

vex is very angry with Arran due to the murder of Roger. So he is preparing a huge army to attack on earth

Suddenly some spaceships entered into the atmosphere of mars and attacked the army which is prepared by Vex to attack on earth.

some soldiers came out from the ships and attacked mars soldiers. Both arms are fighting the king of that unknown soldiers and vex fighting with swords. Vex questioned him that ' who are you and why are you attacking us ?' and the king replayed that "do you forget me?. Don't say you forget."

Vex said that I don't know who you are the king replied that 5 months ago I said I will kill your father. But one of my spies said he was killed by Arran on earth. Then Vex replied that 'Ho you the king of Jupiter Dom, right'. Dom replied "yes".Vex said that your army is very weak than my army. You should better fall back. Dom replied no the war is on but now my army is going back. He orders his army to get back to ships. But Dom and his army do not return to Jupiter, they are going to Earth.

Vex changed his decision to attack on earth because his army is weakened. He needs some time to recover

5 months ago

On Jupiter. Dom's son Tim is going to be king for Jupiter they have one rule that a person before becoming king should visit two planets and should know about their constitution and their ruling.

First Tim landed on Earth. He becomes a friend to Arran. few days after Tim reveals who he is. Arran shocked and Tim explained everything, he left the earth.

Later he landed on mars. After some time he got the information that Roger is going to attack earth. Tim tried to inform Arran but he was caught by some soldiers and Roger killed him.

Dom got information that his son was killed.Immediately dom attacked mars Dom defeated by Roger. Dom said that I will kill you. Dom returns to Jupiter.

At present, Dom and his ships are coming to earth to help Arran . All spaceships had landed on earth.

Arran got information and he tried to attack doms ships. Dom stopped them. Arran asked him that who are you? and what are you doing here? why did you come here?

Dom explained everything to Arran. He said we have only 1 month Walt 3 is coming to attack on earth. What we have to do now?

Arran said that I have you I have Earth army and I have ozlend I have 3 agonists 1. Dom said that but his army is more than our three armies.

Arran said 'we defeated mars before with our minds. it was the powerful weapon in the world'.

Dom said 'ok then, my men are approaching us I just called them.'

Arran said 'tell them to attack the mars ships in space'

Dom asked the plan. Arran took him to a room and showed him a book. Dom surprised and said that 'what is.... wo wo I know that I can say the future now. We will win the war in the future ok keep it aside where did you get it?

Arran said 'I got it when I killed Roger after that are only 60 seconds to blast I am trying to escape from the ship when I am running I saw the book in the room I took it and escaped from the ship. That is the book 'dialy news of mars'

there will be spalised levels of this books one for civilians and one for vip

Dom said 'Wait! then you know why I came here and what happened on Mars?'. Arran said 'yes I know'

One of the ozlend soldiers saw that something is being written in that book and he said that to Arran

Arran saw that vex is sending 500 jets to destroy the main force of the earth. They are only jets that were very fast on their planet

Arran alerts his army to send the information to the king of the earth 'Charlemagne'. Charlemagne has also alerted his army.

One week later the 500 jets have entered Earth. They attacked the earth base. All of the three army jets destroyed all 500 jets.

There are only two weeks left for the war.

Arran read a page in the book that is to shut down the weapons of the mars army they have to use the password in the control room system of the spaceship. The password is 'destroy Make make' and the ships don't enter into the atmosphere of the earth.

Arran told this to Dom and Charlemagne. Dom question Arran that how to enter the enemy ship.

Arran said that I know how to enter into enemy's ship. Do you remember you said that your ships are coming? Here's the plan that when mars army attack earth all of our armies should defend earth. Then and your spaceships should attack them in space. later you and I with some men should enter the enemy spaceship. Charlemagne will stay here and control all of our soldiers, clear

All replied 'ok'

As per the plan they selected 50 well-trained soldiers from three armies to enter into the ships. Time is melted enemies approached the earth. some jets, men, war machines, tankers, spaceships landed on earth.

The war begins it is a great war which is never occurred in history. Mars soldiers are in the upper hand.

suddenly Dom's space ships attacked mars spaceships in space

Dom and karthikeya along with 50 soldiers enter the enemies ship.

Mars soldiers are entering into their ships. But 50 soldiers destroyed all of their jets and killed them.13 were dead.

One of the earth soldiers got the way to that controlroom and all of them there.

it's highly secured. one of them killed himself to give way to it. Arran, Dom and 3 soldiers entered in some more enemies attacked Vex also with them. all were dead except Arran, dom and three soldiers.

One Soldier is entering the password remaining 2 were killed by Vex dom is badly injured.

On earth

Some mars soldiers entered into the ozlend and destroyed the book "daily News of mars"

Vex and Arran are fighting. The soldier entered the password. vex is badly injured. Arran gave his gun to dom and said to kill Vex but Dom didn't kill him. He left him. All weapons are shut down space ships returned to mars. Arran, dom, solder is returning.

Arran asked dom that 'why did you leave him?

Dom replied that I should not kill him Clovis should

Arran questioned Dom that who is?. Dom replied that he is dwarfer. He is the leader of dwarf planets.


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