
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

new plate

"No, it is just… let me get the guild leader."

Saying that she leaves to go upstairs.


"Well that didn't help much.."

Akabaru frowned while he compliant.

"There is only so much she can do to help.."

Seeing the receptionist coming back with who you prepose is the guild master, a woman who looked to be around 40 years old.

"So, you are the Faer.."


"Pluton had much to say about you in his letter… and the warrior captain vouches for your strength.. yet without merit I can't promote you to a level that would be appropriate…"

Akabaru thought it over for a second…

"I have killed a mighty bear that was roaming around west of E-Pespel.. but further than that I haven't preformed any real feats…"

"Are you talking about the invulnerable great black bear?"

"Well I killed it so not invulnerable… but maybe?"

"Was it a bear that was twice as large as a normal one and didn't have any scratches or signs of damage to its fur?"

"Yes.. I didn't see it up close but it was at least twice the size of a normal bear.."

Gazef interjected while Akabaru reached into his inventory and pulled out the body of the 'mighty' foe

A shocked look appeared on the Guild masters face as she saw the 20 feet long bear appear out of nowhere.

She looked around the bear but found nothing that could have killed it..

"How did the great bear die..?"

"I broke its spine in two... but like you said I didn't seem to pierce the hide.."

The guild master looked perplexed

"Was this your first-time hunting or do you already have experience."

Rubbing the back of his head. Akabaru was thinking about how truthful he should be.

"While I am new in the area, it is not my first-time hunting. I am a wanderer, so I encounter many enemies on my journey, it wasn't uncommon to fight any animal or beast that came my way."

The Guild leader looked at Akabaru seeming to judge his character

"Would promoting you to a mithril rank be acceptable?"

"I have no problem with that…. How does the ranking system work"

Hearing your responds the guild leader looked relieved and confused. She ordered the receptionist to explain the guild system to Akabaru and left to go discuss with Gazef in his office.


While the guild receptionist was explaining everything to Akabaru and walking him trough the registration progress. Some gossip was spreading that a new guy defeated a Orichalcum ranked quest.

As the receptionist was explaining everything Akabaru suddenly asked a important question.

"I have a apprentice that is supposed to arrive in the morning.. she also hasn't registered yet but I can confirm her strength, how high do you suppose that she could be ranked..?

"Sir Faer… you are more of a acceptation than something that happens most of the time.. even if you vouch for her it would create unrest among the Adventurers who struggled to rank up… your case was special as you defeated a mithril adventurer and completed a orichalcum job.."

"Is there a way I can get her to quickly reach my rank?"

"If she is part of your team than you can bring her along on job of higher rank but I would suggest not raising the bar immediately and maybe looking for a gold ranked job…"

"Thank you for the advice.. is there anything else I need to fill in ore are we done?"

"This will be all.."


Akabaru sat at a table in the corner as no one was sitting there, his plate would be ready within a minute so he shouldn't have to wait long.

He looked at the bleu roses that were in a face on the table and got lost observing them…

"Hey! You're sitting in our spot!"

"ohh.. I didn't know.."

Turning to look at the Three people that had arrived to the spot you were sitting at one was a brute of a woman?.. the one that had shouted at him.. the other two looked to be smaller in statue but Akabaru could recognise one…

"ooh.. hey there Tina… who are the other two?"

"Hey don't ignore me popsicle!"

"I am not trying to ignore you but I simply don't know you.. so.."

The big woman in armour looked shocked at your statement.

"Do you have any business with us or do you want to get into a fight?"

The one in a mask seemed to want to deduce your intentions

"No I am not looking for a fight but your companions seems to be ready to go.."

"And what if I am!"

Halfway through the sentence Akabaru spots the guild receptionist coming back with his new rank plate

"No worries ladies this will not happened again…ohh and Tina.. if you see Lakyus again say that I need to talk to her… will you?"


Akabaru got up and when to the receptionist getting his new adventurers rank and just in time Gazef walked down the stairs.

Leaving the guild hall Akabaru was now wearing a mithril plate around his neck

Gazef vouching for him could get him to gold and defeating Igvarge and getting a recommendation from the guild master in E-Rantel promoted him further to platinum and at last defeating the 'invulnerable' black bear promoted him to Mithril

"Where will we be headed, Faer-dono?"

Akabaru looked Gazef in the eyes

He had enough money to go spent on a nice room while he waited for Yuri to arrive, and so he did

"I will probably search for an in and wait for my apprentice there..."

"How would she know you will be there?"

"Because she will first come to the adventurers guild and ask for me there and after will probably wait there or come find me."

Realising how easy is would be to find someone who would want to be found Gazef apologised

"Of course.. if you need me in the further or want tour of the whole city just come to the castle or my home.

"I shall indeed… oh and next time I will not make such a fuss.."

