1 See no evil, hear no good

As Grid observed the first holy sword, he noticed it was far from his level of expertise, it was an item in the domain of the gods.

A quest arrow appeared above the item with the golden name. It looked exactly like the arrow which had floated above Raphael's Spear the first time he saw it a few years ago... Grid instinctively grabbed the hilt. Aliburn had been watching the dark spheres with satisfied eyes when he suddenly panicked.

"You, what are you...?"

"Legendary Blacksmith's Appraisal!"

[The blacksmith who became a legend can appraise items with an excellent discerning eye. If a hidden feature exists in the target item, it will be found.]


[You have discovered a hidden feature in the item!]

[!!!! ]

[The first holy sword of humanity. It was sealed in the stone by the original seven malignant saints!]

[★Hidden Quest★ Crossroad of Good and Evil has occurred!]

[The power of God's Command has shattered the Stone of Original Sin!]

[The quest item First Incomplete Holy Sword has been obtained!]


Light exploded, and the darkness was cleared. The hundreds of black spheres floating in the air vanished like they were a lie. Aliburn's face filled with consternation for the first time.



Grid's and Damian's gazes met in the air as Grid confirmed the contents of the hidden quest while Daman confirmed the contents of the newly updated Recapture the Holy Sword quest.

It was a quest that could be cleared. Damian was convinced about it. His confidence hadn't changed even when he was trapped in the barrier, when he was caught by Hill, or when Aliburn summoned hundreds of black spheres.

'Based on the worldview, this crisis must be passed.'

He was sure it would be maintained even if Grid hadn't shown up. In fact, Rebecca's Daughters weren't using White Transformation as promised. If they did, the momentum was likely to change. Thus, Damian had been waiting for the story to reach a specific section—the moment when Rebecca's Daughters would go out with all their strength.

However, the situation went differently from Damian's expectations. Before Rebecca's Daughters could move, Grid changed things dramatically. Something happened the moment Grid touched the sword in Aliburn's arms. It was the sword that was sealed into the rock.

A brilliant light exploded, and the image of the sword Grid had drawn out didn't fade away. Instead, it became complete.


Pagma's Successor was interfering with the symbol of the Rebecca Church?

'What are his qualifications?'

The keepsakes of Fifth Pope Franz—the Holy Light Set—were made by Pagma, so it wasn't strange for them to be associated with Grid.

'Did Pagma have anything to do with the first holy sword?'


Damian was feeling confused when a notification window popped up.

[The Recapture the Holy Sword quest has been updated to Recapture the Holy Sword (2)!]

[Recapture the Holy Sword (2)]

[★ Hidden Quest ★

The sealed holy sword, which was in the Yatan Church's hands, has been liberated with the power of the seven malignant saints.

The seven malignant saints, who wanted to move away from being half-gods and become true gods, sought the sword in the past.

The Holy Sword is the symbol of Rebecca and proof of the pope!

You must retrieve it!

Be wary of the evil person seeking the throne of a god!

Quest Clear Conditions: Take back the Sealed Holy Sword.

Quest Clear Reward: The blessing of Goddess Rebecca, God Judar, and God Dominion. Affinity with the elders will reach the peak, and you will be respected by all believers.

Quest Failure: Many believers will be disillusioned with the ineffective church leadership and will leave the church. You won't be eligible to serve as the pope. Goddess Rebecca will be disappointed in you. Level -10.]

'The seven malignant saints? Where did this suddenly come from?'

For the majority of ordinary players, the seven malignant saints episode was still uncharted territory. Even Overgeared King Grid had only recently learned about this story. Additionally, he only knew because Kraugel told him. However, Damian wasn't an ordinary player. He was a ranker who had a formerly hidden class, and he was the pope of the Rebecca Church. Just like Kraugel, he had dominated many quests. No, perhaps Damian was a player with even more knowledge and information sources than Kraugel. He knew that the malignant saints were absolutely evil.

'They became half-gods due to the gods' favor, but they weren't satisfied and aimed for the gods' position...'

