2 2. Homecoming

Many days have gone by, 364,635 days to be exact. That's 8,751,240 hours, 52,090.714 weeks, 11,987.987 months, and each of those numbers are equal to 999 years.

I didn't know how long I'd be on that planet, of course I didn't know it was going to be almost a thousand years. Some days were like a fever dream, like a haze. I used to daydream of night, when there was only gentle wind, and the peaceful night sky.

And then, a figure appeared, my mother.

"Corethena, it's time to come home, darling." She said to me.

I didn't know how to speak at the time, I never learned, after being alone for so long. All I knew, is that things were about to change, for better or for worse.

Mother took my hand, and closed her eyes. We appeared on a rounded granite platform, hidden in clouds. I knew immediately then, that I was in Owaria, where I would spend the rest of my life whether I liked it or not.

A year went by rather quickly. I learned how to talk, fly, and even make entire buildings appear out of nowhere.

Mother taught me everything I needed to know. She showed me a library that ancient scholars used to put all of their knowledge into. Hundreds of thousands of books, maybe even millions, there was too many to count!

In that year, I only went through the different histories that the library held.

I learned about every single type of creature on Owaria though. Winged, tailed, green, red, 10 legged, you name it!

After my first year back, my mother left without saying goodbye.

The first thing I did after she left was go up to The Spectral Observatory. It was a room used to study the different stars, planets, comets, and so forth. But the main use of the Spectral Observatory, was to make beings. It's how my ancestors, and past caretakers of Owaria made the people, plants, and animals that live on the planet.

The first thing I made was a glowing bug, rather boring, now that I think about it, but it wasn't boring at the time.

The Spectral Observatory allows me to create any living thing or organism that my imagination sees fit. It even holds information on every being on the planet, their age, weight, height, eye color, anything, and everything!

I was amazed, anyone would be.
