
Overlord: To Be Infinite [FanFic]

AU retelling fanfic: Momonga finds himself alone and hurting during the final minutes of YGGDRASIL. But rather then the shut down, he finds himself and his Tomb in an unfamiliar world. Join him as he reshapes the world in his image. This is a retelling with occasional convergence and divergence. Fluff, World/Kingdom Building, War, Conspiracy, Lemons…Eventual Daddy Ainz. I also have an AO3 account and FFN account if anyone is interested. If you’d like to support me then I have a pa-treon account /BoombaTheSaint. Though, I’d like to inform you to check out my other public accounts as I’m still trying to accumulate chapters for would-be patrons.

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

The Trio

[Warning: This Chapter is due for a rewrite in the future.]

Oh yeah, it has descriptive sexual content so heads up.

Don't expect anymore warnings in the future.


Ainz's steps tapped lightly on the pristine floor as he made his way to the magnificent throne on top of the row of stairs. Sebas followed behind him as his steps matched his, producing an oddly beautifully harmonious rhythm that would have awed most artists from his old world.

The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown was in his hand, allowing him an even more majestic appearance as he passed through the forms of kneeling figures on both sides of the Throne Room.

Yes, Ainz was back on the 10th Floor, but this time he wasn't confused or scared by the situation. He had asked Albedo to assemble the notable presences of the Tomb in this Room in order for him to make his announcement in pure regal glory.

It was more about how he looked when he made his announcement than who heard it. Had he wanted efficiency, he would have gathered most of the denizens on the Sixth Floor and made his announcement there.

No, Ainz wanted to just look good for his subjects, his denizens. Not to mention that the [Throne of Kings] had an ability that added more weight to his majestic aura, plus the connection it had with the Staff, this Room was just the most suitable place for him to make his announcement.

The Supreme Overlord let out an internal chuckle as he noticed his boyish actions.

His skeletal face looked at the notable figures who were on their knees — an act that showed their fealty to him. The fiery orbs that were his eyes traveled the room as he noticed the formation in which they were placed.

His eyes brushed a figure who was in a black extravagant military outfit kneeling just behind the Floor Guardians. It was his own creation, Pandora's Actor. Ainz felt a bit proud seeing that he had made it, given the 'millions' of tasks he had assigned him, he thought he would reject something as tedious as this.

— I should really try to think more about my delegation duties.

It was something to think about in the future in order to avoid one person handling too much work.

His gaze flickered again as it fell on a figure adorned in a blood crimson dress reminiscent of a field of roses. She was stationed just a few steps besides Pandora's Actor. This was the strongest existence in the Tomb — of course that was only the case now if Ainz excluded himself from the mix — the third of Tabula's priced creations; Rubedo.

Looking around revealed that she and Victim were the only residents from the 8th Floor present. Given how zealous the residents from that floor were, Ainz had expected the whole room to be filled with them.

He shook his head of such thoughts as he continued his walk towards the Throne. The guardians were all present, he also noticed that Aura had returned, which was a big relief to be honest. He always felt a bit anxious whenever the young elf was out.

Coming before the stairs, Ainz felt Sebas join in the kneeling just before the ethereal figure of Albedo. Out of everyone here, the beauty was the only one looking at him with flushed cheeks and eyes filled with desire.

The image of their lips touching flashed again in his mind before the calming sensation washed over his whole body once more.

With great effort, Ainz managed to take his eyes away from the voluptuous and enchanting body of the CORRUPTED angel. His focus went to the breathtaking throne on top of the stairs.

— It would be incredible if she joined me at the top.

The thought couldn't help but make itself known to him. The want to be with someone you love? The Supreme Overlord pursed his phantom lips as he wondered about the future of the Tomb moving forward, his overwhelming authority and the strength of his words.

His steps stopped as he reached the base of the Throne and noticed the single sword he had left here during his strength test. Looking at it now it felt like a long time had passed.

— How long has it really been? 3 weeks?

Barely a month had passed and he had already been through a lot of things. Even so, Ainz didn't lament any of them. He reached for the sword before sending a magical pulse that turned the item into magical particles.

[Break Greater Item]

It was a useless spell that destroyed items of low tier quality — of course low tier meant items of legacy class and below. Surprisingly, Ainz could cast the spell without need for incantation.