Or was he? Damian's own views of the world were tainted by his faith in Goddess Rebecca. As much as Damian saw Grid as a friend, he also saw Rebecca as a source of absolute trust, her words could never be lies.

He had heard that one of them had inherited the power of light from Goddess Rebecca. Just thinking about the seven malignant saints made Damian angry. How dare they betray Goddess Rebecca who cared for humanity with love and compassion? From the time he became the Goddess' Agent until the day he became a pope, Damian had learned many things about Rebecca's work. He admired Rebecca and didn't like the seven villains who had tried to hurt her by betraying her.


Damian was astonished. Weren't the quest's contents updated the moment Grid touched the holy sword? Then that meant the mention of the 'evil person' who used the power of the seven malignant saints was referring to Grid. It was a moment of crisis where he had to choose between his faith and friendship, which did he believe in more?


Damian felt a chill as his voice entered Grid's ears. Grid was also looking at a new quest. It contained a powerful temptation that was causing him to feel conflicted.

[Crossroad of Good and Evil]

[★ Hidden Quest ★

After all sorts of adventures, you have won the power, God's Command, that the fourth malignant saint, Taren, left for later generations.

You can hear Taren's voice, "The light was so bright that I couldn't see the darkness hidden beyond it."

The voice of the Martial God Zeratul is also heard, "Human. This isn't Taren's arrangement. It is Dominion's and my arrangement. Don't listen to the voice of the corrupted one."

The Incomplete Holy Sword is starting to be eroded by the power of God's Command.

The Incomplete Holy Sword is a symbol of Rebecca.

Please make a choice.

Will you rely on the power of the seven malignant saints to make the Incomplete Holy Sword yours or return it to the Rebecca Church?

Pioneer your own path!

Rewards for Gaining the Incomplete Holy Sword:

The 'Holy Sword of the 4th Evil' will be acquired.

* Your race will evolve from a human into a half-god. A half-god is a race that transcends humanity and approaches being a god. There will be room for great increases of all abilities.

* The passive skill God's Command is strengthened. The probability of activating God's Command will become 100%. However, a critical hit won't be applied to skills that God's Command is used on.

* The skill, Corrupted Holy Sword, will unlock.

* You will be cursed by Goddess Rebecca, God Dominion, God Judar, and God Zeratul.

* Affinity with the Rebecca Church, Dominion Church, and Judar Church will fall to minus values.

* Followers of the Warrior God will chase you.

Rewards for Returning the Incomplete Holy Sword:

Goddess Rebecca's blessing. Affinity with the Rebecca Church will rise to the maximum.

* Affinity with the Rebecca Church is already at the maximum.]

Duguen! Duguen! Duguen!

Grid's heart thumped as he read the contents of the quest. His greed wriggled under the enormous stimulation. Grid's original heart was crying.

'Grab the Holy Sword!

'A half-god, half-god!'

'No one will be able to beat me! I will reign forever!

'The whole world will see me every day, and people will look up to me.

'My first love Ahyoung will feel regretful every night. Huhuhut.

'What about those guys who bullied me?

'This is a unique opportunity. It is dangerous now. A strong person like Kraugel or Agnus can take my position at any time.

'What about those people hoping for the downfall of the Overgeared Kingdom? What if I am deprived of everything and return to that awful life?'

Duguen! Duguen! Duguen!

His conflict was biased. Grid's greed was too strong, despite receiving many rewards and overcoming his past. He gripped the holy sword harder. Grid has been through many hardships, he desired to be rewarded for his efforts, he felt he was never given enough, he worked harder than anyone else, yet kraugel, Yura, and countless other people easily leaped above him. Perhaps the quest he had received was the compensation for his lacking rewards!


Grid heard Damian's shout. Damian sincerely respected and envied Grid. Grid liked him too. It sometimes felt akin to a dream that he shared a mutual admiration with a great person like Damian. However, it wasn't enough. Grid didn't let go of the holy sword in his hand.

"Grid! Wake up!"

