
Preparing for World Tournament - 3

"[My Lord, these are the Claws that each of the Clan leaders of the Werewolves use. And this one... It even appears to be from the Lord of the Werewolves. A Lord's Claw.]" The Clan Leader NPC who had received the claws from Yuki explained.

"[I hear you. I can't allow any traitors or Werewolves to breach our Noble Island. I won't let them tarnish my father's paradise of blood,]" the Lord, the girl sitting on the throne, declared, her expression shifting. Although players couldn't convey many emotions, certain important NPCs were able to do so in events.

"[My Lord, I suggest this may be a ruse. There's no way any Werewolf can invade our Noble Island. The barrier cast by the previous Lord is extraordinarily powerful and prevents any Werewolf from passing through,]" an elderly NPC from the left side approached the Lord and knelt before expressing his opinion.

"[What are you suggesting?]" the Lord inquired.

"[I'm saying, my Lord, that this is a scheme orchestrated by the esteemed guest of the Flame Clan,]" the NPC continued, pointing at Yuki.

"[The Guest of the Flame Clan is likely associated with the Werewolves! That's why he's attempting to mislead us into believing that there's a Werewolf among us! His goal is to create a diversion and bring about the downfall of our paradise!]" the old man proclaimed passionately, raising his voice and pointing at Yuki.

"[That is preposterous! It's a blatant lie! The Clan Leader of Aqua Clan is attempting to implicate us in a conspiracy because he's trying to conceal the fact that his friend is the one colluding with the Werewolves!]" The other Flame Clan Leader shouted, pointing accusingly at the Clan Leader of the Aqua Clan, the elderly man.

Before he could continue, another voice echoed.

"[Silence!]" The Lord's commanding voice reverberated and silenced all the nobles as they immediately knelt.

"[What's true or not, I am capable of verifying myself,]" she declared, looking directly at Yuki and posing a question.

"[«Nex Yuki», you are an honored guest of the Flame Clan. So let me ask you, are you lying about these Claws, or are you telling the truth?]"

Two options appeared before Yuki, and the outcome of the event hinged on his response. Without a moment's hesitation, Yuki selected the "[Telling the Truth]" option, commencing a new dialogue and advancing the event.

"[I believe the honored guest. I will investigate this matter myself,]" she declared, glaring at the Clan Leader of the Aqua Clan, who immediately retorted.

"[How can you believe an outsider over us?? As expected, in the end, you are just a naive girl, unfit to lead a noble race,]" the Clan Leader proclaimed, earning himself a deadly glare from the Lord.

"[I believe you are crossing a line. If you desire death, go ahead and continue,]" the girl responded, maintaining eye contact with the Clan Leader. However, the Clan Leader didn't flinch; in fact, he seemed utterly unperturbed.

"[Lord, your powers only work on your kin, and it's even useless because you possess such a weak aura. You are not even an aura master. You can't grant me death,]" the old man asserted as he approached a young-looking man, who happened to be the Clan Leader of the Terra Clan.

"[The only one who can even be called Lord is the Lord of the Werewolves,]" the old man declared, kneeling before the leader of the Terra Clan, who began to laugh heartily.

"[What kind of behavior is this! Capture them both!]" The Lord shouted, gesturing for the guards and the other two clan leaders to apprehend the dissenters. However, before they could make a move, the two clan leaders howled like Werewolves, pushing everyone back, including Yuki.

[You have been inflicted with «Dizziness»]

Yuki immediately suffered from a condition. While he was level 85, typically unaffected by a Werewolf's howl, the fact that this effect took place indicated that the NPC was significantly more powerful than an average Werewolf.

"[There's no reason to hide anymore,]" the Clan Leader of the Terra Clan, the young man, declared as his body underwent a transformation, turning into a fearsome Werewolf. Claws sprouted from his hands, silver fur enveloped his form, and he gained two pointed ears and a long snout. His size doubled during the transformation. A similar transformation occurred with the Clan Leader of the Aqua Clan, though he didn't grow as large as the other.

"[This is for the Werewolves!]" The larger Werewolf bellowed, opening his jaws and aiming them at the ceiling, producing a deafening scream that resonated throughout the mansion.

The mansion's glass shattered as the ceiling seemed on the verge of collapsing at any moment.

"[Roar, my children! Roar in honor of your ancestors! It's time to spill the blood of every Noble. Slaughter them all!]" the larger Werewolf commanded, interspersing his words with ferocious howls. Suddenly, a multitude of howls echoed throughout the castle.

"[What is happening!]" The Lord of the Nobles exclaimed, her face filled with terror, as if she were frightened by the unfolding events. After all, she was but a young maiden tasked with the responsibility of an entire race.

