
Overlord: The Game Master

Viktor was a developer for the dive game Yggdrasil. During shutdown he was creating a character, now he is stuck in the new world. Will he set a goal for world conquest? will he be a hero? or a villain? or something else entirely? English is not my first language, and I suck in literature even when using my main language so you know the drill (be nice if you can), I study and work full time both and I enjoy gaming so the updates may take time. Also hopefully you can rapidly infer this is an Overlord Fanfiction, and as such, I don't own anything except for the OC... Oh I forgot to tell, before you get disappointed, No Ainz here.

Master_Vaders · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

(R-18) training other skills, attack on the village, Warrior captain.

A wet and very pleasant feeling on his groin woke Merek up. When he looked down Enri was doing a very good job with his not so little brother. It was almost halfway down her throat and sticking her tongue out on the underside.

Her gullet was bulging heavily, her lips were stretched almost to the limit and small tears were forming on her eyelids. The legendary wake up deepthroat... When she saw that Merek woke up, Enri grabbed his dick with one had and took it out of her mouth with a loud 'plop'

"Good morning master Merek," said Enri with a very bright smile while stroking his penis. The sight was so pure and so evil at the same time, there's no way to not love it.

'Oh god, I don't know if there is something better than this, but if there is, it must be in heaven.' Thought Merek as he started to caress the side of Enri's face. Then said "Good morning my dear Enri… I see you started the morning very motivated."

"I- is just that I saw your… thing and it was well you know… and it seemed pretty lonely and cold so i just… wanted to keep it warm?"

"It's ok, you can keep going, it was getting to the good part." Enri smiled again and put the dick back in her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down, sometimes slurping the saliva and precum that leaks from the corner of her mouth, Enri was rocking about half of Merek dick.

'Did she get better again? Last night the most she could fit was about a third i think… Still, no gag-reflex with half of a monster cock down her throat… I think I won the lottery with this girl.' Merek thought as he laid his head back again on his pillow'

The night before, during the bath Merek started to set the mood to have intercourse… then he talked to Enri about fellatio. Saying maybe she could want to learn how to pleasure her man in other ways than vaginal intercourse… Fellatio was one of the ways, along with handjobs and paizuri (titjobs)... they could try anal but he prefered to leave that for later and didn't speak about it.

Enri, considering she was just having insecurities about her sexual performance the previous day, took this as a blessing. Maybe she could not fit the whole thing in her little snatch but if she could get good at giving head, that may be a plus Merek would surely appreciate, or so she thought.

At the beginning her work with the mouth was nothing but sloppy… she had never done that after all. Licking when Merek instructed and giving some smooches here and there, mediocre at best. When he told her to try and put it inside her mouth, she couldn't fit more than the head.

It was big and bulbous and her mouth was filled almost completely with it, there was a standstill for a couple of seconds until he said she could try to use the tongue as well and rocking her head a little bit but to be careful to not bite.

"Slurp, slurp, slurp" a few minutes in and she has gotten up to rhythm, her fellatio was getting slightly better while in her head she was thinking about the droplets that come out of her master's thing. 'Mmhmm it releases small bursts of sweet flavor… is this the way the master rewards me for doing a good job?… i want more'

The more she sucked, the more that came out and by consequence the more eager she was to please him. After what he considered a decent amount of time, Merek's pleasure had built up enough for him to be satisfied, so he decided it was time to give the hard working girl a reward.

"I'm about to cum…" during his explanations he had told enri what would happen when he cums and that if she wanted she could just stroke him, she could take it in the mouth and spit it or she could swallow it… that swallowing is usually prefered but that she didn't had to force herself if she didn't like the taste…

The reaction Enri had was the opposite of what he thought would happen… Once he said he was about to cum, she became much more eager and held the dick in her mouth as if holding for dear life.

With only his head on her mouth, soon her cheeks inflated as Merek started to pump his white cream. Her oral cavity was not enough to hold the complete load and the cock head and therefore she started swallowing as fast as she could…

The amount of cum however quickly became too much and it started to overflow from the corner of her mouth. Half a minute of swallowing, cum spilling on her cheeks and rolling down her neck and Merek finished the orgasm. She also came a little bit and got heavily aroused.

Enri then took out the dick showing him her mouth full of cum and swallowed what she had on her mouth with a big gulp.

"I'm sorry master… i let so much of your seed to spill…" said Enri as she then started to gather the cum that spilled with two fingers and put it on her mouth swallowing all she could.

'My god... I came searching for copper…' thought Merek as he decided this time to use the nourishing skills of his cum. One mouthful of very nutritious baby batter was served for the farmer girl and she was completely hooked on it.