Then he heard Isabel's cry. Isabel—she was a poor woman. Grid had saved her, and she gained happiness. The feelings of gratitude, love, and respect she felt for Grid were a great source of strength and pride for him. He felt a bit sorry to let her down. However, his desire was stronger than anything, that's who grid was.


Grid's tight grip on the holy sword loosened slightly. Still, this only lasted for a moment. Grid increased his strength again because he couldn't suppress the greed inside him.

"Your Majesty!"



He heard Irene's and Lord's cries. That's when Grid's mind awakened, and he shifted his gaze from the sword for the first time. The first woman who loved him—she was the woman who devoted herself to him and taught him what happiness and rest were. Additionally, there was the fruit of his love with her—the child who followed his back and aimed to prove himself countless times, just for his father, tears filled Grid's eyes.

'What was I thinking...'

His heart ached as he remembered his hesitation that would put his family in danger.

Then other faces appeared in his mind—Huroi, Yura, Jishuka, Regas, Pon, Lauel, Peak Sword, and Toon.


The biased conflict changed. He suppressed his boiling desire and shouted with all his strength.

"I can't risk my family and colleagues...!!"

What was he doing alone? His people would suffer if he gave into his desires and became hostile to the world. He didn't want that. Right now, his life wasn't his own.

[the fourth evil, Taren, looks at you with warm eyes]

At that moment, a weird feeling filled Grid's heart. In the time where the gods purely antagonized him, Taren respected his choice and believed in his judgment, why? Weren't they evil... Grid's heart was heavy.


Damian who was confused by why Grid, whose eyes had lost all greed, was still holding the sword felt conflicted. The quest had explicitly called Grid an evil person, But Damian knew better, grid was his friend.

''Grid isn't evil.''

[The gods of Asgard are boiling in rage at the words of the pope]

[Rebecca is looking at Damian silently]

It was then that the voice of Goddess Rebecca entered his ears.

'The man who stands before you may have been your friends, but now he's just a sinner, one who does not deserve mercy.'


Damian's heart stayed strong as he declared again.

''If the 7 saints were evil, this does not make every person deceived by them evil.''

[Zeratul ridicules your naiveness]

[Judar calls you ignorant]

[Rebecca is thinking about your words]


[The Recapture the Holy Sword (2) quest has been updated to Recapture the Holy Sword (3)!]

[Recapture the Holy Sword (3)]

[★ Hidden Quest ★

The sealed holy sword, which was in the Yatan Church's hands, has been liberated with the power of the seven malignant saints.

The seven malignant saints, who wanted to move away from being half-gods and become true gods, sought the sword in the past.

The Holy Sword is the symbol of Rebecca and proof of the pope!

You must retrieve it!

However, violence is not the only way.

The person possessing the holy sword is none other than the Hero king.

Reveal the truth about the 7 saints to the Hero King and convince him to hand the holy sword to the church.

Quest Clear Conditions: Take back the Sealed Holy Sword.

Quest Clear Reward: The blessing of Goddess Rebecca. Affinity with the elders will reach the peak, and you will be respected by all of humanity as a virtuous person.

Quest Failure: Many believers will be disillusioned with the ineffective church leadership and will leave the church. You won't be eligible to serve as the pope. Goddess Rebecca will banish you from the church. Level -5.]

''Thank you, goddess!''

Damian's heart was filled with faith and gratitude once again. He realized that goddess Rebecca only wished for the truth to be known!

''Grid, the seven saints have deceived you! They are evil people who have tried to overthrow the gods who protect humanity! Don't fall for their temptation and help me , please!''

''I... Want to protect my family''

Damian's smile covered his face, he knew that grid had finally come back and gotten rid of the temptation.

''I know... We're friends after all...''

''But I also want to protect the people from the lies of the sky''



[The gods in Asgard are enraged at the words of the Overgeared king Grid]

Damian's eyes grew big as he read the messages.

''Grid, what are you doing?!''

"Kill all of them!"

