
CH15 Is Unklair Dead This Time?

Alodar's grew all the more firm. He put Timeless in front of him.

His eyes pierced Unklair, and his hands turning white from his strong grip relaxed to a more calm state.

'You think I can beat him Temporal?'

{It will be harder than trapping him with an 'everlasting shackle' spell! And don't call me Temporal, call me Mark!}

'Mark's' voice could have been heard outside Alodar's head since it was so loud.

'Whatever! How do I survive this confrontation?'

Don't use a spell right now, you're drained down to about 4.6! Just enough to cast a 'slow' spell, but don't, because you might lose your opportunity in your moment of exhaustion! For now, just move around and don't die! Swinging won't help; you're too sl-}

Before Mark could finish, Alodar was assaulted by Unklair's unforgiving claws. He thrashed at Alodar; grazing him on his cheek and a deeper wound on his left arm.

Alodar winced at the pain, but using the riming between cuts, Alodar pushed Unklair to the side.

Unklair hit an oak tree and his wolf wimpier made him seem pitiful.

As Alodar approached, smoke started rising and Unklair's eyes emitted cinder sparks. The ground was scorched in the marks of Unklair's paws.

Unklair's growl growl spooked Alodar into backing up, but remembering that he had to save Walter from being attacked, he steadied himself and lunged before Unklair could attack him.

With his sword within his weak grasp, Alodar swiped down. The sword didn't hit its target. The only thing the sword managed to do was rough up the ground.

{Child! Your mana has reached 6.5! You can use a spell now!}

Alodar wasted no time and activated his signature spell.


A green light burst forth from Alodar's palm, which was, and wrapped Unklair in a time slowing blanket of magic.

Although Unklair was slow, he was still decently fast as Alodar had to put a lot of effort into dodging, though he was not good to begin with.

Alodar jumped just out of reach of a sharp claw and pinned it down with the dull side of Timeless.

Alodar forgot to block against Unklair's other paw and as a result he got a deep cut just above his eye. This deep cut was sure to leave a scar, even with healing magic.

"Ahh," Alodar squealed in a high pitched voice.

"That's what you get boy for messing with me!" Unklair laughed maniacally at no one in particular; maybe himself or someone else entirely.

In Alodar moment of fear, he plunged his sword into Unklair's right shoulder blade. They both screeched in pain.

Alodar looked up at Unklair with half closed eyes and muttered a water spell he learned long ago that was low in cost and high in power, although only to possessed beings.

"Holy water purify," he mumbled to himself under his breath.

Unklair spasmed and fell on top of Alodar. His body writhing in agony. It affected Alodar too because he was feeling the pressure of the whole beast on top of him.

Losing air, Alodar flailed under the giant wolf screaming for help. His flailing didn't seem to help as no one came and it did more harm than good because it rid him of air quicker.

Alodar sucked in his final breath before fainting.


With nothing to do, Lyner just played Halseball. A game that used a marble to hit different squares that produced different magic effects. It was a vintage game which was why Lyner was playing with it so eagerly.

"This thing must be around 5000 pengolds!" He imagined a world with red skies and and dangerous lands which alone owned and was king.

Lyner was going to play another round when Farncitte knock on the door and entered after being allowed.

Farncitte looked anxiously at the coffee table with fear painted across his face.

"Come on Farncitte I don't have all day!" With a slightly threatening he ordered Farncitte.

"Um-um sir, Unklair life signal has split in two and is now pitch black." Farncitte's voice didn't stutter as much but it was noted by Lyner that Farncitte did it to get the debriefing over with sooner.

"What? How did he die?" Lyner asked all the question he knew, but he didn't seem to care about a single one.

"Did you see it?" Lyner's voice once against sounding unnervingly calm.

"I didn't sir, but my right hand man had seen the whole thing. It was a hard fought battle and Unklair died with honor." Lyner was not pleased at all with little bit of information.

"Who killed him?"

"I think it was a kid? Or was it a dwarf? I don't exactly know."

Lyner was not happy again.

Lyler was not pleased once again. "Then go find him you moron!" Lyner was shouting at Farncitte who quickly left the room and cursed behind Lyner's back.

Farncitte was far out the room when Lyner got out a magic device that oddly looked like a cellphone; the old kind.

-This is Mr. Zorander, How May I help you?

"Hello, it's Lyner and I want to know something," Lyner's voice was mellow and deep.

-What is it you want to know?

Mr. Zorander spoke clearly and cunningly.

"I want to know when I'll die today?" Lyner's request seemed simple bug in actual fact, it was a big no and if he wanted to have a dog he needed to visit the dog fin.

-My, my! A simple request I see?

"Yeah, yeah! Hurry up and tell me."

-you'll die very soon; most likely today or in the next hour.

Just be ready for death.

"Whatever you say boss.." Lyner was very depressed that he was going to die soon, but he remembered to ask a very important question.

"Where did you get the gear?" This was a question that had been haunting Lyner for a long time

-I got them from an old couple who look young in the Truth Tower; you know the corrupt tower.

Lyner was a bit downcast since he was not allowed to interact with the special world.

Anyway, it's time to kill Unklair's murderer.

Next chapter