"I hope you will keep to that .."


The team members of bleu rose were quite confused but before long the last two arrived at the guild hall.

As Lakyus and Tina sat down Tia spoke up.

"We met someone interesting that knew you Lakyus and you Tina.. but didn't seem to recognise the rest of us…"

"What did he look like?"

Lakyus asked back but Gagaran responded before Tia could..

"A annoying bald man with a face I would like to smash to bits…"

"What did he do Gagaran?"

"He sat on our spot and didn't feel threatened at all by my presence.."

"He seemed to be with the warrior captain.."

"Where did you get that from Evileye?"

"Well Gagaran, they left together so…"

"Was it a bald monk looking guy who seemed to be a little crazy?"

"Yes how do you know Lakyus?"

Lakyus explained how they had met inside the royal palace when they had visited the golden princess Renner, and how he acted quite strange in front of her. Explaining that after it happened that they had to bring Climb to comfort her, but that the princess stayed mostly strong even while it happened.

"But from what Gazef said about him, he is a powerful warrior, so powerful that Gazef admitted that he felt weak in his presence.. but he also described his attack methods to be crude and lack skill, as if he doesn't fight often.."

"That popsicle was stronger than Gazef… why do the most of the strong men go crazy.. I can only settle with less…"

"That's because when people get that strong there is nothing that could stop them except an army.. so they trip on their power….Ohh that reminds me Lakyus he wanted to talk to you about something, or another."

"He didn't say what he wanted to talk about?"


Akabaru had found an inn he thought was acceptable, the prices weren't to high and he didn't need food so he was saving on something.. he had messaged Yuri where he was and she had replied that she would be there before dawn came..

So now all he had to do was wait….



Akabaru was feeling bored, he wasn't mentally tired and his body didn't require sleep so he decided to leave the inn and explore..

He would have contacted Gazef but it was already midnight so that wouldn't be appreciated

- At the same time

Sensing something like a colour upon the wind, Britta sniffed several times, like a dog.

She was not mistaken — the air contained a greenish scent. This odour came from mysterious drugs and crushed plants. The smell told Britta that she was at her destination.

Britta continued forward, to a place where the smell was stronger than just now. Peering left and right, she walked on until she was in front of the largest house.

This house was different from the others around it, which were designed with a shop area in front and a work area in the back. It seemed to have been built from the ground up as a workshop.

She knew that she had arrived from the sign that hung above the door and outside the place.

The bell mounted on top of the door rang surprisingly loudly as she pushed open the front door.

After she entered, she found herself in something that looked like a guest lounge. There were two facing benches in the middle of the room, cabinets of books on the walls, and ornamental plants in the corners of the room.

As she stepped into the lounge, a voice called out:


It was a male voice, though it sounded too young to belong to a man.

Looking around, she saw a teenage boy standing before her, dressed in a beat-up set of old work coveralls that were stained with juices from crushed plants.

His blond hair covered half his face, so it was hard to guess his age, but from his height and his voice, he should be in puberty.

Although he was a teenager, Britta could still guess his name. Apart from the fame of his grandmother, he had become one of the few notable people in E-Rantel by virtue of his innate talents.

"...Nfirea Bareare-san?"

"Yes, that's me."

The boy…Nfirea… nodded and asked:

"May I know what business you have here?"

"Ah, yes. Hang on a bit."

Britta retrieved the folded slip of paper the innkeeper had passed her and gave it to the boy.

Upon receiving the piece of paper, Nfirea opened and read it.

"I see… so that's what's going on. Then, can I see the potion?"

Britta took out the potion and handed it to Nfirea, who brought it so close to himself that his hair covered it.

The atmosphere changed.

Nfirea swept his hair away, revealing a handsome face, which would surely break the hearts of many girls.

However, within that youthful face of his was a pair of steely eyes. It was hard to imagine that someone who spoke and acted like he did could have eyes like that. Those eyes sparkled with excitement. Nfirea shook the potion bottle several times and nodded.

"Forgive me, it's not convenient to speak here. Could you follow me inside?"

Britta agreed, and under Nfirea's guidance, she soon arrived at a messy room. Still, she thought that way because she lacked professional experience.

On the table were round-bottomed flasks, test tubes, distillation equipment, mortars, funnels, beakers, alcohol lamps, balances, a bizarre-looking pot, and various other items. The shelves on the walls were filled with mysterious herb and mineral samples.

An acrid odour hung in the air. It seemed potentially dangerous to one's body.

The person who was already within the room stared at the two people who had barged in.

She was a very old woman, and both her face and hands were heavily wrinkled. Her hair, which reached to her eyebrows, was pure white. Her work clothes were stained with even more green residue than Nfirea's and she smelled heavily of grass.

Nfirea, who had just entered, called out to the old lady:
