
Overlord: My Reign as Ainz

Warning, this fanfic will not be dark and Nazarick will be more or less peaceful. I reincarnated in Overlord 278 days ago (currently after volume 11, after the Dwarven volume), and since then, I have been aligning myself with the canon, making some personal adjustments, and of course, enjoying being a supreme being.

Sr_Angel · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Political visit

Calca POV

"Your Majesty, E-Rantel is ahead. Our outriders report the road is clear, and a representative is waiting for us."

"Thank you," I said.

As we entered the city-state, I was taken aback by what I saw. There weren't many, but I did see lizardmen and frogmen going about their business as normal citizens. Then a guard informed us that an inn had been prepared for our arrival and a room was ready for me.

"At least the Sorcerer King has some manners," Kelart said.

Though it was quite strange, considering how I treated him in our first meeting.

I didn't let it linger and arranged the meeting as soon as I saw the Sorcerer King enter.

I felt a bit embarrassed.

A lizardman guard approached us, and I saw Remedios nearly draw her sword while Kelart tensed.

"Your Majesty, the Sorcerer King wishes to give you three a 'tour' of the city. He says to inform him when you are ready, and he will teleport here."

"I need a few hours. I'd like to see the city on my own."

"I will inform the King."

I had to make sure to see his city fully, not just what he wanted me to see.


In Nazarick, things were heating up.

"Ainz-sama, tell me it's not true!"

I sighed. Sometimes it felt like dealing with a kindergarten.

"What is true?"

"You gave your seed to Albedo before me."

"It was just a small reward for her hard work as an administrator."

"What must I do to earn your seed?" Shalltear asked with determination.

I needed to address this quickly.

"Shalltear, these disputes must end. I've already said both of you are my women."

"But why Albedo and not me? Master, just give me the order and I..." Shalltear drooled at what she was about to say.

I sighed. I couldn't even share pleasure with one of my servants without disrupting the power dynamics within Nazarick as a whole.

I bent down and grabbed Shalltear by the neck, knowing she loved BDSM.

"Ahhh, A-Ainz-sama," Shalltear tried to say.

I lifted her to my height while choking her.

Then, with the subtlety of a hippopotamus, I pushed her against the wall and kissed her, all while continuing to choke her.

Then I released her.

"Ainz-sama kissed me," Shalltear whispered.

Now that she was in shock, it was the best time to talk to her.

"Shalltear," I said gently. The vampire gasped when one of my fingers caressed her cheek, and she lifted her head to meet her lord's gaze. "I treasure all the residents of Nazarick. You know that."

"Yes. Of course, Lord Ainz."

"Then you understand that the most serious disgrace in my eyes is disputes between guild members."

"Um... disgrace?"

"Nazarick represents the greatest war power in this world. Any of my lieutenants could dominate entire nations. Soon, we will also become the greatest political power. Do you know what our greatest weakness is?"

"We have no weakness. You are the all-powerful Ainz Ooal..."

"Do you want that to change?"

Shalltear was confused. Her lips parted slightly. "My lord...?"

"A kingdom destroyed by its enemies will rise again, but one destroyed from within will become rubble."

Shalltear understood. "I think I understand. But I could never betray you, my lord. I could never..."

"Then would you accept becoming a sacrifice for the good of Nazarick?"

"If you order it, Lord Ainz, I would gladly throw myself to the wolves."

"Then become my second wife. Albedo will be the first."

"I understand! I will be the second wife for the good of Nazarick," Shalltear fell into the trap.

"Good. As punishment for shouting at me, you will be my royal chair for a time, and I might need a doormat and coat rack to hang my clothes."

A shiver ran through Shalltear. I'd say she climaxed just thinking about it.

"I will accept the gift, I mean, the punishment with great pleasure." Shalltear said excitedly, her distress at the beginning of the conversation gone.

I smiled.

"In that case, I will leave now. Remember to order the frost dragons you control to fly over E-Rantel to impress Queen Calca."

