining through the clouds on a foggy morning on the coast, he stood at a five foot 9 and a half inches tall with broad and muscular shoulders and a body shaped like a Greek god. The baby had dark black onyx like hair, cute chubby cheeks, but his eyes shone like emeralds with the ocean as its backdrop, just like his mothers eyes. After walking a few blocks, apparating every other block to avoid any possible muggles, Sirius approaches a door. Gritting his death he waves his hand having the door fly open as he struts inside with the door slamming behind him, announcing his presence.

"KREACHER! WHO JUST BARGED IN!" the screaming and wailing of a overweight and ugly old prune echoes throughout the house.

*POP* A shriveled and old little house elf apparates in front of Sirius.

"Why does the traitor of the Glorious House of Black come here?" the little twisted house elf questions.

"By my Blood as Last Scion of the House of Black, I Sirius Black the Third Command you to your quarters until I call for you, in doing so as Heir Apparent you have to stay regardless of whether any other of the House calls for you!" Sirius shouts by invoking the magic in his blood.

Shocked at the impulses in the magic forcing him away, Kreacher apparates against his will as the blood and soul magic has more power over the enslaved house elf's actions than its own will.

"KREACHER!!!! WHO WAS IT?? KREACHER? WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING ME!" the annoying banshee cries out further.

"SHUT YOUR BLASTED SCREAMING WOMAN! I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND!" Sirius roars after placing Harry into the parlour and warding the room so that harry can stay warm and sleep well. After finishing a muffling ward to prevent the coming arguments and screaming he starts walking up the stairs towards His mother's Bedroom.

After Sirius's reply there has been no reply back for several minutes till a loud thump sound was heard, than a rustling to put on clothes to atleast appear decent. Scrambling to her bedroom door and yanking it open old Walburga Black is confronted with Sirius halfway up the flight in front of her. Whispering in a shocked surprise, "Sirius?! Is it really you?".

Sighing heavily, not expecting that reaction, Sirius replies, "Yes mother, it is me." Glaring slightly he exclaims, "regardless of your view on me, I am the last Scion of house Black after your bloody Dark Lord likely murdered Regulus".

Hearing the words, confusion streaks across the old crone's face, "What? what are you talking about? Regulus isn't dead, he can't be, he is-..." now panicking she quickly rushes past Sirius down a flight and through several Hallways towards the ancestral room where the Family Tapestry is located. Barging into the room and quickly following down the family tree she locates her sons name, her precious second born son, the one who lived up to all her expectations and dreams that the Black family had always proclaimed... biting her thumb to have blood drip out, she rubbed her thumb onto her second born's portrait, causing an illusion casted upon it to fade showing a dark truth underneath... the date '1961-' slowly changes to '1961-1979' printed in a dark depressing letters below the name Regulus Arcturus Black.

Sobbing profusely after collapsing to her knees she cries through stuttering teeth "H-How... no w-why??" tears now pouring down her face she looks at her first born son... the One she wanted to disinherit, the one she had condemned, the one she has always looked down upon, she now needed answers from knowing that only he had taken the time to tell her.

With a confused look, Sirius looks at the woman who he had hated and feared his entire life since Hogwarts and said with a hesitant voice "It... it has been almost two whole years now mother... surely you knew? Servants of your precious Dark Lord Should have told you?"

The sobbing woman shocked beyond belief looks at her son, seeing him telling the truth... she just was simply staring in either horror or disbelief. Questioning her son, "How did you know your brother had passed before me?"

"Well... when we were younger I... grew concerned with the 'friends' he hung around.. I might have casted a blood spell on him during his sleep to know where he is and-... well lets say one night the spell disappeared and I knew my little brother was no longer with the living...." Sirius said with a trembling voice.

Now understanding the look on her face, Sirius widens his eyes before muttering in a hoarse voice "Follow me, if you truly did not know.... then there is something we must check immediately, but first-" turning sharply and yelling for the house elf (which apparates quickly before bowing) "Kreacher, in the Parlour is my godson, quickly clean a room and clean mine and my brother's old baby furniture, set up the child's room and then feed him before laying him down, my mother and I... have things to discuss as well as figure out. HOWEVER, no one beside those with the blood of House Black are to be allowed on the premises, should anyone intrude: kill or incapacitate them. Do I make myself clear?" the commanding tone in his voice leaving nothing to misinterpreted the house elf quickly bows before disappearing to quickly do his tasks.

"Mother, I must ask you to invoke a total lockdown and activate any and all defensive wards of the House, If what I suspect is true then before preceding I need you to be ready and with both your wand and the House ready to be defended", Looking in a way his mother would never have expected she just nods her head before snapping to and quickly doing as her son asked.

Ten minutes later, the house's enchantments and wards had been all activated, with both Sirius and Walburga both in front Regulus's room.

"Mother whatever we find you must promise to listen to me before acting, if what I believe is true we might find the answer in this room." Sirius sternly stated.

Nodding her head with a surprised look, before tilting her head she says, "You know the way you have been acting is... really different than I expected... you remind me of your father Orion..."

Surprised at her statement, Sirius guffaws before chuckling, "Well after all that has happened on this night... It is necessary for me to 'grow up' as you have always said. While I will always be me: I do have responsibilities that can no longer be avoided." Turning his head and pointing his wand before casting the alohomora charm to open the room, Sirius pauses after the door slowly swings open before seeing a portrait of his brother in front of which is Kreacher, who should have been doing his other duties.

"Master, your brother has returned with a child I-" Kreacher was mumbling quietly when he realized the door had been opened.

Regulus in the portrait grimaces looking up and states "Hello brother and mother, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

I know Regulus does not have a magical portrait in the canon, I just think Having him their rather then having to question Kreacher would make more sense, especially since he is such a noble person in the canon. likewise Walburga being more than just an 'annoying portrait and cruel vicious woman'I wanted her to have some level where one can empathize with her. (SPOILER) likewise It would be better to actually have her play some important role instead of her just dying off in a few years considering how strong as a person she is according to the canon descriptions of her.

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