Inspecting his dick Enri found it was still hard… "Can it still cum?" Was what she asked

"Emmm… yes?" Responded Merek curious about her question. The curiosity was quickly answered when she just popped the dick back in her mouth and repeated the process. A second fellatio, this one with a little more skill.

Merek, not being able to refuse such favors let the very eager girl practice her skills… 'Did she enjoy giving head so much?... I think some of the skills worked passively, did she become a cum junkie?' Were Merek's thoughts

He had mixed feelings about such things as, having mind controlling/altering spells didn't mean he had to use them on real people… freedom of will was a complicated topic, but on the other hand… he couldn't see anything wrong with having a cute and sexy student/mistress that really enjoys giving him head.

This conundrum was solved by letting things be and intervene only if things got out of hand… he was not going to say that busting 4 nuts in the pretty girl's throat was totally normal, but at least, as of yet, it was not a problem and he was not going to be fixing things of they were not broken.

At the end of the night the girl has improved her skills by leaps and bounds, he nutted 4 times and she slept with her stomach full of nutrients so from his perspective, this was definitely a win/win situation.

Back in the present we could hear Merek announce once more. "Here it comes." Which Enri responded by trying to put more of his dick inside her mouth. Shooting a load first thing in the morning was definitely the way to wake up.

"Thanks master Merek." Said Enri as she cleaned the mess they made. Merek was thinking of starting the day quickly… The head was very good, but the tight folds of Enri's barely used pussy were great as well, however just when he was about to start with the foreplay.

"Come out of the house at this moment" yelled a person outside his house.

(Small village few kilometers from Carne short period of time before)

A strong man with very masculine appearance, bulging muscles and brown hair. Wearing some leather armor with a short metal chestplate, vambraces and greaves was having a conversation with another soldier. The other soldier was wearing different and lighter armor.

"I need you to go back so that we can inform the king, and the families of the deceased"

"Gazef, I understand what you are saying, but we've sent a small troop to every razen village… We are down to half the squad and if we send more we know we might not be able to respond accordingly to the enemies."

"I know, but how will the king know what's going on… besides we have a task to protect the citizens of the kingdom."

"Yes but, if we continue like this, we might face defeat, and we cannot allow that Gazef… you know this mission is very suspicious… razing 6 villages starting from the center of the kingdom to the outskirts, not leaving a survivor behind but also no pillage nor kidnapping. You know this is not bandits, mercenaries nor cultists...this is most surely a casus belli, and it would be worse if we died on it… who will protect the kingdom?"

"And what do you suggest? To head back, leave them to destroy the villages, kill whoever they want and do nothing? We can't do that, not only do we have to protect its citizens, if we head back just like that you know the nobles won't let the king hear the end of it, they'll probably even try and accuse us of betraying the kingdom."

"I know Gazef but… 'sigh' fuck it brother, if you're in, I'm in."

With that they proceeded as planned, four soldiers were sent back towards the capital of Re-Estize while the rest of the squad proceeded toward the next village.

On the first village they had digged graves for each villager, on the second time they had to build a common grave to save time, after that, considering they were trying to catch up with the culprits of the massacres they opted to leave the bodies as is and assign digging graves to other villages once they were heading back after the mission.

It may seem inhumane to just leave the corpses there, but considering time was of essence on their mission, there was nothing they could do about it.

Carne village (present time)

"Hmmm, i'm going to check what this person wants… be a dear and stay here in the room Enri." Said Merek,

His house was magically protected so without his permission not many people could force their entry even though it was a wooden house. This is what forced the outsider to the situation of having to ask the person living there to come out.

They were soldiers grouping up the villagers and killing whoever disobeyed and this soldier had to stumble upon a wooden house that he couldn't force his entry…

Merek had not casted any detection spells and so he could only gather information from his improved senses about what was happening very near his house… two soldiers, one on foot and another on horseback.

The one on foot tried to pry open the door aggressively and couldn't so he opted to call now. His question became 'why are there two soldiers in front of my door, and why are they acting with hostility?… as far as I know no one besides the villagers knows about me.'

Getting closer to the door he proceeded to cast some detection. Using [God's sight] was enough to easily identify the guards (Slane theocracy disguised mounted guard LV10), (Slane theocracy disguised foot soldier LV7)

'Hmmm, disguised soldiers from Slane Theocracy? What are they doing up here? The Theocracy was one of the countries that had players as its founders calling them gods, but according to the chief those beings are dead long ago… are there other players remaining there? Could they have somehow detected me and sent scouts?'

However, he also saw the scene happening far behind them which confused him somewhat. Other soldiers were gathering the villagers in the center of the village and killing whoever disobeyed or tried running.