Aliburn shouted urgently, using the confusing situation to his advantage. He was already overwhelmed by the divine power released from the holy sword. He had lost his calm expression long ago, but he waited until he found the best chance to act.

Yatan's servants and black magicians released their power as they fought and slaughtered the paladins and priests of the church. Damian's heart sunk, he thought he could change Grid's mind, but it was useless.

[The Recapture the Holy Sword (3) quest has regressed to Recapture the Holy Sword (2) due to the situation]

He now had only one choice. kill Grid.

Meanwhile, Grid's eyes scanned his family and friends, he wasn't dumb, he cared about them more than anything, this was why he rushed towards them and killed the servants and magicians who surrounded them.

''Damn you!!''

Aliburn , who aimed his strongest magic at Grid, could not stop his advance ad slowly dissipated into a pillar of light.


''Your majesty!''

Lord's confused voice and Irene's concerned words reached Grid while he protected them with his body.

''Everything will be alright...'

Grid patted Lord's head as he showed him a warm smile, a father could not be shaken in front of his child, Right now, he had to act the same way kraugel would have. Take advantage of everything and do what you find right, not the best.

''The seven saints were not right...''

Grid's voice echoed in the hall as he struck the sword's blade in the ground.

''But what proves that the gods aren't as well!''

Damian looked at Grid with a blank face. Right now, Grid was the enemy of the church, not Damian's friend.

[The gods of Asgard are enraged at the overgeared king!!]


Grid's stern voice amplified by his dignity stat captured the hall. His presence overwhelmed both sides alike.

''I will destroy that damn sword''



[The gods of Asgard are cursing the one who dares challenge the wisdom of the divine!]

[The seven malignant saints are enraged by the ignorance of the Hero King!]

[An unknown person is interested in you]

[An unknown person's voice reaches your ears]

'Transcend your limits.'


[The unknown person's interference has created a new possibility!]

[The 'Crossroad of good and evil' quest has been updated to 'Borders between lies and truths'!]

[Borders between lies and truths]

★ Hidden Quest ★

After all sorts of adventures, you have won the power, God's Command, that the fourth malignant saint, Taren, left for later generations.

You can hear Taren's voice, "The light was so bright that I couldn't see the darkness hidden beyond it."

The voice of the War God Zeratul is also heard, "Human. This isn't Taren's arrangement. It is Dominion's and my arrangement. Don't listen to the voice of the corrupted one."

The Incomplete Holy Sword is starting to be eroded by the power of God's Command.

The Incomplete Holy Sword is a symbol of Rebecca.

Faced with 2 choices you have chosen a choice that denies both sides.

You have enraged both parties and the gods are determined to put you down as a dangerous variable.

Learn the truth of the tale that transcends time itself and prove the worth of your words!

Quest completion conditions:- Learn the truth about the 7 saints


Quest completion penalties: Affinity with the seven saints will drop to minimum. Affinity with the gods of Asgard will drop to negative. All churches will antagonize you and your country and will regard you as a threat to order. The followers and triad of Zeratul will hunt you down to every corner of the world. You will receive the curse of ''Greed''. You will receive the curse of Rebecca, Judar, and dominion. 'God's command' will be lost.

Quest completion rewards: -???

-Unknown person's recognition

Quest failure penalties: Quest completion penalties. Level - 20. ]

Grid looked back at his wife and son and brought them close, even in the midst of the heated situation, he had to embrace them after sensing the fear of losing them get the better of him.

"I was praying that you were safe the entire time I headed here. Thank you. I'm really thankful that you're safe."

"Your Majesty..."

Grid's eyes, hand gestures, and warm words gave Irene great happiness. Irene's affection for Grid was now close to infinitely deep.

"You don't know how happy I am to be here..."

If Irene had been alone in the crisis, she would've felt more sorry than joyful. She would've felt guilty that she had forced the king to come all the way here while he was busy taking care of the country and its people. However, Irene wasn't alone in today's crisis. Her son Lord, the loyal Kasim and Chucksley, and the young knights who were the future of the country were all in danger. Irene felt deep gratitude and respect for Grid who had saved them and fought against all harm aimed at them.