Yuki quickly rushed to the Lord's side, positioning himself in front of her. After all, both of the boss Werewolves' aggro would be directed toward her, and she was the key to unlocking the powerful classes.

"[Capture the Lord of the Nobles,]" commanded the colossal Werewolf, wreaking havoc as it swung its claws, unleashing deadly projectiles that obliterated parts of the throne room.

"[As you wish, My Lord,]" responded the smaller Werewolf, launching itself at Yuki. In response, Yuki employed his skill [Aura Slash], striking the Werewolf.

[-21 Damage!]

While the attack inflicted some damage, it didn't reach its full potential due to the absence of a weapon.

"[I will capture the false Lord and present her head to the real and only Lord,]" declared the Werewolf as it lunged at Yuki once more, sharpening its claw, causing it to shine ominously. It slashed at Yuki, who decided to absorb the damage directly.

[Taken | -21 Damage!]

Immediately following the attack, Yuki utilized another skill from his Aura Master Class.

"[Aura Drain,]" he invoked, causing the Werewolf before him to feel weakened. Yuki lunged at the creature, elongating his own claw, which started to emit a golden radiance. Using [Enhance: Aura], he leaped forward and aimed at the Werewolf's head.

"[Dire Aura Cleave,]" Yuki pronounced as he executed a cleaving motion toward the Werewolf's head. At first, it seemed like nothing had occurred, but soon the Werewolf was blasted backward, hurtling past the enormous Werewolf.

[-75 Damage]

[Taken | -20 Damage!] Yuki sacrificed his HP to deal critical damage, having a specific reason to use this skill.

"[You have defeated my Generals, but you can't defeat the Lord. So, you'd better hand over the Lord and let me kill her, so I can become the only Lord,]" declared the colossal Werewolf as it tossed aside the two Clan Leaders who had been battling it a moment ago, treating them like mere ragdolls. At these moments, it hardly felt like a game for Yuki.

"[Honorable Guest! I can't allow you to endure any more harm for my sake... Please, just leave me and escape,]" the Lord pleaded. In an instant, two options appeared before Yuki:

[1 - Leave...]

[2 - I can't leave you behind...]

Yuki chose the second option. He had invested a great deal in gaining this NPC's favor, all for this very moment, and he couldn't let it go to waste.

"[What!? Why didn't you just abandon me to my fate! Just like everyone else did! Just like my father did!]" the Lord shouted. Yuki swiftly launched an attack on the Werewolf Lord, dealing some damage while also taking some himself.

[1 - Because I can't let them hurt you.]

[2 - Because you are weak!]

Two more options presented themselves to Yuki as he continued to engage in battle with the Werewolf Lord. Despite taking damage with each exchange, Yuki remained resolute in keeping the Noble Lord safe from harm.

Yuki, quick to made his choices, selected the 2nd option without hesitation. He knew which choices would lead to the best outcome the fastest.

"[Are you saying I'm weak? That I can't even protect my own people?? How should I even do that!? I'm not a Lord! I'm not worthy of it!? Because I'm weak!? I'm weak why!? My father left me for eternal death without even asking me if I wanted to inherit his false paradise. Why should I be the Lord!? When it doesn't even mean anything to me!?]" the Lord shouted, tears streaming down her eyes. These NPCs were capable of displaying remarkable expressions at times.

"[Phantom Fenrir]!" the Werewolf Lord shouted, summoning a phantom of Fenrir that materialized behind him and began attacking Yuki.

Yuki responded with a skill of his own, "[Phantom Terror Wraith]," summoning a phantom that slowed the Werewolf Lord's movements. He then unleashed another skill, "[Aura Burst]," directing a glowing golden ball of aura toward the Werewolf Lord's head, causing it to burst upon impact, delivering knockback damage.

[-24 Damage!]

With new options presented to him:

[1 - Because you are a lord.]

[2 - Strive to become stronger.]

[3 - Just give the responsibility to someone else.]

Yuki chose the 3rd option, the one that would finally lead to the outcome he had been waiting for. He skillfully dodged a deadly strike from the phantom Fenrir and immediately jumped to shield the Lord from the Werewolf Lord's incoming attack.

"[Dark Ward]," using a skill from his Dark Knight class, Yuki immediately conjured a dark barrier that protected the Lord from the Werewolf's attack. He then materialized near the Werewolf, aiming for its eye with precision, dealing critical damage.

"[I ... I can just give it to someone else. You are right!]" She trailed off as she muttered to herself.

