
In Another World with my Smartphone [1]

With the shining clouds in the background which began to spread everywhere like a rug with no end. A boy and an old man were sitting on top of a tatami mat which is floating above the clouds. There was also a low dining table along with a tea cabinet and an old fashion television and black rotary-dial telephone.

The boy was calmly drinking tea whereas the old man was looking very confused at the boy in front of him. The old man can't help it but ask.

God "Etto... Who are you?"

Saiko "Ah! Sorry, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Saino Saiko. It's nice to meet you."

Saiko answered with a gentle smile on his face, it was like he was just talking to an ordinary old man.

The old man was also glad and also greeted the young man.

God "Nice to meet you too. I am God and I don't really have a name since I am the God amongst Gods."

God "Now that I know you. May I ask why are you here? And how were you able to come here?"

God asked Saiko as it was very strange that someone was able to come in his place without even his permission. He looked at Saiko and can only see that he appears to be an ordinary boy but he clearly is not.

Saiko stopped drinking tea, he then put it on the table as he looked at God. He then said.

Saiko "I came here to see a clumsy God who almost killed an innocent boy who was just walking in the park. Know him?"

Hearing what had just Saiko said, God was embarrassed that his face went red. It was just an accident yet he had almost killed an innocent boy, although it really doesn't matter he can't just kill anyone just because he is a God.

God "I'm very sorry. It won't happen again."

Saiko "Naturally. Since I will be putting a spell around Earth making it so that no one will die before their fated end."

God was shocked to hear what Saiko just said as he had tried it from before but the result is that it didn't work. Hearing it from someone with so much confidence it only means that he is sure that it would work. God asked Saiko.

God "Is that so? Will this work?"

Saiko "Definitely. Want to try it?"

God "But what if it would fail? And we kill someone?"

Saiko "Then we'll just compensate them with some ability and reincarnate them to other worlds."

God "Okay."

God then looked around Earth to find a target, then there he saw the boy who was supposed to have died from the lightning but ended up being said with this young man named Saiko in front of him. Thinking about it, God forgot to ask Saiko how he was able to come here and how he was able to save the boy.

Saiko looked at God and said.

Saiko "I am here because I am me. Saino Saiko. The Overpowered Traveller."

God "Overpowered Traveller? What's that?"

Saiko "It's just a term I just come up with."

God "???"

Saiko "Don't think about it too much or it would bother you."

God just sighed as he can never get information out of this young man. God can even feel that he is only like an ant in front of this young man. Which means that the young man in front of him was powerful than him but how.

God decided to just think about it later and focus on his experiment. He summoned a lightning bolt in his hand and threw it towards the boy.

When the lightning hit the boy, the boy fell on the ground with his body burned. God was disappointed that the experiment failed and was sad that the boy was killed. Just as he was about to face Saiko and tell him that it failed, he saw the boy stood up and looked around him in confusion before shouting something that God can't hear. He then continued to walk away with his feet kicking every stone that he could find along the way.

God was surprised at what happened before he jumped happily.

God "It worked! It really worked!"

God then turned around to look at Saiko and asked.

God "How did you do it?"

Saiko "I just *swish and then it *shhhhh and the spell was cast. That's all."

God "..."

Saiko then stood up as he had already finished his tea. He stretched for a bit before he looked at God who was looking at him.

Saiko "Thanks for the tea it was really delicious. I'll make sure to come for more. So bye, I'll be going now."

God "Wait! Where are you going?"

Saiko "To have some fun. Don't dare to interrupt me though or you'll face the consequences.

Saiko then vanished from his spot as God just stared at where he was earlier in a daze. And then he snapped out of it as he hurriedly flew while saying.

God "I need to tell others about this."


Saiko arrived at his destination, in front of him was a medium-sized town with a population of about a few thousand. Refuretto Town.

He was wearing a black long coat with a black cotton-like fur on the neck, there was golden color along the edges of the coat. He wore a pair of black undershirt and pants underneath the coat which was an open one without buttons so it was exposed.

He was walking on the street

and saw a familiar shop whose billboard had words written - Fashion King Zanakku.

He continued to walk around the town as he enjoyed the view. Saiko also tried some food along the way using the money he had created secretly.

After about three hours of walking around the town, he finally went towards a certain alley where he will find his target there. Not long after that, Saiko heard sounds of argument at the back alley, he calmly walked there with a smile plastered on his face.

When he entered the back alley, four men and women quarreling at the end of the path.

On one side there were two men, facing them are two girls. The men are very ugly that one would just want to punch their smiling faces while the girls are very cute that others would want to hug them and pamper them a lot.

The two girls looked identical which means that they are twins. Even though they have a difference in expression, the long and short haircut and they both have identical silver hair color.

These two girls are Linze and Elze Silhoueska.

Linze is the youngest between the twins she has green eyes and neck-length silver hair, in which she wears a purple and white bow. She wears a green skirt that has a green bow on the small of her back. Under her skirt, she wears a long-sleeved purple shirt with a white center and purple tights. For contrast with her tights, her knee-length boots are white and have purple foot areas. Like her sister, Linze wears a turquoise necktie that features a metal clip near her neck. This clip is similarly shaped to the astrological symbol of Neptune, which also appears on her skirt.