"On the first day we met, you were fighting to save someone," Irene recalled. Those had been the days when she was just the eldest daughter of an earl. Back then, Doran was still alive, and Grid had helped rescue her when she was kidnapped by the Yatan Church. "I first heard about you when I was made the ruler of Winston."

She had heard there was a hero who saved the powerless people from an evil lord, including an old blacksmith called Khan. That hero was Grid. After that, Grid saved Irene who had once again been kidnapped by the Yatan Church, rescued Reinhardt which had been invaded by golems, and saved the 250,000 residents of Pangea on the East Continent. Grid was a person who only lived for others. This was his life.

"I sincerely admire you." Irene blushed.

"Hum. Hum hum."

Grid sweated and coughed with embarrassment. He felt somewhat uncomfortable every time he saw Irene misunderstanding himself. It made him worry that Irene would one day be disappointed if she knew his real self. Irene buried herself in his chest and whispered.

At the same time, His son was admiring the scene before him.

'Father. Mother...'

The parents, who loved each other more than anyone else, had a positive impact on Lord. Today, the child had seen and learned many things—the patience to swallow a grudge for the sake of the cause, the loyalty of a retainer and the duty of a ruler, the wisdom of a woman and the love of a mother, the pope's righteousness and power, his helplessness, and...

'Father's strength and...'

Then Lord's gaze moved to the skeleton standing silently nearby. Several of its ribs were broken, and there was a large crack in its skull. It was Lich Mumud.


Was it because Lord was young that he could see the sadness, regret, and hatred in Agnus' eyes as he looked at Lord and his mother? Additionally, Lord felt that Mumud was lonelier than anyone else. Lord knew that everyone had emotional wounds, just like how his teacher Kasim resented the empire and how his mother feared the Yatan Church.

'I need to be someone who can help with the wounds.'

As Grid noticed what his son was looking at , he turned his head, finding a motionless lich, it was none other than Mumud. Had Grid not gone through all of this , he would have attacked Agnus on the spot, but grid could sense it. Lord and Irene wouldn't be safe without protection, Agnus had protected them.

"Father, That skeleton helped us"

"I see...Agnus..."

Agnus who watched the scene tried to cover the sadness and melancholy that had covered his face, regaining his emotionless poker face.

His lich Which had recalled its life, his wife, his master, the happy days, lamented the past and cried in pain.


But Agnus was a villain, as a villain, he had to play the role till the end. Yet Mumud didn't move an inch.


But there was no answer, the domination consumption was rising tremendously as Mumud was recalling his life.

Agnus could no longer hide the rage filling his heart, the strong man who couldn't even protect his family. How dare he confront him? Agnus couldn't do anything in the past, he was powerless, due to that he lost everything, but Grid was the complete opposite!


Grid watched Agnus while listening to his words.


''Yes, you're right.''

But for once, Grid wasn't angry, he had grown, as a human.


Grid's eyes locked with Agnus, they were eyes full of happiness and gratitude.

''Thank you, Agnus, for saving the dearest thing I have.''

Agnus' eyes grew wide, Was that the Grid he knew? The brainless dumbass who attacked him on every occasion without understanding the situation? yes, he was still Grid, a new Grid. Had Grid denied him, he would have felt less confused, but the Grid before him, was one who realized his mistakes, he was willing to change. It was then that Irene's voice reached both of them

''Thank you for all your help... We will never forget that debt, and...''

She turned to Grid with eyes full of love and affection.

"Please know... I would love you even if you weren't a hero."


But these words, for some reason, made Grid feel weird. He was happy that his wife loved him for who he was but...


Something inside him was being born.

'Yes , a hero...'

A man who had been greedier than anyone in the world had finally awakened. He had found a path to follow, one where he would strive. From the day he had saved Khan, to the day where he lost him, his father figure regarded him as one thing, His hero.

''I am...''

So he declared to the world itself, as well as to himself.