"[I can always give it to someone who is more worthy of it than me...]" The Lord continued muttering, and then she clutched her chest, blood pouring from her mouth as she shoved her hand down her chest, indicating her pain.

"[Come, Ragnarok!]" the girl shouted as she produced a key that seemed to shine with an otherworldly brilliance. She immediately pointed the key at Yuki, who had only a few HP remaining—exactly 10—at that critical moment.

"[Choose your Master, Ragnarok!]" The Lord said as the key, which had once been in her possession, flew toward Yuki like a shooting star. The Werewolf Lord hastily jumped away upon seeing the brilliant and ancient key.

"Oh, it's finally time," Yuki muttered, a hidden smile beneath his avatar. He watched as the key began to float around him like a planet, as if Yuki were a black hole and the key was a celestial body. It spun faster and faster, approaching Yuki, and then—boom!

The key and Yuki collided, creating an explosion of energy so powerful that it caused the entire castle to crumble. The Noble Lord swiftly flew to safety using her ability to fly. However, the Werewolf Lord was not as fortunate, and he was struck by falling debris along with Yuki.

[You have acquired the Key to Ragnarok]

[You have unlocked a hidden Racial Class]

[You have acquired the Class «Lord: Noble»]

[You have unlocked a new «Natural Armour»]

[You have acquired the Soul Weapon «Ragnarok»]

[Let the destruction know, Ragnarok has finally found its true Master.]

Yuki's entire body radiated a dazzling golden shine mixed with red as his stats surged, powered by Ragnarok.

"So this is Ragnarok, as expected, it's truly the end of a world..."

[MP - 12/78 -> 100/100]

[Phy. Atk: 82 -> 104]

[Mag. Atk: 78 -> 100]

[Agility: 84 -> 104]

[Special: 72 -> 93]

Yuki gracefully flew, kicking aside the rubble. His aura intensified, glowing brighter with each passing moment. A sword floated steadily behind him, poised as if ready to strike at any moment.

"VR capabilities are really something," Yuki remarked as he controlled Ragnarok with subtle gestures and thoughts.

Ragnarok, was a magnificent platinum sword with a golden hilt and a central red gem, appeared slender and decorative rather than a weapon of mass destruction. But appearances could be deceiving.

"[Dooms Strike]!" Yuki seized the floating Ragnarok, swinging it downward toward the rubble of the once-beautiful castle. A crimson sword slash, imbued with chaotic black energy, shot forth and struck the rubble with a deafening boom. The entire pile of debris trembled, and the Werewolf Lord, who had been hiding within, emerged. Yuki fixed his gaze upon him.

Clenn High Lord

Race - Lord: Werewolf

Level - 100

[HP - 23/120]

Only a sliver of HP remained for the former ruling Lord of the Werewolves.

"Good thing you're dying; that way, I can have the Lord of the Werewolves too," Yuki remarked as he held the sword like a lance, positioning it accordingly.

"[Last Oblivion]" The sword radiated cataclysmic red and dark energy, beginning to spin wildly while still in Lucian's grasp, resembling a drill.

"[Go, Ragnarok!]" Yuki shouted as he hurled the weapon towards the Werewolf Lord. The Werewolf Lord attempted to use skills to block the attack, but it was futile.

The sword tore through the space between Yuki and the Werewolf Lord in an instant, producing a resounding boom upon impact. It struck the Lord, instantly vanquishing him. However, the ordeal did not conclude there. The sword plummeted to the ground, causing the entire area to quake as it unleashed a dark, malevolent blast that spread in all directions.

"Whoa, that was pretty cool!" Yuki exclaimed as he surveyed the aftermath of his devastating weapon.

Soon, the dark energy dissipated, revealing a scene reminiscent of a meteorite impact. There was no castle remaining, nor anything else for that matter. All that remained was the golden sword, floating and spinning at the center of it all.

"[Come, Ragnarok!]" Yuki shouted, and Ragnarok immediately created a spinning vortex, moving directly toward Yuki and floating beside him at arm's length.

Yuki then surveyed the scene, his gaze falling upon the Noble Lord, or rather, the former Noble Lord. Only her title remained now. Yuki flew towards her and checked her HP, relieved to see that not even a single point of her HP was depleted. He had done an excellent job protecting her.

As soon as he reached her vicinity, a new dialogue appeared, one he hadn't encountered before.

"[Lord! You are the Lord now! I can't bear the responsibility of my race alone. I need someone. I need someone strong like you to help me...]" The Lord implored, her hands clasped in a prayer-like gesture, her crimson eyes beseeching Yuki for something.