Shalltear was the Minister of Transport, after all.

That distracted her from her ecstasy.

"One more thing, Ainz-sama."


"I know you said you'd leave it to chance, but are you really going to take that human as your third wife if the occasion arises?" Shalltear said insecurely.

"What worries you?"

"It's just..."

"Shalltear, speak clearly."

"There are people in Nazarick who don't like the idea of a human sleeping with the supreme."

That made me thoughtful.

"Do you think there's a chance they might rebel?"

"What? No way, it's just that they also want to be part of your harem and can't tolerate an outsider getting ahead."

Eh. Do I have a harem?

Who's on that list?

Honestly, I only intended to have two wives from Nazarick: Shalltear and Albedo.

"I see, thank you for your concerns. I will take them into account, Shalltear."

"Lord Ainz is as magnanimous as ever."

Then finally, the vampire left the room and went to her duties, controlling the frost dragons used for transport and mail.

I stayed thinking. Should I accept the love of all the women in Nazarick? Obviously, with exceptions like Neuronist.

I shuddered at the thought.

I think I'll leave it for another time.


Calca Bessarez had never been so surprised in her life.

The same could be said for Kelart, Remedios Custodio, and the Nine Colors.

"What the hell did I just see?"

In the past few hours, I had seen dwarves, goblins, lizardmen, frogmen, and even an orc, all living in harmony. The humans treated it as uncommon but were not scared.

This city was not normal!

On top of that, they were constantly watched by giant undead, and the people acted normally!

This was my dream utopia, a place where everyone could live in peace.

I had barely seen poverty; children played freely, and I discovered that women could also hold high positions.

Everything I wanted for my kingdom.

"At any moment, the undead could attack the population," Kelart said, which was true.

But any hint of fear vanished when we saw dragons flying over us.

Blue dragons.

"What the hell," Pavel Baraja shouted. Even the most serious of the Nine Colors couldn't hide his amazement.

"My queen, it is time for your meeting with the Sorcerer King," Orlando, another of the Nine Colors, said.

What other craziness would he show me? I didn't know if I was prepared.


**I wasn't prepared.**

I felt like I was in another world.

Ainz-Dono gave us a so-called 'tour' of some tourist areas in E-Rantel.

"This is the hospital."

Queen Calca Bessarez and King Ainz Ooal Gown walked together through the wide corridors of the hospital, the echo of their footsteps resonating in the clean, quiet environment. Although impressed by the facilities, Calca couldn't help but address a question that had been on her mind since the beginning of the visit.

"It's time for questions. What is the purpose of a hospital when there is already the church?"

"Ainz-dono, I must admit that I am impressed by the magnitude and efficiency of this hospital. However, I can't help but wonder why you decided to create such an advanced medical institution when the church already provides healing services. Isn't this a duplication of efforts?"

"That's an excellent question, Queen Calca," replied the lich. "The church certainly plays a crucial role in the healing and spiritual care of our people. However, there are several reasons why a hospital is also necessary."

"And what might those reasons be, if you don't mind me asking?" Kelart intervened, as the high priestess, this was very interesting to her.

"First, the capacity of the church is limited. Its resources, both in terms of personnel and magic, cannot always cover all the needs of the population, especially in times of epidemics or natural disasters. A hospital equipped with advanced medical technology and trained personnel can attend to a greater number of people more efficiently."

"What about the spiritual aspects and faith? Many people find comfort in the healing provided by the church due to its religious component."

"That's true, and I don't intend to replace that aspect. In fact, this hospital works in collaboration with the church. Priests and healers have a space here to perform their rituals and offer spiritual comfort. What we aim to do is complement and expand the capabilities of the church, not compete with it."

"I see. However, what about funding? The resources allocated to this hospital could have been donated to the church to improve its services." I said.