''I am... The Hero King, Overgeared king Grid!''


'I see...'

Agnus had finally understood.

''A family...''

What a family could bring to a person.

As he quietly left the battlefield, a voice reached his ears, it was one from afar, that of a mysterious being, The origin of evil.

-In a world where evil and good exist, a man who can live on the border of both, lamenting in melancholy, is the only one who can see the truth.


Agnus, who didn't understand the situation at first, followed it with a smile, Baal's words were a message to him.

'Luna... Thank you, for loving me.'

Accepting one's reality and moving forward, that was Baal's message.

[Affinity with 1st great demon Baal has increased by 40]


carrying the corrupted holy sword and declaring himself as a hero, the situation couldn't get worse. Most of Yatan's church's followers and servants had perished and only the paladins of Rebecca's church remained, it was proof of how much the church had grown over the past years. In front of Grid stood a man with purple hair and a decent physique, it was none other than the pope, Damian.

''I expected you to be smarter than that, Grid.''

Damian said with a distorted face as Grid replied with a solemn face and calm words.

''Well I was never known for my smarts, so what can I say?''

''Please return the sword.''

''As someone who aims for peace, you should know. The sword shouldn't exist anymore.''

[Archangels are descending to Midgard under the order of Goddess Rebecca]

A world message appeared to all players.

''If what it takes to save the world is for someone to be the villain...''

Grid watched Damian's anger erupt as he released all his offensive skills on Grid like a rain of gears.

''...Then I shall change that damn world. Revolve.''

When clouds glittered in the sky, revealing a bridge of light, so did the ground as Grid reflected all of Damian's attacks back at him, Through his countless battles and his exchanges with kraugel, Grid's control was in no way inferior to any top 5 ranker.

[The first great demon Baal is observing you with interest]

'Pagma who chose to lean on his enemies to protect humanity, now his successor is doing the exact same, how intriguing HAHAHAHA'

Baal's voice echoed in Grid's head, but Grid gave it no mind, he had to destroy the sword before the archangels arrived , or his actions would be for naught.

'But I like that'

'So show me what you can do'

[The class quest 'The path of a Hero' has been forcefully activated !]

[Path of a Hero]

[Pagma. He was seen as an evil man, a traitor who had killed a friend, a demon who contracted the greatest evil, a wicked man in every way. However, one thing people don't remember Pagma as is a hero. Despite all his wicked actions, Pagma's heart remained pure, his desire to protect humanity was greater than anyone's. You have witnessed some of Pagma's heroic feats, But the path you chose is not the same as Pagma's. You are Pagma's successor but you are also the Hero king, an existence that denies all evil and enemies of humanity. Baal, the origin of evil, has taken interest in you despite having a contractor and has decided to grant you a portion of Pagma's power due to your impossible declaration. Prove the weight of your words, and the worth of the legacy you carry by living up to his expectations.

Quest Clear Reward/Penalties: Depends on the result of the quest.

Quest Duration Limit: None]

[Under the effect of 'Path of a hero', Pagma's swordsmanship will temporarily be upgraded to Pagma's swordsmanship-Baal's contractor version.]

[Under the effect of 'Path of a hero' , Your demonic power will enhance the power of your dances!]

[Under the effect of 'Path of a hero', Sword energy has been automatically unlocked!!]


[A gate to the 32nd hell has been forcefully opened !!]

Following the multiple system notifications that had popped up, a dark sphere was created in the middle of the church's grounds, from it emerged a man with black hair, his eyes tainted with vibrant red. It was Grid...No more exactly, it was Grid's clone. The clone leaped towards Damian and overwhelmed him while Grid flew towards the descending Archangel.

''Human who has denied the favor of the goddess of Light, Your life and struggle are equally meaningless!''

Grid, who pulled out his enlightenment sword, started dancing in the air. The power of the enhanced dances which swiftly connected the dances allowed him to push the archangel back.

''Pagma's sword dance... Transcend.Splendor!''