He turned around and looked at the many rows of figures kneeling before him, another reminder of the position he now held.

Ainz sat on the World Class Item elegantly before sending out an aura that cloaked the entirety of the Throne Room, the act causing shudders to emerge from the kneeling figures. It was a reminder of the powerful being that stood at the top of the food chain, a reminder of the man they called master.

"Raise your heads, my noble denizens!"

Ainz's voice came out more authoritative , more calm and more majestic than ever before as the diversity of creatures before him lifted their heads to gaze upon him.

Demons, Angels, Undead, Insectoids, Dragons, Vampires, and other types of monsters each exuding a pressure of their own. And yet even with all their combined existence, their presence failed to measure up to his.

With his personal power alone, his supreme authority, his ascended nature, Ainz could make short work of all the individuals here with but a single thought. But that wasn't the reason he had gathered them all here, no, he needed not flaunt his power to them, but to assure them that their loyalty was well placed.

"As for why I have gathered you here, I will leave the explanation to the Guardian Overseer. But before that moment comes, I would like to announce a few things to you."

Ainz lifted the hand he wasn't holding the Staff with and point at the flag with the symbol of 'Momonga' before it lit up into blue flames.

"I have changed my name... From this day forward I will be known as Ainz Ooal Gown. You, my denizens shall call me Ainz—"

His voice resounded flawlessly throughout the Throne Room as it registered clearly to everyone around.

"—I shall have those who object, rise and state their opposition."

Just as he had surmised, no one dared express dissatisfaction at his declaration, not even Albedo whom he had been silently looking at. Content with the reaction, Ainz nodded happily and continued.

"Exactly, but I would like to announce something else that is new—"

His form changed spectacularly to his Dyig'Eri form as his long silver hair swayed to the silent, almost nonexistent, breeze that seemed to only whisper near him.

"—Henceforth I shall use this form as my main form."

There were a few gasps of shock and surprise from some present. A cute squeal from Albedo also made itself known, which scared Ainz a little. He expected less of an exaggerated reaction from the winged woman.

After the initial shock, everyone started to roar in joy with some like Demiurge nodding their heads as they understood what the new form entailed.

— Leave it to a devious devil to understand the meaning behind a simple form change.

Ainz felt the lingering fear he hadn't known about be alleviated from his heart. It was nice to have accepted this easily. His eyes traveled to the Overseer whose wings were flapping uncontrollably.

There was something else on the tip of his tongue that he wanted to let the denizens know, something more important than the previous announcements.

Lifting his hand to quiet down the noise, Ainz let out a sigh of relief and encouragement.

"There's something else I would like to make known..."

His eyes were still on the winged woman... Ainz could see that she had somehow guessed what he was trying to convey as tears were starting to form in her golden eyes.

He owned her this much, not after the patience she had shown him. A final breath left him before his voice resounded:

"From today onwards, I shall take Albedo as my eternal wife."

The tears started falling from the CORRUPTED angel's face as his voice echoed through the room. Ainz's eyes remained glued on the tearing Albedo as he smiled softly at her.

— You did it, you moron. You've secured the perfect woman.

Truthfully, there was no need for him to announce this to the denizens, but Ainz just felt it was necessary. No one wanted to be alone, and since the winged woman was the one that warped him silly, it was her responsibility to accompany him for the rest of forever.

— Well, she's the one that did the most damage.

Ainz casted a [Message] of which he directed to a single person.

'Come to my room as soon as everything is done here'

It was a single one way message to Albedo.

Ainz's glowing eyes brushed over another figure before he vanished out of the room.

Indulgence, or was it consummation? It didn't really matter what it was called, he planned on having the warpers before the night was over.


Why? That was the only thing that echoed constantly and repeatedly in her mind. Why did this have to happen? Why did it have to happen this way? Why everything?

Shalltear was truly lost on how to feel about the way things have developed, and to be honest, today started off wonderfully.

She walked the great hall of the 10th Floor in steps that lacked the noble air she'd always carried with her. Lost. That was how she felt, and probably how she would continue to feel for the 'rest' of her life from now.

Her steps dragged again as they took her to the destination she had not decided on yet. Chatter of the innocent twins resounded from beside her as they discussed the majestic appearance of their noble master.

