
Part 68: Revenge X Of A X Monster


The train might not let someone focus on what they were doing, but Java was different. She was a trained Weapon Hunter, so no matter how loud the vehicle she was riding on, she wouldn't let it distract her from thinking about her learned information.

Both of them sat down on their own chair. Java was ready to interrogate and the boy that she found was ready to answer.

"So... tell me about this friend of yours." She said straight away, no small talk spitted. She had gone this far in knowing about the Snowtor Clan, she couldn't back down.

The kid raised his head and looked at her straight in the eye, telling her that he too, also wanted to release the information he had been hiding all this time.

"I couldn't say he was my friend." He started, lowering his head to avoid eye contact. "I just met him for a day and only heard that he was from the Snowtor Clan."

"It seems like he survived the massacre since he wasn't in the village at that time." He continued explaining. "Then, after the death of the clan, he traveled once more through this train station."


Java could feel the tension in his story, and she was now filled with curiosity. She wouldn't let this information go to waste. As long as there is still a surviving member of the Snowtor Clan, she wouldn't mind looking for them even if it's just one.

"It was a train towards Yorknew City."

Java is now going to Yorknew City to follow the track of the remaining ice knight. She knew that her master was residing in that city, but this was a mission given to her. She would fulfill it no matter what.



As I was about to stab the cat using my small knife, a hand grabbed my arm. At the same time, they pushed my shoulder with their other hand, keeping me from moving at all.


It was the only thing I could say as their speed surprised me. I tried to take a peek at their face but to no avail. I couldn't be able to move in my position. I was no match for their speed and strength.

Everything was going so well, and it would just be destroyed by this someone that I didn't even know. They shouldn't sniff around someone else's business.

"Let go of me!" I hissed. Even I couldn't be able to see them, I didn't show mercy on cursing them. Because of it, I could be able to glance at some of their features.

Their upper body was covered by their cloak, but I could still the boots and pants that they were wearing. If only I could reach out to their feet and stab it, I could get away.

"And what do you think you're doing with the poor cat?" Finally, they finally talked with a male voice. Based on the pitch, he must be a teenage boy around my age.

Then why would he dare to treat me like that even if we were just about the same age?

"That's none of your business!" I yelled out of anger and irritation, causing me to escape from his grasp. I took this chance to swing my knife from behind and tried to injure him.

Unfortunately, he dodged it and sprinted back, away from me. Now, I could finally see his full figure.

His hooded cloak was covering his face, but I could see the black shirt and the red plaid top that he was wearing underneath it. It's a shame I can't see his face since I have to remember him.

Then, in his arm was the orange cat that stole my meal, carrying him gently like a baby. I couldn't help but be frustrated by what he was doing. He would rather help the lowly animal more than his own kind.

"Is this because of a meal?" He asked, trying to insult me. That triggered me and I don't think I could be able to reduce my patience. "Why would you go that far?"

"Shut up!!"

I sprinted from my position and jumped towards them, like a tiger that wanted to kill its own prey, wearing glaring eyes. But with my face, he could be able to evade it and jumped away from me.

Every time I could see him, irritation started flowing rapidly in my veins. It was not my fault, anyway. If he didn't stop me and help the cat, then I'll let him live.

He really didn't know what I've been through. It was so great to have a happy time with my friends, then it would just be ruined by Grenno and a mere cat. It was going so well...

"If you will take revenge, then you're no different to it." The boy said, which caught me off guard. I stopped sprinting to him and just stared at him.

"You're stealing a soul, even though it shouldn't be." He added. Then after that, he disappeared in thin air.

I didn't do anything but stand and just stared at the empty space in front of me. If I will just kill the cat because of it stealing my lunch, then I'm no different from it. We're both sinners.

I couldn't believe that I could think like that to a poor cat. Grabbing my name and tried to kill it over a piece of fish. And not to mention that I used to love them, so I'm sure I wouldn't hurt them.

Just what is wrong with me?


I was almost lost in my train of thoughts when suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind. With a slow-motion, I turned around with my whole body shivering.

Behind me was Killua, panting to collect all of the air that escaped from his body. It seems like he ran all the way here just to look for me.

"K-Killua...?" I stuttered his name. I didn't expect him to come here, so it's a surprise. Maybe he saw my actions, though I hope he didn't.

"Are you alright?" He asked. His face was filled with worry and concern for my state. Now, the grief that I felt earlier is back again.

