
Overlord: A new journey

200 years before the main timeline of Overlord, a powerful player was transported into New World. (English is not my mother tongue, please forgive if i make grammatical mistakes.)

Dang_Hoang_4631 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2




The timer was continuing to count.

 "Huh, why wasn't I forced to log out? Is there something wrong with the sever?" Arthas queried.

He tried to open the menu but recognized that it didn't appeared. All he saw was the counting timer .

He opened his eyes and took a look around him. At that moment, he recognized that the landscape around him was totally changed. The scene that should have been a red grassland became a dense forest.

Arthas jumped because of the unexcepted change. Dozens of question were running in his mind.

"Is this a new game or the last event for players?" 'No, if it is a new game, no way i don'n know...and this feeling... it feels so real.' YGGDRASIL in particular and other games in general were not allowed to simulate touch, smell and taste. However... his nose could smell the fresh air flows, the smell of woodwand others smell in the forest. His tongue could taste the bitter in his mouth. And his vision, his eyes were strangely good. He could clearly see a colony of ants crawling on a tree 200 meters away from here. Those were too good to be a game. But if it was not a game, what the f**k was happening?

Arthas immediately checked his gears and items that he was carrying. He touched on his chest armor and felt his heart beats.

" It is still here." Arthas sighed with relief.

" Is everything alright, Arthas?" . A female voice sounded from behind him.

Arthas turn his head slowly. His brain was working at full capacity to understand what was going on. 'Did Malenia just speak? She spoke? An NPC just spoke?,

Arthas was silent for a while, lost in thought, staring at Malenia.

" Are you feeling unwell?" Her voice, which was mixed with a bit of worry, removed himself from his thoughts. 'I need to calm down.'

Hesitatingly, Arthas answered.

" No, nothing's wrong. I was just wondering where we are. Do you feel anything strange, Malenia? Do you know how we aririved at this place?"

"No , i don't know. But i don't think we are in Niðavelli. Niðavelli does not have any forest like this. It doesn't even look like any forest of nine realms which we've been through".

Malenia was correct. This was definitely not Niðavelli. Arthas was not familiar with this kind of forest. After gradually eliminating each hypothesis, Arthas thought of the most illogical situation. He had been transported into another world. 'Stop using drugs' was what he would say in a normal situation. He read the "isekai novels" when he was a boy. But he had never thought that he would fall in a situation like that. Arthas shaked his head, the most important thing at that time was to find out where he was.

" That thing..... your items are still with you?". He asked Malenia.

"They are with me, you want to check them?"

"No, no need. We have to investigate where this is and what have happened. We need to get out of here." He affirmed.

Malenia nodded. She looked around and pointed at a very giant tree 30 meters away.

"We should climb that tree and take a look. Maybe we will find a way out." She suggested.

Arthas nodded in agreement, then they quickly moved to the mentioned tree. Standing under the tree, Arthas looked up at a big branch above. The tree was about 300 meters tall. Perhaps it would take 7 people to hug the tree trunk. There was no tree which was tall like that in the real world. The branch which he wanted to climb was about 200 meters above the ground. That a unimaginable number for human. But strangely ,he could feel the unlimited power in his muscles which he couldn't feel when he was in the game. Althought he had a bit worry because this was the first he use this body power, he also he felt like he was extreamly familiar with this body.

 Taking a deep breath, he bent his kneez, his muscles were compressed. After releasing them, he shot up like a bullet to the tree branch.

Safely landing on the branch, Arthas felt satisfied like never before. That was the feeling of those who had power. He felt like he could do everything with this power. A noise sounded him and he found Malenia standing next to him. Arthas looked up at the sky and immediately felt everwhelmed .He had never seen such a clear night sky in his life. The beauty of a starry night sky was truly captivating.The vast expanse of the night sky become a canvas adorned with countless twinkling stars, each one a distant sun in its own right.

 'What a wonferful view' Arthas admired. He busy looking at the sky until Malenia's voice brought him back to reality.

"There is a trail over there." Malenia point at a trail.

Looking in the direction of Malenia's finger, he saw a small trail 500 meters away lengthened to the horizon. After calculating for a while, he made a decision.