Killing villagers without remorse, some of the soldiers even had a gleeful look on their face. He doubted any player would want to initiate interactions with another under those conditions.

It could be a trap but he doubted someone would set him up without even knowing who he is. His character was created just before the servers closed, so no one should know he is a Yggdrasil game dev, also he changed his body perfectly so there is no way others could know he was not human.

Making an analysis of the pros and cons he decided to meet them at the door after casting some buffing spells and anti scrying spells.

[False data: Mana], [False data: Life], [Energy immunity: Fire], [Energy immunity: Lightning]... [Energy immunity: ice], [Freedom], [Greater Luck], [Greater magic shield], [Body Effulgent: Beryl], [Body Effulgent: Aquamarine], [Body Effulgent: Eliodor]...

Almost 40 seconds of casting buff after buff, he was ready to face them… he knew it was overkill 99.9999 percent sure, but it's better to cast some unneeded spells than having regret later on...

"Come out of the house right at this moment or…" the foot soldier was declaring when

"Clack" the door emitted an unlocking sound, it then opened revealing a tall, strong and handsome man. He stepped outside.

"Sir, drop any weapons you have and follow."

"Or?" Said the man

"Huh?" The soldiers were a bit confused by the question but before they could continue the man greeted

"Merek's magic store and more, how may I help you."

The guards looked at each other and again before they could say anything the man spoke

"Do you wish to trade magic wares? Buy magical items or sell something?"

Now the two soldiers were really confused but with a mission on their hands they opted to ignore the greeting and continued to declare orders.

"Sir, follow us now or you will be struck."

"So you don't wish to trade?"

1, 2, 3 seconds passed and both sides were just looking at each other. Merek spoke first "Well, if you don't wish to trade then I think there is nothing I can help you with."

Merek turned around as if he was going inside the house, with his skills, stats and buffs he could clearly see all his surroundings even if not looking at them directly. So even when the guard thought he was about to strike Merek from a blind spot, there were no such things as blind spots for Merek.

As soon as the guard started to raise his sword Merek was on combat mode. The difference in stats just like with the [Barghest] was so much that the guards seemed as if they froze from Merek perspective, every movement, every heartbeat, the sweat coming out of every pore on the guards skin, everything was visible in great detail for merek

Merek swung the foot soldier by the arm holding the sword and threw him towards the door of the house. The guard hit mid body, on the back heavily against the door frame, spun mid air and fell face first on the floor. At least from merek perspective.

The mounted guard could only see a blur, hear two loud "bam" and then his buddy was already on the floor. He and the horse were surprised and, even though the horse was supposed to be a trained one, the events were enough to scare him, making him rear, throwing his rider on the floor as consequence.

The horse left running while the guard was now recovering from the fall. Everything was so fast that he didn't even comprehend what just happened.

"Now that i think about it, maybe there is something i can help you with" those words struck the guards with a deep feeling of dread.

Merek looked towards the guard he threw. 'Lumbar spine vertebra fracture, severed spinal cord… without healing magic or potions he won't be able to walk ever again… serves him right.'

Merek walked towards the guard that fell from the horse, he was still on his knees standing up. And with a swift kick to the head knocked him unconscious.

The small fight alerted some of the guards that were nearby and some started to go towards Merek. He made the [Tax Cane of Dampening] appear on his hand and every guard that got near him got a [Kinetic blast] as reward.

Some died, others got knocked out, and when every guard on the center of the village got alerted, just before they started to take the villagers hostage Merek casted a spell.

[Mass hold species]: Constricts a large number of creatures, rendering them unable to move

With that everyone in the village was frozen in place. Casting a second spell [Greater telekinesis] he separated the guards from the villagers. Putting the guards on a corner of the village he then casted a third spell [Create fortress] summoning a 30 meters tall tower surrounding the guards.

Thinking for a second, since he defeated the guards there must be the following procedure… Loot.

He didn't plan to kill the guards that haven't been killed yet but looting them is his right. Using skills from [Rouge], [Bandit] and such classes he unequipped the guards from their armors and weapons.

55 sets of weapons and armors with the insignia of the Baharuth Empire were now in his possession. With just removing the insignia and enchanting them or runecrafting on them he had a decent amount of low level items for when he set up his store.

Releasing the effects of the [Mass hold species] he told the villagers that they were safe now, during the attack, until Merek intervened 12 villagers died at the hand of the guards and 4 were injured.

Merek could revive the dead ones and heal the injured but he just didn't feel the need. Yes, the villagers would have to mourn the dead but that's part of life and honestly he didn't gain anything from reviving them besides getting famous for doing something he won't be doing every time someone dies.

