
Chapter: 1

Overlord reborn into a beautiful world




{Mufasa Prime speak}


[Location: Unknown]

[Time: Unknown]

[Suzuki Satoru's PoV]

When the timer hit 00:00:00. Suzuki Satoru expected to be forcefully logged out of his favorite game Yggdrasil.

He was now in a white space Devoided of anything. He wore a plain grey shirt with unremarkable pants. He was floating there. Suzuki looked around in confusion. "What is going on? Did the server bugged?" Then he realized that he was in his human body. "No! this is real!" the 30-year-old salesman panicked.

{BEHOLD. YOUNG ONE. YOU HAVE ENTERED THE DOMAIN OF THIS VENERABLE ONE.} a booming voice echoed through the whitewashed void. Suzuki turned his head to his left and widened his eyes in shock.

Sitting to his left was a completely white behemoth of a lion with a halo on his head. Infront of the feline was a bowl filled with some kind of donut shaped pebbles. A golden spoon levitating into the bowl and scooping a spoonful of pebbles into the large white cat's maw.

It then began to chew.

Then it swallowed.

Then it spoke.

{I AM MUFASA PRIME, RULER OF THIS DOMAIN! WELCOME YOUNG ONE!} the white lion exclaimed in his booming voice.

Suzuki Satoru, a mundane salaryman of the 23rd century. His mind stopped working for a whole 30 minutes. "Is this a-." "{NO, THIS IS NOT A VR. YOU YOUNG ONE ARE NOW IN MY REALM.}" Mufasa prime cut off the salaryman mid question. "{AND FOR HOW YOU END UP HERE. YOUR WORLD ENDED AND YOU END UP AS A SPIRIT DRIFTED INTO MY REALM.}" even during an explanation, the lion's voice remained loud and booming. If Satoru wasn't recovering from the shock of the fact that not only his favorite game ended, but also the world he lived in as well came to an end at the same time. He would have looked for a menu in the section labeled "settings" to lower the volume. If he was still in a game that is.

The lion on the other hand or paw, took another spoonful of his donut pebbles into his maw and enjoyed the crunching noise.

"{SINCE YOU ARE HERE, THIS VENERABLE ONE SHALL SEND YOU ON YOUR WAY.}" The self-proclaimed venerable one said. This cut Suzuki out of his thoughts that are spiraling down a depressing path at a steady pace.

"Where?" Satoru asked, feeling anxiety building up in his stomach and throat. "{TO YOUR NEXT LIFE, OFCOURCE. THIS VENEBLE ONE DO NOT MIND YOUR COMPANY, YET THIS REALM IS UNSUITED FOR A SOUL LIKE YOU TO REMAIN. OFF YOU GO! MAY YOUR JOURNEY BE BOUNTIFUL!!}" The white lion began to glow with the colors of the rainbow. "Wait! What-." The salaryman tried to ask something, but the light engulfed his vision and everything when white, before Satoru lost his consciousness. His last thoughts were. "What the actual fuck did the shitty devs concocted this time?"

[Line break.]

Inside a Gothic/Victorian style manor. A newborn's cries could be heard. "It's a boy!" a maid exclaimed with joy. She had blond hair tied up in a hair bun, blue eyes and a pair of elven ears. She is an elf working for the duke of the manor. On a large bed rested the mother of said child, she looked like she is going to pass out any second after giving birth to her son. "Let me see… my child…." The pale woman spoke in a frail tone. As told, the elven maid wrapped the newborn in a blanket and brought him to her mistress.

When Suzuki Satoru regained his consciousness, the first thing he saw was a giant of a woman, holding him in a bundle. A cry of an infant left his vocal cords. First in a whisper than in a full-blown cry of a baby. Not long after a sensation of calmness flooded over the formal salaryman now infant's mind. His new mother didn't even have the opportunity to sooth him before he calmed down.

Now that the reborn salaryman looked at his new mother, he notices how pale her skin is. A pair of crimson eyes looked down upon him with love and care. Satoru subconsciously felt something nostalgic and almost forgotten stirring in his small chest. Parental love. A new stream of tears began to flow down his marshmallow soft face. Soon joyful tears of her mother's followed.

After a few minutes the newborn cried himself to sleep. Leaving his mother cradling him gently in her arms. To her right side stood a middle-aged man in red aristocratic attire befitting a man of his station. He had dark grey eyes and short black hair combed back like a mafia.

"Azmark, what name should we give him?" the mother asked to her right.

"He is a strong child. Even you can sense it. He deserves a name for the strong." A skeletal figure behind the duke spoke out. It had a clean fleshless skull as its head. It wore a wine-red robe covering most of its boney body.

"Why do I have the feeling that you are going to spoil him?" Azmark asked in suspicion. To that the undead only chuckled in his raspy deep voice. "Isn't it a grandfather's duty to spoil his grandson?"

"Besides. Azmark, you will understand my joy when he grows up and has his own child. Now, will you do our newest family the honor and bestow him a name?" there was an under tone of eagerness in the undead grandfather's voice.

Azmark sighed at his father's antics. Then he turned towards his wife and looked at the sleeping bundle. Magical symbols and light spots flared up in the room in various colors. "Very well then, as per tradition. I Azmark Ovirick, bestow the name ain as in honor to the sage Aincald and the name Zack in honor to the hero Larzack. As your father I hereby name you Ainzack Ovirick. May the spirits bless you with fortune and the souls of our ancestors watch over your path." After Azmark finished. The symbols faded away.

[line break]

Back in the realm of Mufasa Prime. The lion was looking at a figure enveloped in grey robes and porcelain wings. The wings refracted the white light into its base components, while cradling said individual in its embrace. Golden eyes are painted on its wings. "{THIS VENERABLE ONE HAS KEPT HIS END OF THE BARGAN. NOW IT IS YOUR TURN TO FORFILL YOURS.}" the feline stated. "As long you keep planting Yggdrasillians into that world as per our agreement, I provide the serials you desire." The shaded one spoke.

"{HAND IT OVER.}" the lion demanded. From beneath it's feathers, a box of serials slipped out. "Leo-Lion Serials, Koko white limited edition as you ordered." The winged one presented the box on one of its many wings.


A/N: Your reviews are appreciated. Wanted to post this story of a while, but had other matters to attend to and forget about this story.

Author's policy: As per usual, all my stories are free. There is no pay wall nor Patron. All chapters will become available as soon I'm finished writing. Due to my busy schedules, Updated will be random depending on my free time and motivation.

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