

FACE(s): CilantroQueen, Liaju, Krysalis & Jaymin

With ASHY out of commission, Liaju, who's hungry for stardom, takes over the show overzealously, with intentions of breaking the phenomenal ratings previously achieved by our browless icon. Jaymin, along with two new members-to-be, Krysalis and CilantroQueen, get sucked into Liaju's unhinged antics and are forced to assist in Liaju's stratospheric ambitions. Cilan, more often referred to by her garish professional name "CilantroQueen", comes up with an ingenious plan for the quartet to revisit places featured in the CLASSIC TEAM's legendary string of miniseries. Tune in as the girls recreate iconic Ozappa moments whilst creating fresh and equally ostentatious ones!

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