
Overpowered From The Start

Kyle Noble, an evil cultivator in his past life who reincarnated without any memories, was blamed for sins he didn't commit (Technically). As punishment, he will have to save the same amount of lives he took in his past life. A comedic power fantasy that revolves around an overpowered Anti-Hero and a tyrant [Hero-System].

IamBoredGuy · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Anti-Hero

The full moon illuminated the silhouette of a blonde-haired teenager staring blankly into space. Wearing casual clothes consisting of a black and white patterned tracksuit, Kyle breathed the cold night air as he stared at the quiet park.

With the lack of his [Secretive Glasses], Kyle's cold and sharp features were displayed for all to see. He exuded a heavy aura, as if a bomb that is about to explode, just standing still sent waves of invisible pressure onto his surroundings.

"Well then…" Kyle looked around him, using his super vision to see if there were any spectators nearby. After finding no one in his vicinity, he bent his legs and looked at the sky. "Should I begin?" 

Kyle activated his superpower, [Time Reduction]. Slowly, as if time came to a halt, the swaying leaves in the trees stopped, then, with a thought, Kyle lifted from the ground and appeared in the sky.


Following a sonic boom, Kyle's body turned into an afterimage as he shot off into the atmosphere, moving past the clouds and breaking into the exosphere in under five seconds.

As he reached the edge of the earth's atmosphere, where he was tittering between outer space and earth's gravity field, the effects of [Time Reduction] disappeared and the freezing nature of space enveloped his body.


Under the force of zero gravity, Kyle's body rotated and his feet touched the darkness of space. Looking up and seeing the beauty of the earth and the endless abyss of space below, Kyle felt overwhelmed.


He didn't speak. He merely observed his surroundings. The sun blazing through the vast darkness. The moon moving around the world. And earth, rotating at a snail's speed.

All of it was captured in Kyle's vision.

He reached upwards as if clasping the entire planet in his grasp, before closing it and bringing it to his heart. 

It felt surreal to him. It was as if it was still yesterday when he was crying from all the injuries he suffered because of the system. The days he cursed it for feeling so weak that he could not control his own body.

Those memories replayed in his mind and gathered to form the majestic sight before him. Because of his perseverance, he managed to reach this far.

The pinnacle of humanity.

A sense of accomplishment welled inside him. It was as if his lifelong dream has been accomplished. 

Reaching the top of the heavens. 

For some reason, that phrase appeared in his mind.

Kyle knew what it was. After all, it was the driving force of his very being.

He may not have the memories of his past life, but he knew what a cultivator is.

A being who fights against the heavens. To reject the laws of nature and acquire power. Whether it is by training in martial or mystical arts, the purpose was all the same.

To ascend to Godhood.

It was imprinted in his soul. The desire to reach the top. To reign supreme over mortals and rule over them.

A part of Kyle wanted to take this beautiful planet for himself. To keep it in his grasp for eternity and have the beings living within it worship him as a God.

Another part of him wants to protect this planet. To keep it safe and its inhabitants from strife and live amongst them as their symbol of hope.

Kyle was torn between these two opposites. His nature was screaming at him to cause havoc and rule the world, but his mind was telling him to just stay the way he was.

Living like a normal person. Bonding with his family, watching funny videos, eating delicious food, doing things a normal person can do, and living his life in peace and tranquility.

Kyle didn't know what to do.

Should he follow his desires and live as a conqueror?



Kyle recalled what had happened that morning. 

Eating happily with his siblings, watching television, exchanging jokes with each other. 

Even though he had the power to bring the whole world to its knees during that moment, he still managed to live normally like any other day.

Instead of flying into the sky and testing out his powers, he chose to stay with his family instead. The taste of fried chicken still lingered on his tongue.


Before he noticed it, tears were already obscuring his vision. Kyle touched his eyes and looked at his tears in wonder. He didn't know why he was crying, but he accepted it nonetheless.

"...I guess I'm more human than I am a cultivator." 

Poking his cheek with his tongue, Kyle turned over and stood above the Earth. Letting a heavy sigh out of his lips, he crossed his arms and said.

"Alright, you win. You managed to Stockholm me into becoming a superhero, you slavedriver." 

He had to admit, getting people's gratitude and being treated like a celebrity was quite nice. 

"Since I decided to become a fully-fledged hero now, give me one of your inspiring quotes. I want the best one out of all the cringe sheet you've said so far."


As Kyle waited, golden words slowly formed in his retina. Reading it, Kyle smiled mysteriously.

"Good quote. I'll take it."

With those words, Kyle placed his hands in his pockets before activating [Time Reduction] again and kicking against the air. As time stopped, Kyle flew quickly towards the ground and landed back at the park in Manhattan.

"Deceive yourself. Deceive the world."

Kyle recited the quote the system said.

"So it doesn't matter if I'm evil, as long as I get the job done, huh?"

He snorted before disappearing from his place.

[Name]: Kyle Noble

[Superhero Name]: None 

[Disposition]: Anti-Hero

[Superpower]: Superheroism, Super Body*, Super Vision*, Time Reduction 

[Hero Stars]: -4598214725....

[Functions]: Superhero Travel, Superhero Shop, Prestige

[Hero Points]: 0


(A/N: Character Development! Anyways, before I start world-building, I am ashamed to admit it but I know nothing deep about Marvel except the MCU and wrote this on a whim. 

For those who know Marvel better than me, I would appreciate it if you could give me a timeline of MCU and other interesting events to use.

Also, besides Hyperion and maybe Captain Marvel, I don't know anyone who could fight the MC toe to toe except those who overpower him, so I'd be really glad if you could give me character ideas as well!

(->Put Strong Characters Here)

(->Put Marvel Timeline and other interesting events here)

Thank you~!