"[The Soul Weapon of the Lord has recognized you as its true Master. It was never satisfied with any of us. We always had to implant a key that sealed its consciousness in our bodies, allowing us to wield this Soul Weapon of ultimate destruction. However, we could only tap into a fraction of its power... But not you... You have truly made Ragnarok yours...]" The Lord explained, pausing between her words.

Yuki faced several options:

[1 - I'm nothing but a commoner.]

[2 - I am... Atomics!]

[3 - I'll become the True Noblesse.]

Yuki chose the third option, declaring his intention to become the True Noblesse. This decision led to a new quest – to eradicate all the werewolves that had infiltrated the NobleBlood island.

"[True Noblesse, please help us in our perilous situation,]" the Lord implored.

"Well, let's go on a hunt then. Gotta stack those levels," Yuki said as he flew away, with the sword Ragnarok following closely behind him.

Throughout the night, Yuki killed every single werewolf that had invaded the NobleBlood island. It was not an easy task as he had to find each and every corner of the island.

Finally, he stood on the roof of a mansion, having defeated the last werewolf that had attempted to attack him.

[You have completed the Quest!]

[You have unlocked a hidden Racial class]

[You have acquired the Racial Class «True Noblesse»]

[True Noblesse]

Description: A being with power above all others, the Noblesse is an ancient race of Nobles. Only one Noblesse can be born in every universe, as the Noblesse represents the true power of noble blood and soul. They can serve as Judges, Executioners, or Protectors, depending on their relationship with others.

Skills Available: | Noblesse Oblige | | Noblesse Charm | | Blood Phoenix |

Abilities Available: | Blood Reign | | Noblesse Authority | | Noblesse Beauty | | Aura Stratos | | First Rosario |

"Let's first allocate all the levels for this class to level up," Yuki muttered as he immediately added the levels to the class, reaching his peak. Even without the World Champion class right now, he was very strong.

[IGN] Nex Yuki


Neutral Evil



[Level - 95]

[Racial Class]

• Vampire: Lvl - 10

• Noble Vampire: Lvl - 10

• False Noblesse: Lvl - 5

• Lord: Noble: Lvl - 5

• True Noblesse: Lvl - 5

[Job Class]

• Paladin: Lvl - 10

• Fallen Paladin: Lvl - 10

• Dark Knight: Lvl - 5

• Dread Knight: Lvl - 10

• Dread Lord: Lvl - 5

• Aura Adept: Lvl - 10

• Aura Master: Lvl - 5

• Aura Savant: Lvl - 5

[HP - 104/104]

[MP - 102/102]

[Phy. Atk: 113]

[Phy. Def: 111]

[Agility: 116]

[Mag. Atk: 102]

[Mag. Def: 101]

[Resist: 98]

[Special: 92]

Yuki's current stats were off the charts, making him incredibly overpowered for a level 95 player. His build, despite not being min-maxed, still had stats that exceeded normal limits, showcasing how many stat points his Noblesse race had granted him.

Not to mention, he could further enhance himself with buffs, and most importantly, his cheat weapon, Ragnarok. When he called Ragnarok, his attack stats would significantly increase, making him a formidable opponent. He also possessed various spells from his True Noblesse class to catch enemies off-guard.

"Sigh~ finally, I've reached the peak," Yuki muttered dramatically as he gazed at the horizon, witnessing the sunrise. It signaled the dawn of a new day, a feeling that stirred nostalgia. In the world he lived currently, the sun wouldn't shine, but here it radiated brilliantly.

"This feels nostalgic for some reason," Yuki muttered, reminiscing about the times he used to go for morning runs and witness the sunrise every day. Unfortunately, in this world, the sun was very shy and always hid behind the dark clouds.

"Updates..." Yuki mumbled as the system responded.

{The Expansion pack [Valkyrie Downfall] has been released, Master,} the system announced.

Yuki couldn't help but smile, even though it was hidden beneath his avatar.

"Let's log out and update the game before coming back!" Yuki said as he held Ragnarok in his hand.

"[Come back, Ragnarok!]" Yuki commanded. Hearing the command, Ragnarok shone brilliantly before transforming into a key and being absorbed into Yuki's soul. After all, it was a soul weapon.

"So, are there any new classes?" Yuki asked the system as he opened his menu to log out.

{Yes, there are new classes. There's the Valkyrie Class and Gunner Class.}

"Hoh..." Yuki smiled upon hearing the word "gunner." In fact, he had hoped for such a class for one of his avatars before, but it didn't exist at that time. It seemed like the expansion pack was finally bringing something exciting.

"I can't wait to build a gunner character," Yuki said with a smile as he logged out, eager to participate in the upcoming world tournament.



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