Elze is the oldest between them and she also has green eyes like her sister, a waist-length silver hair, of which two bunches of hair are held in two "sleeves" near her face. She wears green culotte shorts that have a green bow on the small of her back. Under her shorts, she wears a long-sleeved purple shirt with a white center. Under her shirt, Elze wore long (reaching past her elbows) white gloves with small ribbons. Her knee-length boots follow the same regime, being purple and having white-rimmed purple socks, and just like her gloves being white, the foot areas of the boots are also white. She also wears a turquoise necktie which features a metal clip near her neck. This clip is similarly shaped to the astrological symbol of Pluto, which is also found on her shorts.

Linze "This isn't what you promised! The price should have been one piece of a gold coin!"

Linze raised her voice towards the men who were grinning and smiling with belittling looks on their punchable faces. One of the men had something that looks like deer horns made of glass shining and glittering.

Baldy "What the hell are you saying? I certainly said I'll buy this Crystal Horn for one piece of a gold coin if it is not damaged. But look at it now, there's a damaged part right on this spot. So I'll only be paying for what it's worth. Here, take this silver coin."

Baldy then tossed the silver coin which rolled towards Linze's feet with a clink.

Elze "For such a small scratch, you won't pay for the damaged item! From the very beginning you....!"

Elze glares at the men with a frustrated look on her face while Linze was hiding behind her back, biting her lips with a look of deep regret.

Elze "...that's enough. We don't need the money anymore. I'll have you return that horn."

Elze started to act and moves forward while clenching both of her fists, which was equipped with mismatched gauntlets.

Spiky "Sorry, can't do that. This already belongs to us. We have no intention of handling y----"

Spiky was not able to finish what he was speaking as Saiko had finally decided to intervene.

Saiko "Sorry to interrupt while you're talking. But can I have a moment please?"

Saiko said with a smile on his face, while the other men are not moving as Saiko had sealed their movement with telekinesis. Linze and Elze stared at him blankly with flushed faces.

Saiko walked towards Linze and Elze ignoring the two men behind him who were still not able to move. He stopped a few inches away from the twins as he slightly lowered his head to match the level of their eyes as he stared directly at them.

Elze who was being stared by Saiko was snapped out of her daze as she blushed furiously while she stutteringly asked.

Elze "W-What are you doing?"

Saiko "I'm going to ask you a question."

Elze "What is it?"

Saiko "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Elze "M-Me?"

Saiko "Not only you. Also her."

Saiko said as he pointed at Linze behind Elze who was also blushing furiously while stealing glances at him.

Hearing what Saiko said Elze was surprised while Linze was caught off guard and can only subconsciously say.

Linze "What?!"

Saiko "What? Don't you like it?"

Saiko asked he will not waste any time courting them as he could just always used charm to make them fall in love with him but he decided to still ask them as it is there own right to make the decision.

Linze "N-No! It's not that. It is just that, we just met and you are also asking Onee-chan. So.."

Saiko "Okay. I'll give you time to think about it. But I guess you're accepting it, right Elze?"

Elze's face was all red but she was still able to squeeze in her answer in a mosquito-like voice.

Elze "...yes."

Saiko "Great! Now let's get out of here."

Saiko said with a smile, as he prepared to leave, Elze asked him.

Elze "Wait! What about those two?"

Saiko turned to look at the two who Elze was pointing at and just ignored them.

Saiko "Just leave them be. Come on, I need to look for an inn."

Saiko said as he left the back alley and started to away. It was only after his back disappeared from Linze and Elze's vision did they remember to follow him.

Elze runs after him while saying.

Elze "Waiiiiittt! We know a place!"

Linze followed her sister as she was still thinking about his question which kept on repeating inside her head.


Saiko, Linze, and Elze are in front of a building that has a billboard in the shape of a moon and was silver in color. On the billboard were words that were written - Silver Moon.

Along their way, Linze and Elze had introduced themselves to Saiko even though he already knew them. Saiko also introduced himself to the twins.

They also asked him if he was from Eashen just like on the novel. Which he only answered yes.

Elze also asked him why does he wants her to be his girlfriend if there are other girls prettier than her and more lady-like.

Saiko only answered her that he liked her for who she was not for what she was. Which moved Elze's heart and also Linze who was listening to their conversation.

Elze talked along the way saying that she still can't believe it that she agreed to be his girlfriend so easily which made her feel like she is a cheap girl. Saiko only told her that it is only natural for her to fall for someone who saves them and as handsome as him even though his charm was turned off.

Saiko also talked to Elze and asked them why they were making a deal with those two and at a back alley at that. The two of them were embarrassed to say that they were quite an inexperience with interacting with men.

When they arrived at the inn, they entered and Saiko said that he will be staying for a month. He paid using the money he created while he was getting from his pocket.

The three of them talked to each other especially both Saiko and Elze to further understand each other for the benefit of their relationship. Linze just stayed silent the whole time as the two of them flirted with each other.

When night came, Saiko told Elze that they should sleep together so that she would get used to it. At first, she thought that they were going to do that but Saiko told her that they will only be doing that at their marriage.

Linze was quite sad that Saiko didn't ask her to sleep with him since she didn't answer his question yet. But she really wants to be beside him also as Saiko had this kind of feeling around him that made them feel safe.

So when they sleep, Linze was alone at her room while Elze was hugged by Saiko as he sleeps. Elze was blushing really hard but she loved what she was feeling and nuzzled closer to Saiko's embrace as a smile formed on her cute face as she sleeps.

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