"Let's go Malenia. We should get out of here as quickly as possible."

They jumped down from the tree. Standing on the ground, they opened their inventories and withdrew two small beasts statues. They were mount items. Two statues radiated light, and then two giant creatures appeared in front of them. They were Arthas's favorite mount called "Shadow Catcher" . These creatures resemble black panthers in their sleek and powerful build, but they are much larger, measuring an impressive 5 meters in length, not including their tails, and standing over 2 meters tall when on all fours. Their muscular bodies exuded an aura of strength. However, there were clear differences between them. The male Shadow Catcher was adorned with two pairs of horns. The first pair emerged from the crown of their heads, curving upwards towards the sky, adding to their regal appearance. The second pair of horns sprouted near their ears and extend forward, contributing to their formidable presence. In contrast, the females possessed a single set of upward-curving horns, which adds to their elegance.The males boasted a striking feature in the form of a radiant white mane that cascaded down their necks, creating a stark contrast against their jet-black fur. On the other hand, the females exhibited a more subtle variation with white fur only presented on the underside of their necks. Both gender possessed a tough layer scale that encased thier four legs and their tails. Those scales protected them from powerful attacks.

They climbed on their mounts then moved along the trail. As they moved, they watched out for enemy. Looking at Malenia riding next to him, Arthas thought about her setting. Arthas had created her as his partner, and it seemed that there had been no change since he came this world. He sighed again, wondering what was happening.

After moving slowly for 6 hours, they finally reached the edge of the forest. Anothe hour of traveling, the found a dirt road stretching across the green plains.

Watching the sun slowly rising and feeling its light, Arthas greedily took a deep breath. Smell of nature excited his senses.

"It seems like you very like this place." Malenia asked him.

"I was just thinking that this world is so beautiful. What do you think?"

"It 's not bad, but i think Niðavelli is more beatiful." She replied.

Arthas smirked. " You are starting to miss home, aren't you?"

"I don't think praising our homeland is a sign of homesickness. And what have said is the truth."

Arthas smiled and said nothing. He thought that if he was really transported to a world like this, it wouldn't be so bad.

As they rode through the plains, Arthas encountered many kinds of creatures that didn't exist on Earth. The four-wing birds, a horned rabbit, a pack of giant wolves hunting a golden horn antelope .... Especially, his sense of adventure was particularly ignited when they were attacked by a group of goblins, specific monsters from a fantasy world.

Suddenly, the sounds of a battle came from nowhere, causing them to be alert. They looked at each other, then carefully moved toward the sounds. When they got close enough, they realized that was a battle between a group of 10 people and a group of 12 trolls. 7 people were fighting against trolls while 3 people were hiding behind a broken-wheeled carriage. The goods fell out from the carrige. They seemd to be merchants. The battle was very violent. The trolls seemed to be winning thanks to their superiorty in numbers and strengh. They kept approaching them. That party seemed recognized Malenia and Arthas were approaching them, but they couldn't do anything because of dealing with the trolls. When Arthas and Malenia were only 7 meters away from them, they stopped and spoke.

"Hey, we got lost. Could you direct me to the nearest city?"

There was no answer.

"Do you hear me. Which way is the closest city from heer." Arthas asked them again.

"Help us!" the answer came this time. A voice came from the man using sword.

"What? There is no direction called 'help us'. What do you mean? You don't understand what i say?". Arthas replied. He was pretty happy because they could understand each other's language. About the reason why they could, he would learn it later.

"Help us, please!" The swordman begged.

"Oh I see. You guys are in trouble huh. Want some help?"

"Help us, please! We are at the limit." The man is telling the truth, Arthas guessed.

"Ok, but you have to direct us to the nearest city. And now, step back." He ordered.

"What?" It was the swordman's turn to querry.

" If you don't wanna die, step back" Arthas drew his sword.

The swordman and his partners had no choice but to retreat. As he saw them out of dagerous zone, Arthas activated a skill called "Air slash". An invisible slash flew towards the troll and swipe them out. Blood and flesh was splashed with dust caused by his skill. The swordman and his group were completely stupefied. They couldn't understand what just happend.