
In Another World with my Smartphone [2]

The morning sun was already out as it's brilliant light lit up the dark room. On the bed was two figure glued to each other like they are trying to become one.

Elze had a very red face right now as she was trying hard to avoid releasing a moan. She was on top of Saiko right now resting on her stomach.

Saiko was still asleep as it can be seen that he still had his eyes close. But his hands were being naughty. His left hand was wrapped around Elze's waist while his right hand was squeezing her butt.

Elze was only an inch away from Saiko as her lips was a few centimeters away. Her body was heating up and she was feeling a bit tingly at her lower abdomen as she felt that she was getting wet.

She never had experience something like this before but she can't help but like what she was feeling as she yearns for more.

Elze then did the only thing that she could think of and kissed Saiko on his lips. When their lips touched each other, Saiko opened his eyes as he was surprised to see that Elze was kissing him. Although they are already a couple it was only yesterday and he even thought that she was still trying to accept the situation and adjust.

But Saiko was no gentleman as he reciporated her kiss witg his own. He then invaded her mouth as he swirled it on Elze's tongue catching her off guard. She then realize that he was awake as she break free from his embrace and just subconsciously punched him with her [Boost] turned on.


At the inn, Saiko and Linze were both having breakfast. Elze was not present for some kind of reason which really confused Linze.

Linze "Anu, Saiko-san where is Onee-chan?"

Saiko thought for a bit and answered.

Saiko "I have no idea."

After Elze saw that he was already awake she was surprised and her body just moved on her own as she punched him. Although Saiko will not feel any pain, he still acted like it did which caused Elze to panic and she ran away thinking that she almost killed her boyfried. Saiko was not really worried about her as he knew that she would not do something crazy.

Linze "Saiko-san."

Saiko "Nani?"

Linze "About your question yesterday. I already have an answer."

Saiko stopped eating as he looked at her and asked.

Saiko "So what is your answer?"

Linze "I agree to it but we won't do anything so intimate as having sex, kiss is alright. Because I want to get to know you better before I surrender my womanity to you."

Saiko knew that Linze was the smart one between the twins so it was not surprising for her to think things so thoroughly. Judging from the dark circles in her eyes, she must have not sleep that much and must have been thinking about what will be her answer.

Saiko "You don't have to worry Linze-chan. I won't be forcing you into doing that things with me. And you will not regret your decision."

Linze nodded as she smiled, it was like a large burden was lifted from her shoulders. They continued to eat their breakfast when the door to the inn suddenly opened.

They turned to looked at the one who opened the door and saw that it was Elze. But she appears to be breathing hard as she gasped for air, she was sweating a lot and her hair was a not messy. Their was concern in her eyes when she saw that Saiko was sitting and eating breakfast. She immediately rushed towards him and asked.

Elze "Saiko-kun are you okay? Are you hurt? I am very sorry for what happened earlier my body just acted on its own. It was still your own fault though as you surprised me."

Saiko "But I was the one that was surprised because you were k----"

Before Saiko could even finish speaking, he was already punched in the face by Elze's punch. Then he heard her yelling at him in rage.

Elze "Don't you know how much I worried for you only to find out you were just acting. I also find out that you have an actually strong body, seems like I didn't ask the wrong boyfriend."

Saiko "It was me the one who asked you though."

Elze "Shut up! I'm not finished yet!!"

Elze "As I was saying, since you have such a strong body it won't hurt to punish you for tricking me right?"

Elze smiled as she was already thinking of several ways to punish him. Saiko just sweated as he looked at her smile, then he saw that she raised her right hand which had the gauntlets already on. Just as she was about to punch him, Saiko stopped her as he looked at her angry, yet cute expression. He can't help but pull her cheeks a bit.

Elze "Dwon't pull mi che-eeks!"

Saiko stopped as he petted her head and said.

Saiko "Calm down okay? And let's talk over it at breakfast."

He then released Elze from her bindings as they l took a seat to see Linze with a look that was demanding for answers.


Linze "So Onee-chan kissed you and then she punched you and you decided to tease her by acting very hurt but you didn't expect her to act that way. Did I get it all right?"

Saiko "Yeah. More or less."

Elze then sighed which caught Saiko's attention. Saiko then asked her.

Saiko "What's wrong Elze-chan?"

Elze "Sonmy little sister had also agreed to be your boyfriend?"

Saiko nodded with Linze answering.

Linze "Yes Onee-chan. I was wondering that if we married different man then we would not be together with each other more often."

Linze showed a sad face then a happy one appeared and replaced it.

Linze "But if we marry into the same man, we will not be separated and we can be together forever."

Saiko just listened to their conversation and felt that her reason makes no sense at all but decided not to interrupt their sister time. He just continued eating as Linze and Elze talked to each other.

Linze "I was thinking that we should join the guild."

Elze "You're right, that way we will be also able to earn money for out daily expenses."

Saiko could have stopped them but decided not to as he was sure that if he did stop them then it would really change the plot. Even though he had already changed it by taking the twins as his girlfriends.

Elze then turned to look at Saiko and asked.

Elze "So what do you think, Saiko-kun?"

Saiko acted like he was thinking about it as Linze and Elze waited in silence. He the stared at the two of them and said.

Saiko "Why not."

Linze and Elze were both happy as the two of them really loved to go on adventures. That is the reason that they were here in the first and another reason that they were strong.

The three of them finished their breakfast as they went to the guild together.


At the Adventurer's Guild, inside the building, Saiko and the twin are standing in front of the receptionist which was a beautiful girl with a brown hair and dark eyes. There was some part of her hair braided at the right side of her face and she was wearing the standard Guild uniform which composed of a black and red outfit.