And it was indeed majestic, her heart pounded magnificently when she saw it and realized that her hypothesis on him having a form to accommodate his other needs was accurate.

Her eyes blurred something transparent and liquid before she brought her hand against them to dispel the hindrance again. This had turned into a constant whenever she thought about the events that took place in the Throne Room.

"Sis Shalltear, are you alright?"

The concerned voice was from her little sister Aura. The normal thing to do would be to reach her hand and ruffle up her head to assure her that everything was indeed okay. But Shalltear didn't do that, she couldn't do that, because she wasn't alright, no, she was actually hurting, incredibly so.

Her eyes blurred again as she looked at her innocent little siblings.

"N...no, Aura. I'm not alright, I don't think I can ever be alright."

The blurs started to trace down her cheeks as she shared her turmoil with her siblings. Aura didn't seem to understand the root of her pain, however the young druid showed a bit of understanding.

Shalltear brought her hand to her crimson eyes again as she tried to wipe away the never ending stream of tears.

It wasn't the fact that her master had announced his taking of Albedo as his eternal wife, but the lack of attention he'd shown to her when he did so, the disregard.

Shalltear knew that it was probably not so, but to her, it might have well been so. She really didn't want much from this life, she just wanted her master to acknowledge her feelings, her emotions.

"Take this, Big Sis. I will take responsibility if Lord Ainz shows anger, you just do whatever it is that will help you feel alright again."

What Mare was doing right now was blatant betrayal of their master's trust, and had it been any other day, any other situation, she would have reprimanded the 'innocent' dark elf for his actions.


— All is fair in love and war.

Shalltear decided and reached out her hand to the item held out by Mare. She would be assertive just this once, and if her master rejects her, then she would... Well, she hoped it wouldn't come to that.

"I'll make sure that eventuality never comes to fruition, young Mare."

The young druid only flashed a smile at her reassuring words. Shalltear wasted no time as she vanished out of existence and left the two dark elves standing in the hallway.

Aura looked back at Mare while caressing the wristwatch on her person with a somber expression.

"Should I have given her Bukubukuchagama's watch as well?"

Mare shook his head softly as he looked at the far end of the halls with an expression that wouldn't have looked out of place on a sage's face.

"I think the ring will be enough for now."

"And your assignment? Will you be able to accomplish it without it?"

A valid question, but one Mare didn't need to worry about.

"We all have a responsibility to secure the future of Nazarick, Sis. Besides, if everything goes as planned it won't be a problem."

Aura pouted heavily as she looked at her young brother.

"You know the others will be surprised if they saw you acting like this—"

Aura turned around and started walking energetically.

"—Lord Ainz definitely knows about it, but the others might still be oblivious to your true nature."

Mare looked at the skipping figure of his sister, her shadow, and shook his head defeatedly.


Ainz wasn't a romantic. No, Satoru Suzuki wasn't a romantic.

It wasn't his fault, his work had taken the better time of his life, never having any interest in romantic entertainment, and if he did have those interests, he would simply drown them out with his favorite game.

He would have occasional infatuations, and fantasies about having a beautiful girlfriend. There were the kind of thoughts a sad individual would have.

But why was he thinking this now? The answer to that was honestly simple...

"When do you think Lord Ainz would arrive, I don't think I can take the suspense any longer."

It was Shalltear's voice, and Ainz wasn't really surprised that she was in there with the winged woman.

— Am I actually happy that she's being assertive?

Ainz wasn't really sure, but Gazef's words had been echoing in his mind for the longest time now, not to mention he had been subconsciously facilitating those initial emotions all this time.

He had reasoned that coveting the Sanguine would bring hurt to Albedo, but was that really the case?

"Quiet down, I think I hear something."

"Goodness, Albedo! You're practically leaking."

"You're one to talk, your mouth has been foaming ever since you got here. Besides, this will make it easier for Lord Ainz to take my first time."

"I still can't believe you're a virgin, Albedo! Isn't that practically impossible for your kind?"

"Of course I'm a virgin, my heart, body and soul belongs to Lord Ainz. And don't speak as if you're any different."

"Well, I sometimes engage in such activities with some of the vampire brides."

