
Chapter 63: Oparation Succubus

After the intense debate between the female Guardians, Shalltear was on her way to the ninth floor to meet her lord and lover.

On her way, she recalled what Aurora said before she ended the meeting.


"As both Albedo and Shalltear have already slept with our lord. We can conclude that Lord Ancient One is already planning to have multiple wives."

"Considering that he is the highest being in existence it's only natural for him to collect the best women in the world. But there has to be an order for that."

"If Ancient-sama were to fall in love with a woman outside of Nazarick more than us then it would be bad news for us. So we need to keep his attention towards us, towards Nazarick female." Aurora said hearing her Albedo speak.

"I am personally against the idea of letting any women outside the Nazarick get close with Ancient-same. But we can't make the decision as it solely belongs to Ancient-sama."

"I am with Albedo on this," Rory said as others just nodded their head acknowledging they also supported them.

"So what do you propose, Aurora? Even I don't like the idea of him falling for a woman outside the tomb. Moreover, if he did fall for a woman we can't do anything about it." Angrboda said, that while most of them did know that putting leashes on their lord was impossible much less they wanted to but they still wanted to consider the possibility of Ancient One leaving them.

"Yes, what you said is correct, Angrboda. We can't order Ancient One to move according to our will, even the mere thought is blasphemy, but what I am proposing is not something that will make Ancient One angry instead it will bring him joy and we also be able to satisfy his lust. And at the end of the day Ancient One will only look at us....*murmuring* At me" Aurora said.

"So what is the plan."

"Let's call it {Oparation Succubus}."


I agree with most of the things Aurora said but to think, she suggests Tatsumaki visit the Ancient-sama room instead of me. I can't accept that. No matter what happens today it's me who is going to warm Ancient-sama bed not that bitch.

And it seems for some reason Angrboda is extremely calm about the situation. I thought she was going to break into Ancient One room after hearing the news. Anyway now is not the time for that. Shalltear thought as she reached her master's room.

Outside the door was a half-dozen vampire brides, Shalltear's subordinates.

They were exceptionally beautiful woman with crimson eyes and just like Shalltear they a pale white skin. But unlike their mistress, they have a mature body with noticeable asset and their buxom figure is clad in a white dress. Vampire brides only vampire class with a natural human-like appearance.

"Mistress Shalltear, As you ordered we are here to fulfil your orders." One of the Vampire brides said.

"Has Ancient-sama come back from the human city? " Shalltear asked without looking at the brides.

"Yes, Lord Ancient One has arrived from the human city and is currently resting."

"Is that so, then before I meet Ancient-sama I have an order for you all—Guard the door with your life and don't allow any female Guardians to enter the room."

"But Shalltear-sama.... "

"Is that clear?"

"Yes, My Lady."

"I have informed Demiurge, If some emergency did occur he will come personally. And before I enter—"

"{Einherjar}" Shalltear evoked her Trump Card as a clone of Shalltear appeared.

"Einherjar, Guard this door and don't let any female Guardians especially Albedo and Tatsumaki enter the room but don't kill anyone," Shalltear ordered her clone.

If one were to think about it, what Shalltear is doing can be considered over the border but considering the fact that none of the NPC's is sane in their head this small fact can be overlooked.

And I shall be the one to initiate the {Operation Succubus}. After all, I am Ancient-sama's first wife. Even if they say otherwise the truth is not something they can't deny. Shalltear thought as she knocked on the door.

"Ancient-sama, it's me, Shalltear. May I have your permission to enter your chamber?"


After Arthur made the deal with Renner he quickly came back to Nazarick with Narberal and what invited him was a bunch of maids and butlers and weirdly enough Albedo was not present there.

Arthur know that as the leader of Guardians Albedo has duties that have to be fulfilled regardless of any obstacles but during the past week her presence was almost everywhere and she will be always there to welcome him.

Maybe she had some important thing to attend then again I can always ask Friday but doing it will be a violation of personal space. And Friday will always notify me if something important is happening. Arthur thought as he entered the room.

'So Friday, how was my performance in front of Renner.' Arthur asked Friday after he laid on the fluffy bed, which was cleaned by the maids.

[It was satisfying, Sir. I thought you would go with your usual personality and demand her body right off the Bait but gentlemanly style also suits you well.]

'Oh, Friday, you don't have to praise me. I told you before I am a natural actor.'

[One thing don't understand is why do wish to make her yours, Sir. No matter which angle I looked she didn't hold a candle against Nazarick female, in appearance, even the maids are above her league. Even her intelligence is slightly above average. Why do you choose her.]

'I don't know, Friday. I just thought I wanted her to be my woman and that's it. I don't need any other reason. And Aren't you the one who suggested to follow my heart? And I just did just that. '

[—Maybe I shouldn't have said that.] Friday said while Arthur just laughed.

[Anyway, Sir. There is some progress in the harem plan.] Friday said, which immediately caught Arthur's attention.

'Really! Can I have a threesome without a fight now? ' Arthur asked excitedly.

[Well, if you were to order them then they will follow you regardless of their dislike, Sir. But the good news is that they have come up with a plan to seduce you.]

'A plan? To seduce me? What is it?' Arthur asked curiously.

[It is called {Oparation Succubus} and its main purpose is to make you addicted to their body.]

'That's it. They are trying this hard for that.' Arthur asked Friday.

[Yes, Sir. Be careful.] Friday said, just then a voice sounded.

"Ancient-sama, it's me, Shalltear. May I have your permission to enter your chamber?"


(Next few chapters are Smut. Be warned.)

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