"The funding for this hospital comes partly from taxes and partly from specific donations aimed at improving public infrastructure. We believe in diversifying sources of support to ensure that both the church and our civil institutions can thrive. Furthermore, a solid medical infrastructure is a long-term investment in the health and well-being of our people, which in turn strengthens our kingdom."

"I see you've thought of everything. There's another issue that concerns me: how do you decide who receives treatment here and who doesn't? In the church, they must pay a gold piece." Kelart insisted, still not fully understanding the function of this so-called 'hospital.'

"In this hospital, we follow an open-door policy. Everyone in need of treatment is welcome, regardless of their social status or ability to pay. We have a system of subsidies and support to ensure that no one is turned away for lack of resources. Our mission is to ensure that health is a right for all."

This left us speechless for a moment; such an idea could greatly improve the Holy Kingdom.

"That is... very kind."

"I'm glad to hear that, Queen Calca. Cooperation and the exchange of ideas between our kingdoms can only lead to a more prosperous and equitable future for all our peoples."


"And this is one of the schools. I offer scholarships for the underprivileged."

This left me with more questions than answers.

"Ainz, you mentioned that this academy offers scholarships to the underprivileged. I must admit that in my kingdom we don't have a similar system. Could you explain to me what a scholarship is and what its purpose is?"

"Of course, Queen Calca. A scholarship is financial support given to students to help them cover the costs of their education. These costs can include tuition, books, housing, and other related expenses. Scholarships come from the government,

"I understand. But why offer this kind of financial support? Couldn't the students work to pay for their studies?"

"That's an option, but there are several reasons why scholarships are crucial. First, not all students have the same economic opportunities. Some come from families that can't afford the costs of a quality education. By providing scholarships, we ensure that talent and intelligence are not wasted due to a lack of financial resources."

"That makes sense. But how do you decide who receives a scholarship and who doesn't?"

"We select scholars based on various criteria. Some scholarships are awarded for academic merit, rewarding those with excellent grades and potential. Others are awarded based on financial need, helping those who, despite their potential, cannot afford their education. We also have special scholarships for specific talents, such as sports or magic."

"So, the main purpose is to level the playing field and ensure that everyone has access to education, regardless of their economic situation?"

"Exactly. We believe that by investing in the education of our young people, we are investing in the future of our kingdom. An educated society is more innovative, more equitable, and more capable of facing future challenges. Scholarships allow students to focus on their studies without constantly worrying about how they will pay for their expenses."


"This is the 'Saint Pestonya' orphanage. Due to the massacre at Katze Plains, there are many orphans here. We provide them with education and food."

I had heard of this demi-human from a dwarf while I was walking around earlier. They say she is a saint who cured all the diseases in E-Rantel, and she is especially revered in the lower quarters.

"Excuse me, Sorcerer King, I've heard that Pestonya is a beastwoman. Is that true?" This time it was Pavel Baraja.

"That is correct," the king patiently replied.

"How did you convince her not to eat humans?"

"I think there's a misunderstanding. Pestonya has never eaten humans. As a citizen of the Sorcerer King, inhabitants are forbidden from eating each other. Pestonya is an exemplary citizen who possesses resurrection magic."

"Resurrection magic? A beastwoman?" Remedios blurted out without thinking.

The Sorcerer King didn't seem offended by the apparent condescension in that statement.

"That's correct; she has seventh-tier resurrection magic," said the Sorcerer King, surprising everyone.

"Impossible!" Kelart Custodio exclaimed, who secretly was a sixth-tier magic caster. As a pure priest, she was the most powerful in her region, surpassing her counterpart in Blue Rose. However, almost no one knew about this as it was kept secret from the public.

Then she calmed down.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, it's just that it's hard to believe."

Ainz looked at her intently with those empty eye sockets. "Don't worry, I understand it's hard to imagine."

The Sorcerer King then turned towards me.

"So, Queen Calca, have you thought about my marriage proposal? I believe uniting our kingdoms would favor the development of your citizens, don't you think?"