"Don't be stupid, Shalltear! Your plays with the vampire brides could barely pass for sex. And like I said, quiet down."

This was the reason why Ainz was having such thoughts. Truth be told, he didn't want to lose himself in the pleasure. As a man, he had to take the lead in situations like this.

— Who would have thought we would all be virgins?

Shalltear and Albedo were basically pure maidens, untainted by the vast collection of adult films that plagued his former world.

Thousands of hours spent browsing through them to sate his lust were about to help him make the two flowers' first times be really pleasurable. At least that's what he wished would happen.

Approaching this like a lustful beast might leave embarrassing memories for all of them.

So even though Ainz had no experience with real sex, he had to approach this like a natural.

He looked at his body. An incredible lean physique standing 6'8 tall. He took a deep breath and looked at his manhood. It was throbbing hard, and it was also nothing to scoff at, it was honestly a lot bigger than his previous one.

— It should be 9inches now.

He was troubled on his first move. What came after that he wasn't worried.

Heaving a sigh of encouragement, he swung open the doors to his private chambers.

The first thing he noticed was the smell of sweet incense, it produced a pink-like purple smoke reminiscent of the aphrodisiac in stories and movies.

Ainz felt his mood calm and his body getting more hot. A few inches were added to his manhood but it wasn't something to worry about.

He promised to thank the butler appropriately later.

His entrance caused the two ladies to stammer back somewhat. Ainz was towering, with Albedo only coming to his chest.

He was naked, stunned by the allure of the two women before him. Albedo was wearing a black skimpy lingerie that did nothing to hide her voluptuous body. Slight hints of her pink nipples could be seen even at a casual glance, and tiny smooth hair traced a fine line towards her perfect vulva, it was enough to make any man lose his mind.

His manhood throbbed harder as if the veins were about to pop. Still, Ainz suppressed his desire as he turned to Shalltear.

She was shorter, or maybe petite would be more appropriate. She wear lingerie reminiscent of a lady's sleep dress, it would have been more noble looking if it wasn't see-through and barely came down her thighs. The gust from the doors revealed that she had no undergarments on.

She was just as alluring as the succubus, which wasn't surprising seeing as they were both from sexually active races.

Their eyes screamed of the innocence they usually hid with their lust. A Succubus and a Vampire.

Ainz felt a raging carnal beast deep inside trying to consume him. He would let it, but he had to deflower these pure daisies with a calm mind first.

He reached his hand into his inventory and took out a hairband. He didn't want his long silver hair getting in the way.

The two watched him with bated breaths, as their eyes traveled from his face, to his chest, and then down his manhood. Like a predator studying its prey, they wanted him badly, which was okay, because he craved them too.

Ainz started to walk towards the two. They waited, watching his every move as if to imprint the scene in the deepest part of their minds.

When he reached them, he immediately wrapped his hands around their perfect waists. Shalltear was a bit low, so he lifted her up as her legs wrapped around his right thigh.

It was almost like a rehearsed play how everything was going. Fluent and natural.

They pale bodies warmed his own, as he placed a gentle kiss on the succubus's lips and gave a slight squeeze to her soft rump. Albedo moaned softly as she brought her arms to his chest.

Ainz liked the taste of her lips, but he didn't play favorites, he couldn't.

Shalltear's moans joined in barely a second later. Her unguarded private was practically on his thigh. He could feel its shape, and it was beautiful. The vampire was wet, even before he'd started trembling his leg.

She moaned violently as her fingers started to claw at his chest and back. On the other hand, Albedo's moans were soft and far in between, his gentle kisses had turned into a full blown exchange of saliva. She would suck his tongue, and he would do the same. Ainz had drawn the succubus closer and her large bosom was now softly in contact with himself.

The first step he'd been so anxious about oddly felt natural...

Albedo's hand was making its way down his stomach and to his manhood.

His kisses became playful as they traveled up and down her neck before he softly whispered something into her ear.

The succubus gave him a last deep passionate kiss as her attention turned to his manhood.

Ainz could now devote his entire focus to the overly sensitive vampire. He fixed her position, bringing her legs around his stomach. She was now half a head taller than him as her beautiful crimson eyes looked down on him. She looked like she had fallen half a step into madness already.

"Come closer."