All things considered, reviving the dead villagers would bring more trouble than benefits. So he decided to just leave it like that.

After those events, the villagers started to dig the graves, prepare for the burial ceremony and mourn the dead. The atmosphere had naturally become very gloomy and the attitude of the villagers towards Merek had changed.

They previously respected Merek and were cordial towards him given his work as merchant, the fact that he basically had fixed a run-down house in a day and made it the neatest house of the village and because he provided some pelts and meat from the animals he hunts in exchange for grains, vegetables and fruits.

But now while they were very grateful towards Merek and probably respected him even more, with the powers he had shown, they couldn't hide their apprehension towards him.

This didn't bother Merek at all because after he interrogated the previous guards, now prisoners, he was planning on leaving the village. He had made up his mind previously and the events of that day didn't change it… as a matter of fact encouraged him even more to leave. Merek wanted to set up his store and as much as he could avoid political conflicts, and a village that had been attacked by soldiers of one country pretending to be soldiers of another one was probably about to become a mess politically speaking.

Interrogating the prisoners was not very fruitful. They didn't know shit, they were just a low ranking, disposable squad following the orders of one of the Theocracy Scriptures (that one was the elite squad). The scripture just told them to follow a specific path and raze all the villages on that path, killing everyone and not taking anything with them, and they just followed that order.

They were not provided with reasons, a bigger plan or anything at all that could explain why they were doing such a thing. Something stupid from Merek's perspective but considering they were soldiers there was not much they could do besides following orders.

Not knowing what to do with them but unconcerned about the guards he thought about leaving them there and letting the villagers decide what to do with them. He had already built a prison with magic so the villagers could keep them imprisoned or they could execute them…

Merek returned to his house to inform Enri of the recent events, she was shocked and mournful, for a second she thought about asking Merek to revive them as she knew he could do so, and probably without much effort but didn't do it as she knew it would be too big of a favor.

He used [Create item] to create a sundress for Enri to assist the ceremony, she thought it was the prettiest thing she had received… maybe it competes with the [Gold meteorite storage ring]. The sundress had some basic defenses considering it was created with a spell but it couldn't be considered a magical item.

When the villagers finished their rites towards the dead, Enri remained with them while Merek started to speak with the village chief about the prisoners. Mid conversation however a villager came running desperate to tell the chief that more soldiers were getting near the village.

Rolling his eyes, since he had saved the village once he knew he would have to do it twice or trice as long as he is there. When the village chief looked at him almost with puppy's eyes he sighed and told them.

"It's ok, just gather the people near the barn, I'll cast a protection spell and then you and I meet this new group of soldiers."

The chief was very happy since from his perspective it didn't matter what this group of soldiers wanted, Merek could protect them.

They did as planned and waited for the new group of soldiers near the trail that enters the village from where they were coming.

Using [God's sigh] Merek inspected them. Were wearing non standardized armors and weapons making them look as if they weren't even soldiers but the information he got was.

[Warrior troop]: Elite warrior band of Re-Estize kingdom.

[Kingdom warrior]: Member of the elite warrior band of Re-Estize kingdom. Lv 15-22

Most of the warriors belonged to that category.

While there was other two with different descriptions.

[Vice captain of warrior troop]: second in command of the warrior troop LV25

[Captain of the warrior troop]: Gazef Stronoff, first in command of the warrior troop. Won such a position winning a tournament of the Re-Estize kingdom. Previously a commoner, now works directly under the King as royal guard and leads a warrior band. Lv 29

He have a sunbathed dark face with noticeable wrinkles, short, trimmed, black hair, and black eyes that are as sharp as a sword.

'So this is the strongest of the kingdom huh… could he kill that war troll? Damn humans have it tough in this world.' Were Merek's thoughts.

Merek told the chief who the soldiers were, and the chief instantly felt relief. When the soldiers arrived at the front of Merek and the chief Gazef stopped his horse and after inspecting them for 3 or 4 seconds said.

"There has been a group of individuals that have been running amuck the kingdom razing villages and killing the villagers. We followed them until here but this village seems ok...do you know anything about that?" At that moment Gazef couldn't help but notice the 30 meters tall tower.

That structure was not something a small village like Carne could build, and even if they could, what would be the purpose?

Merek said "well you arrived late. That group has already been taken care of."

"I assume you took care of them?"

"Yes, indeed."

At that moment Gazef dismounted the horse and bowed deeply. "You have my deepest gratitude sir, my name is Gazef Stronoff, warrior captain of the Re-Estize kingdom, may I know your name?"

"Me? I'm Merek Ead Theano… traveling merchant."