"Y-Yes..." I tried to make him feel better, releasing a smile that was obviously fake. Even though I tried to, it didn't show the right curve. "I'm fine..."

Usually, whenever I kill someone, I could always blame myself. But to be honest, most of the blame was towards my arm, and I was just feeling guilty because it was beside me.

It was like it was a different person than myself. It's like there was a huge beast, and I'm guilty of taking care of it every time.

So right now, I'm not used to having killing intentions on my own, and wouldn't mind my hand being stained just like I tried to do earlier. I got too carried away.

No questions asked, Killua and I went back to the lunch table with the others. They seemed concerned but I reassured them that we were okay. I hope they will buy this excuse. I don't want them to know that I have serious anger issues.

Again, a good time with my friends failed again. There was never a time that we won't get interrupted by anything and just kept having fun together. If only I could destroy any interruptions, I'm sure we will have a great time with just us.

After that, the sun finally fell on the West without even us noticing. It seemed that the day ran so fast these times of the year. If only it could be more considerate of our great time, then this will go well.

I was planning to go to my father's house since my current objective here in Yorknew City was to look for my father. I have no slightest interest in this city except for my father, so I must do my best to find clues about his whereabouts while I'm staying here.

Yorknew City had been my hometown, but it wasn't a pleasing one. It was a city of shame, discrimination, and sins. Anyone could do anything to you, and as long as the government will turn blind to a situation, it was no problem.

I never liked it.

After minutes of riding in a taxi, we finally made it to the suburban region of the city. Gon, Killua, and Alluka insisted on coming here with me since they said that they never saw a suburban before.

I don't know that they have never seen something like that before. I'm sure any other towns had a suburban region. Come to think of it, I had never seen an island and a gigantic mansion on a mountain until they showed me those.

My house will be my headstart in finding my father. When my last visit in here, hoping to come back, he never left any letter that could point to his location, so I'll just rely on clues.

But as soon as I made it to the suburban, a giant smoke elevated to the other end of the place. The people from different houses started running, carrying buckets of water.

I tried to ask the others, but they were too busy with the problem that they left themselves stuttering. They were a bunch of useless people, as they couldn't be able to calm themselves down. Why did they become my neighbors anyway?

Ignoring them, we started running towards the smoke. I felt something bad is going on. My house was almost at the other end of the suburban, and I couldn't help but think that...

Finally, we made it to the destination, but it wasn't beautiful as I expected it to be.

In front of us was my house, once old and abandoned, but now being devoured by bright flames. Indeed, it couldn't fight with the sunset, but one could see the burning heat it gave.

I widened my eyes at the scene, and my whole body started shivering in fear and hopelessness.

"W-What?" I stuttered. I just watched it being eaten by the fire as remembering all the memories I made with my father inside the house.

There's nothing I could do about it. Now, our precious place was finally gone and turned into ashes. Not just the clues in finding him, but the fun times we made inside. I couldn't help but drop tears in my eyes.

"Who would do such a thing?" I could hear Gon saying it in a raging voice, that it felt like he was trying to stop himself from getting a grudge towards who did it.

But unlike him, I keep cursing it. I don't know who are they but once I'll find it out, I'll show no mercy. This is the house that brought us happiness, and it would just be destroyed by arson.

There's no way I'll forgive them.


All of a sudden, an old lady carrying a wooden crane and wearing a shawl on her head, started walking in our direction at a slow pace. Her eyes were droopy, and she was giving us a weak smile.

"Does that house belong to you?" She said, which I didn't answer instantly. If I told her the truth, then she would know that I'm the girl with a monster arm before. Despite me now having a normal arm, they could still abuse me.

"It was my friend's." I lied, even though it was an obvious one. But I didn't care, since they didn't have a choice but to believe it. Even my father was fooled the last time I visited, but a part of me knew that he found out.

"A group of men in the black suits went here and burned the whole house." She started explaining what happened, as I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

"R-Really?" I asked. So it was indeed arson. My hands formed into fists, as anger started flowing in my body. I couldn't help but breathe in a strange way.

I started imagining myself killing them with my hands. They didn't have the right to burn my whole house, and they didn't have the right to live anymore.

I must kill.

"Hmm... if I could remember, there was an insignia in one of the men's suits." She added, in which I raised my head. I tried to stop myself from having the intention of killing them and started listening.

"Insignia?" I asked.

I could feel my heart started to beat faster than before as soon as I said my question. This is it. Once that I knew the insignia, there had nowhere to run to.

"It's an insignia of Hades."

Next chapter