He ordered Shalltear who brought her lips closer to his. But, before they could intercept each other a soft moan escaped her small pink lips as she swung her head upwards.

Ainz smiled mischievously.

He'd ran a single finger on the vampire's exposed clitoris with the hand that supported her. Of course, he followed suit as Albedo's tongue played around his glans. Her hands wrapped around the base of his penis as she too gave him the most pleasurable thing he had ever felt to date.

But Ainz didn't get consumed, he brought his free hand to Shalltear's head and helped their lips connect. He wanted to cover his own moans with an exchange of saliva. But the succubus was skillful, as he only locked lips with the vampire for a few seconds before one of them pulled back.

Yes, Ainz was still working Shalltear's clitoris masterfully... Probably? This went on for a while until the vampire's body started trembling as her nails managed to dig into his back.

Ainz was inexperienced, but not clueless. He had achieved something great.

— She's climaxing.

The thought flashed in his mind as the vampire's grip on him started to loosen. Ainz was a bit proud of himself as he brought the petite beauty down and placed her gently on his luxurious bed.

Given the intensity of her orgasmic trembles, it would take a minute or two for her to recover.

Ainz looked at the succubus who was still on the floor. A few drops of slippery liquid dripped from her skimpy undergarment.

— She's even more wet than Shalltear.

He noticed, before moving closer to her. He lifted her up into a princess carry and took her towards the bed. A few deep kisses were exchanged before he laid her down.

She was faced upward, knowing what was next to come.

Ainz honestly found her outfit to be arousing, which made him even more regretful of what he did next.

With a simple swipe he destroyed the bra and panty, causing the succubus's wings to attempt to cover her pale smooth vulva. Of course Albedo stopped her instinctual reaction and let him admire her uncovered womanly form.

Ainz marveled at it, and imprinted it into his psyche.

"It's beautiful..."

He unconsciously murmured, something he didn't even regret. Albedo flushed in embarrassment like a proper maiden should.

— She's so goddamn cute.

Ainz gave it a gentle kiss before he readied his manhood.

"I'm going to take away your innocence now."

He warned, in which the succubus nodded. Despite her excitement, Ainz could feel a bit of anxiety deep inside. It was only natural, he too felt his carnal beast cool down.

This wasn't something you do out of lust, but out of love. Ainz would treasure this moment for as long as he lived, and Albedo will forever become his, and his alone.

Ainz's manhood entered her vagina. There was no resistance, as if she was accommodating him. When his glans was completely inside, he hit her hymen.

"Are you ready?"

He asked. Albedo hesitated before she answered.

"Can you promise that you will never leave us, My beloved Momonga?"

Ainz was surprisingly unfazed by Albedo's question. His eyes became serious as he took the succubus's hand and placed a kiss on it.

"I won't ever leave."

It was true, Ainz wasn't planning on leaving the denizens, ever.

"Then brand me as yours, my love. For now and forever."

He only needed to give it a single push before a pop-like sensation ran through his glans. Albedo's eyes momentarily glowed a pinkish purple before reverting back to their golden state.

Ainz looked down and saw a single drop of an illusory crimson liquid fade out of existence.

— That's not normal.

The succubus let out a pleasing moan that drew upon his most primal desire. It was a mating call, and Ainz was powerless against it. His vision turned purple as his hips thrusted vigorously. A single thread of consciousness was what stopped him from going full primal.

Albedo's insides were warm and comfortable, the faster he thrusted, the more comfortable he became. So Ainz thrusted faster and faster and faster.

The succubus's moans had turned into squeals and screams at some point. She wasn't hurting, just simply overwhelmed. His hands were fondling her large breast and rubbing her nipples. These were the weak signals sent forth by his remaining consciousness.

...do not be consumed.

The phrase kept repeating in his mind. It was a battle against pleasure and reason.

Unfortunately Albedo was siding with pleasure. Her insides were working to give him the most pleasurable experience; rubbing, sucking and twisting. It was like her vagina was alive, and Ainz did indeed lose out in the end.

A huge load busted inside the succubus's womb, as pleasurable moans left them simultaneously.

"That was incredible!"

He exclaimed, sadly the succubus was barely conscious on the bed, as Ainz had poked her mercilessly. He wasn't going to lie, he didn't want to pull out from her wonderful insides.