If you had told me this three hours ago, I wouldn't have believed it, but I was really considering the offer.

Although he is a demon, how would our children be? And would the clergy accept it? They might strip me of my title of Saint!

"I'm very sorry, but I have to decline."

Although he is a good match, I still feel he is not the right man.

He was undoubtedly better than Jircnic or the late Barbro, those men were full of arrogance. In comparison, Ainz was very humble despite everything.

If the Sorcerer King was affected by the rejection, he did not show it.

"Oh, what a shame. Send me a message if you change your mind."

This demon was persistent.


"And this is the library. It's managed by a dragon, which is why it's so vast. Although he's quite a gentle dragon. His name is Hejinmal. You can greet him if you like."

He has a dragon as a public servant?

"Yes, I would like that."

We entered the grand building that seemed to touch the sky.

"S-Your Majesty the Sorcerer King, to what do I owe such a p-pleasant visit?" said the dragon, who was peacefully reading a book.

I noticed the dragon was trembling. How powerful was the Sorcerer King?

"This beautiful lady is the queen of the Holy Kingdom of Roble. She has come to visit our country, Hejinmal."

The dragon named Hejinmal stopped trembling immediately, seeming to calm down.

"Oh, is that so? I hope your stay in the Sorcerer Kingdom is pleasant."

"It is. I never expected to see a dragon as a librarian."

At this, the dragon seemed shy. I never imagined a dragon could have such an attitude...

"What can I say... as a child, while my siblings fought, I always liked reading books haha."

"Why did you decide to join the Sorcerer King?" I continued interrogating him.

At this, he returned to his fearful state, glancing at Ainz.

"His power and charisma are unparalleled."

It was Ainz's turn to act.

"Haha, well, by the way, I have a gift for you. Hejinmal, give her a copy of Romeo and Juliet."

"Oh, understood, Your Majesty."

The giant dragon placed a small book on the table, and I picked it up.

"What's it about?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Oh, it's about forbidden love."

"Forbidden love?"

"Yes, two young people fall in love but are caught in the dilemma that their families are enemies."

It was a hint about his marriage proposal. No man had ever been so bold...

"Thank you, I will read it," I said, noticing a blush on my face.

How could a demon be so perfect? Something wasn't right...

"I have a question for you, Sorcerer King. What are you trying to achieve by colonizing

the Abelion Hills? Do you plan to eradicate the living beings that reside there?"

He must be a power-hungry man.

"No, I plan to bring them civilization. I hate to disappoint you. I know many in your country despise demihumans."

"Eh?" I let slip.

"Look at it this way, if a human and a demihuman are raised together from childhood, they will grow to understand that both are beings with feelings."

That is...

My example.

The demon king had the same mentality as me!


"Hmmm, well, if you're interested, now I'll show you one of my favorites, the football stadium."

The Sorcerer King continued asking me questions and trying to establish a sense of comfort.

This man didn't seem to be acting...


"I hope you enjoyed the visit."

"I enjoyed it very much," I responded sincerely.

"That's a relief," Ainz Ooal Gown bent down and kissed my hand. "I hope there will be another meeting."

I couldn't help but blush a little.

"M-Me too."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the looks of disgust on Remedios and Kelart's faces were no longer there. This demon had won their trust.


"I was surprised you turned him down," Kelart said.

That annoyed me. "Do you think I'm that easy to seduce?"

"No, but after the display of power, it's convenient to have good relations with him."

I looked at Remedios.

"What do you think?"

"He's a demon, but..." Remedios paused, surprising us. Remedios reflecting? "His people were happy, although something like integrating demihumans into the Holy Kingdom is madness, humans could pay for it."

That surprised me. It seems even the most stubborn can change their views.

I laughed.

"We'll find out in time. We can't judge a book by its cover."

The sisters looked at each other uncertainly.

Hours later, Calca died at the hands of the Theocracy.