
Owned By The Vampire CEO

Living in a world where vampire rules are not easy. Humans must show their best skills or be treated like cattle, especially in the Korea Peninsula, which has become the center of human blood extraction for vampire consumption. Seraphina’ Sara’ Yong was the lucky one. She showed that she was a valuable asset to the vampire race. Sarah landed a job as the head scientist in the biggest biotechnology company, led by a billionaire vampire CEO named Alex Lee. When Sara thought that she would be safe and sound, her research in developing the blood synthetic put her life in immense danger. For her safety, Alex moved Sara’s lab to his mansion and demanded her to stay with him so that he could monitor and control her life all the time. All hell breaks loose during her stay with Alex and his three wives, mostly when he gave her an extra task to save his stillbirth babies. When Sara fell in love with Alex because of his kindness, an alpha werewolf named Connell came into her life, telling her that they meant to be together. Sara’s life became more complicated when the secret of the Yong Family is revealed. Will Sara’s love for Alex blossom? Or maybe, Connell can convince her to be with him? Can Sara stop human exploitation? And the most important question, who Sara really is? Cover is MINE!!! Art by IG: @nadrawing_

Four_Percent · Fantasy
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7 Chs

His Attention

I look into the woman who just few meters away standing in front of me. I know that she came from Japa by her name. Bellinda, is she from Spain, and Cynthia is a common name for women from the west, maybe for America or Europe.

Wait! if Ayako is the 2nd wife, does that mean Bellinda and Cynthia are the 1st and 3rd wives? How many wives does Mr. Alex Lee has?! I feel a little bit annoyed with the fact, but do I have the right to be upset? Mr. Lee is my boss. Even I start to like him.

"You're not beautiful at all," Ayako says coldly while staring at me from head to toe. "But I will gladly drink your blood."

I clear my throat throat, somehow, her words do not make me scare at all. "If you're planning to drink my blood, I'd better go for lunch, make sure my blood is full of nutrients." I say as politely as possible even with sentences full of sarcasm.

I bow respectfully to Ayako who still looking at me coldly.

I walking to my room and thinking, cursing myself. 'Stupid! Of course he had wives, definitely more than one, maybe even more than three! He lives eternally with a charming appearance. And rich. He can have any woman he wants,' I yell to myself.

I sigh and the I decide that I need to focus on my research. Isn't the salvation of mankind is in hands?

It is eleven o'clock at night but I am still working alone in my lab. The sound of a chuckle from behind me made me jump in surprise. I almost drop for the electrophoresis results that I am going to analyze.

"You didn't eat your dinner," Alex says flatly.

I looks into Alex for a second and I frown, "I'm busy," I say as I put the agar in a dark box and take some photos.

"Dinner, now. That's an order," said Alex in a firm and insistent tone.

"Soon, after I finish the sequencing," I say as I am still focusing on my work, "I need to find out what kind of DNA mutations that happened in this sample."

Alex suddenly pulls my body and in the blink of an eye, he pins my body to the wall on the other side of the room.

My body is leaning against the wall while Alex's body is right in front of me. His face is very close to mine. Gosh! He smells so good, very sweet like a cotton candy and fresh oak tree. Is this his natural smell or his perfume. Do vampire use perfume?

With this very close distance, our face are almost touching. Kiss me, please. My inner goddess begs. Shit! stupid inner goddess! He is your boss!

Alex's arms are on both side of my body, trapping me between the wall and his body.

"No one ever dared to oppose me," Alex says with a slight hiss.

Oops! I make Mr. Vampire angry. Inner goddess! Please, shut up!

His body scent make my blood boil, not because of angry but because of desire. I want him. Inner goddess! Please, focus! I scream to myself.

"And no one has ever dared to destroy my research," I say coldly, finally I am coming to my sense. I am trying to hide the sexual tense. "Now, I have to redo the electrophoresis again."

I push his chest a little bit, I am trying to get out of Alex's pinning. "So if I may... I'll excuse myself..."

Alex is taken aback by my bravery when I am going past him and then I am getting back to work. It seems my stubbornness caught his guard.

"I'll bring your dinner here," He says, I can feel his stare on my back.

"Ok," I reply without stopping my work.

I know that Alex is still staring at me, after few moments later, he walks! He is not using his vampire speed and walking step by step towards the exit.

"Mr. Lee," I call him and look into his back, "thank you," I say warmly to him.

Alex hears my words by he doesn't turn around, "call me Alex," he says flatly and walks out of the laboratory, let me repeat it, step by step like a normal human.

About fifteen minutes later, Alex is back in the laboratory room with a tray of dinner for me. My inner goddess is dancing happily!

Alex puts the tray carefully on my desk. I look at him with a slightly surprise look. "I thought you'd order a maid to bring dinner here."

"You think I can't do something easy like this on my own?" Alex says with sarcasm tone.

I smile and sit down at my desk to eat my dinner. My heart is slightly touched when I taste my warm dinner. That meant Alex even took the time to stop by at the kitchen and heat up the food.

"Have you eaten yet?" I ask him, butt then, I immediately regret my question. I am not sure that I could hear Alex's answer. If he says 'Yes', it means that another human had been sacrificed.

Alex look at me, he tilts his head. "Why do you care?". Funny, he looks handsome and cute like a curious cat.

"I don't know…. I guess I just don't like to eat in silence when there is other people in front of me who just stare at me eating," I rolls my eyes.

"AB positive," he replies coldly.

I stare at Alex for a moment. I know that currently vampires are consuming blood from blood sacs extracted from humans. "Is that your favorite flavor?" I ask again, while I am trying to keep my tone as normal as possible. God! Sara! Your stupid curiosity! My inner goddess yells at me.

Alex looks at Sara, he is trying to understand what she thinks about him. Alex knows that women were difficult creatures to understand but, Sara was not only difficult to understand. She is impossible to understand.

"My blood type is AB positive," I said finally. "Do you want to eat me?"

Alex chuckles "I know." He smiles, "no. Not today. I will not eat you, my dearest, Sara."

Oh.... Now, I am his dearest!

"So, have you ever thought about eating me?" I ask again.

Alex shrugs his shoulders. Yes, sometimes he imagines himself eating Sara, but not the way she thought.

"How old are you?" I ask again, try to continue the conversation.

"Over 1000 years."

"I mean before you became a creature..." I stop my sentence, I almost call him a cursed creature, "before you became a vampire."


"Was becoming a vampire your own choice at that time?" I ask carefully. My curiosity about Alex is getting bigger.

In today's world full of vampires, many vampires are forced to become vampires. The process of becoming a vampire is quite simple, a vampire bites a human and drinks his blood until the human is on the verge of death, then the vampire will give a little of his blood to drink the human.

After that step, the human will become a zombie or commonly called the undead. At this time, the undead must process the blood from humans to humans who are victims of death in less than 24 hours.

After this final step accomplished, the undead will officially turn into a vampire.

"None of your business," Alex says dryly after staring blankly as memories from his past suddenly swarmed into his head.

He stands up and then walks out the laboratory room without saying anything.