She might have been this way for a while and Ainz was simply too consumed to notice. He pulled out his manhood, it was oddly clean with only the wetness from her womanly juices.

He breathed out a sigh of relief before a smile formed on his face.

He glanced to the side and saw the pale beautiful vampire looking at him flabbergasted. Her right hand was rubbing against her clitoris.

Ainz wasn't satisfied, not even close.

"Come now, my beautiful Sanguine! Let me brand you too."

His voice was sweet like the temptations of the devil, prompting the vampire to teleport into his hands. It was the same position he'd held her before she climaxed.

It was a perfect position for someone with her petite body.

Ainz first enjoyed the vampire's lips and tongue. The both of them had sweet lips. A few dozens seconds afterward, the vampire started leaking as much as Albedo did. She was ready.

— She really is sensitive.

Ainz was a bit worried that the vampire might not be able to handle him.

Of course, that didn't stop him from continuing. He had to see this to the end. Fortunately, the vampire didn't fall into madness this time around.

Placing her back on the bed, he spread her legs wide, taking in her pretty vulva.

Ainz had turned it into a ritual by now.

He gave Shalltear's clitoris a few rubs, earning a few pleasing moans from the cute innocent vampire.

— She won't be innocent for long.

"Are you ready?"

He repeated the same question he asked the still trembling succubus. He had his left hand on Shalltear's belly, sensing her slow heartbeat.

He was sure her heart was normally quiet. Ainz credited this to her excitement.

— She's an odd one.

Despite the discovery, he didn't intend on stopping.

Shalltear nodded without hesitation.

"I've been waiting for this moment ever since I laid my eyes on you, my beloved Lord Ainz. Please make me yours."

Same answers... Ainz fixed his manhood on the entrance of her vagina. It looked bigger on account of her petite body. He didn't let it bother him, Shalltear was after all a 'big' girl, she could handle him.

Ainz bent over and stole a gentle kiss.

His glans slided into her vagina beautifully, before stopping at the hymen. Shalltear moaned in absolute pleasure.

Ainz grabbed her by her waist and lifted her towards his chest again. His glans never left her vagina.

She looked a little shocked, but Ainz paid it little heed.

He gave the vampire a little push down as a popping sensation ran through his glans. A trickle of blood ran through his penis.

— Normal.

Shalltear's eyes flashed crimson as she opened her mouth and her vampiric fangs dug into his neck without resistance.

There was no pain from the act, but a rush of adrenaline coursed through his body.

Ainz worked his hips as more and more adrenaline entered his body, it was pure ecstasy. The harder he thrusted, the more Shalltear drained him. He was getting adrenaline and pleasure at the same time.

Unlike before, he didn't exchange pleasure for reason. While not as intense, it still was enjoyable.

Unfortunately, the vampire couldn't keep exchanging his blood for adrenaline. She retracted back and started moaning.

Somehow her moans were more alluring and lewd. They were melodic to the ears and Ainz ended up thrusting harder, deeper and faster.

He was ravaging the beautiful vampire.

When it came time to bust his load, Shalltear was already trembling on his chest.

He filled her womb with his essence before placing her back on the bed.

"Amazing...truly amazing!"

Ainz exclaimed as he heaved.

Albedo — who had recovered from what state she had been in - looked at him with eyes filled with happiness and respect.

Ainz was proud, how could he not be?

"I think she grew an inch or two."

Ainz said after noticing her sleep dress was now just below her belly. It was an arousing sight, but he too needed a bit of rest.

"Are you satisfied My Lord?"

No, Ainz wasn't satisfied, not even close.

The second round he was going full primal on both of them.

"No... I just need a minute to rest a bit."

Albedo nodded with a smile.


Author's Thoughts


The Saint: I'm gonna need heavy reviews on this chapter... I'm sorry if you didn't see Mare's personality coming, read prior chapters, it was hinted.

More poking chapters in the future, I might even revisit and revision this chapter.

Reviews, please reviews. I need it on this chapter y'all.

No babies were made during this chapter, and we will cover what is happening to Shalltear when we discuss the matter of Awakening and what True Ancestors actually are.

Reminder: This story is not a harem.

Sorry the this chapter was long, blame tiny Boomba.

Bye bye.