Misha "Hello! My name's Misha and I am a receptionist. How may I help you?"

Misha asked the three of them, while Saiko was thinking of adding Misha to his Harem but that would have to wait later when he gets to know her better.

Misha was red-faced as she tries to maintain her calm in front of Saiko's overly handsome face. She had never seen someone as handsome as him before and by just his looks she had already fallen for him.

Linzr and Elze saw Misha's face was red and could only sigh in frustration as they knew that this would happen sooner or later. It was not hard for them to guess that their will be more women falling in live with him with just his looks and with his caring and strong attitude, no one could possibly resist his charm.

Linze decided to step forward and introduced themselves.

Linze "Hello! My name's Linze Silhoueska."

Elze "And I'm Elze Silhoueska."

Saiko "Hello there. My name's Saino Saiko. Saino is my surname while Saiko is my given name."

Misha "You're from Eashen?"

Saiko "Yeah something like that."

Misha then nodded slightly and asked them.

Misha "I believe that you are still not registered right? And from the looks of it, you three are here to register?"

Saiko "Yes. Can you explain us what does a guild do?"

Misha nodded again as she began to explain to them everything that they needed to know about the guild.

The job of the Guild is to advertise various clients' requests and managing the rewards. On the same time, the guild can also act as a bank where adventurers can deposit and withdraw money at any guild branch. The guild manager is able to exchange information or request with other guild manager in other area using an artifact called a Tracebook. It is also possible that the requesters assign certain adventurers to do their request.

The requests are divided by rank based on their difficulty. All request that available at the area can be seen at the guild's request board and adventurers can accept a request by submitting it at the receptionist desk. After completing the request, the reward can be taken at the receptionist desk by presenting the evidence of subjugation or the quest card with stamp of approval from the requester or if a higher authority confirmed the quest completion. If the adventurer brings an extra amount of the requested item, the guild will buy the rest with market price.

The ranking system is based on the difficulty of the request. The lowest up to the highest ranking are black, purple, green, blue, red, silver, gold which each corresponded with the status of beginner, adventurer-in-training, adventurer, veteran adventurer, first-rate adventurer, elite adventurer, and hero respectively. As the rank progressing upward, the request which being offered also increased in difficulty. To upgrade their rank, adventurer need to collect quest point or receiving certain number of recommendation from higher authority such as king or emperor. When an adventurer reaching silver or gold rank, instead of taking the silver or gold rank quest from the request board, the request will be given directly by the guild.

Misha "Any question?"

Saiko "No. Thanks for the explaination."

Saiko and the twins then started to look for a request at the Quest Board. As they looked for jobs, Saiko took the request of one where they needed to kill five one-horned wolf.

The twins agreed with the request as it would also be a great start and it's not like they can also take a request not on their rank. So they need to take it slow. Saiko was just enjoying the company of two cute girls and was just relaxing himself in this world as this was his reason for coming here first.

The three of them went on a journey to complete their quest as they head out of Reflet Town. Saiko could had just teleported them but he chose not to since he wants to remain low key. Not like he will be able to given the amount of attention he was bound go get in the near future.

(AN: Change Refurettu to Reflet.)

After three hours, they finally saw a group of One-Horned Wolves in a distance. In the group, there are six wolves which was more that enough for their quest.

Elze immediately step forward and turned to look at Saiko.

Elze "I forgot to ask you this but do you know how to fight?"

In which Saiko just smiled and summoned a sword out of nowhere which surprised Elze and Linze. As Saiko had decided to show them a very very small percentage pf his true powers.

Saiko "Yes I can."

Elze "How did you do that? Is your null magic [Space Storage]?"

Saiko "Yes."

Linze "Do you know how to use a sword?"

Saiko "Yes."

Saiko felt like his girlfriends don't really believe except for his null magic. He decided to show them what he got.

Saiko rushed towards the group of wolves as it had also noticed them. One of the wolves jumped as it attacked Saiko but he evaded it easily which made the wolf's attack to miss.


With a simple slant, he killed the wolf as he proceed to attack the other ones. He jumped as he cast a fire magic [Flame Bullets] which shoot towards two wolves killing them instantly.

Saiko then saw one of the wolves was swallowed in flames as he heard Linze shouted.

Linze "[Ignis Fire]!"

The wolf then died with its body burnt and smelled like a burned meat. Elze had also killed the remaining two wolves by breaking their necks with her punches.

The two of them are already strong and they could have still taken out these wolves even if he didn't help them but he need to show them that he can also fight so that they will not treat him like some sort of a fragile glass.

Elze "That was great! I never knew you were this good Saiko-kun."

Linze "Yes. You're really good with the swords."

Saiko "What do you expect from your own boyfriend. It's only natural that I would be strong."

The three of them then cut the horns as a proof that they had completed their quest as they all head back to the guild.

Saiko "Wait!"

Linze and Elze stopped as they turned to look at him. Linze then asked.

Linze "What is it Saiko-san?"

Saiko "I can use [Gate] so we could just go back faster."

Elze and Linze were shocked to hear that he could also use gate as their is no records of someone having two null magic. They are now slightly curious as to who really Saiko was.

Saiko kow their thoughts but decided to wait when they took the initiative to ask him. He just used [Gate] and a large just enough to fit them appeared in front of them. Saiko then entered it with Elze and Linze following behind him.

I'm only using a phone so if there are any mistakes forgive for that. Read, Review and Vote. Thanks!!

TianTiancreators' thoughts