As Grid used 'Trasnced' , he distanced himself from the enemy. Blades of light covered the battlefield as they were curved and aimed at the archangel, However, it was impossible to beat one of the 7 archangels just with that, even if they are weakened.

''Light spear!!''

The ball of light in the archangel's hand transformed into a spear that flew towards Grid. The momentum was too strong.

[You have suffered fatal damage!]

[A legend doesn't die easily!]

[The effect of 'First king' has activated and...]

[Tiramet's power has been automatically activated!]

Fighting energy slowly covered Grid's body, it was the effect of boiling which rapidly increased fighting energy, but it was still meaningless.

'I can't win...'


Grid caught a glimpse of his wife and son who were looking at him with worried eyes.


He was enraged at his own ignorance. Choose the best? he had chosen the worst option, an impossible task to overcome.


Baal's laughter reached his ears, He had always known Baal only cared about his mood but wasn't this too much?

[An unknown person is sighing]

The unknown person. The one whose mere interference had changed Grid's quest, him being disappointed was the last thing Grid wanted.

''Pagma's sword dance. Transcended chop splendor pinnacle kill''

Holding the holy sword he fought relentlessly, but the only thing that changed was the increasing amount of wounds on his body. He was weak, very weak. His items were weak, his stats were low, even his confidence was shattered.

Satisfy may be a cruel game where realism was omnipresent. But the reason for the game's creation was simple. Efforts are rewarded, all efforts are. A voice reached his ears.

'The creations of the gods are special, let your sword cut them, not your energy.'

The same soft voice entered Grid's mind again.

''Immune to ranged damage? WTF IS THAT BS??''

Grid couldn't contain his gamer senses anymore, he burst with anger spouting shit at S.A group and their awful balancing. nonetheless, now, he knew what to do. Grid dashed towards the archangel, fearless, his spirit as flaming as ever.

'Impressive, from despair you awakened, as expected of Pagma's successor.'

Baal's voice contained genuine admiration, a weak human who dared challenge the sky still stood against the insurmountable.

'How can I destroy a sword with fucking infinite durability!!'

However, the balance was still a serious issue for Grid. Before anything, he had to destroy the first holy sword somehow.

[You have caught the attention of the Absolute]

'who this time?'

[The Absolute declares he is disappointed with the gods]

[The Absolute have offered you to borrow his sword temporarily]

[The gods are enraged at the action of the Absolute!]


A free item? What kind of dumbass would say no to that!

As a thundering roar pierced the clouds, a descending shining sword struck the ground, reflecting light resembling moonlight. Grid rushed and grabbed the sword in haste, just before realizing it was only a sharp rod...

[Moonlight saber]

[ Rating: Myth

Durability: 2,873/2,873

Attack Power: 239~6,762

★ It denies all status of the enemy it hits for a minimum of 5 seconds and a maximum of 30 seconds.

It's a sharp rod designed by the legendary Scientist Radwolf. As a result of his mediocre craftsmanship but precision in construction, the item is very unstable, however, it is created for the primary reason of cutting and killing.

Moon night Iron is the metal used in making this sword, It is a metal that hails from the days of the giants, one that denies all types of status on contact and can even cut a god and a dragon.

User Restriction: ????

Weight: 800]


Grid stared blankly at the swo-no , rod in his hands, he didn't know how to feel about it. But he didn't have time to ponder over such a matter. he quickly grabbed the rod and danced as the attacks struck the archangel's wings.


The archangel screamed in pain, This was the golden opportunity. Grid pulled out the first holy sword and prepared the rod. As the Korean saying goes:

''If you can't smash it, stab it''(Grid who has little to no social interaction did not know it's a joke made by his lame grandfather.)

Grid continuously stabbed the first holy sword as cracks appeared all over it. The cracks finally connected and the sword collapsed.

[Hexetia is screaming in agony]

[The gods of Asgard are speechless about your actions]

[Rebecca looks at you with a hateful gaze]

[Some of the 7 malignant saints can not understand your reasoning]

[The gods of Asgard are aiming their sins at you!]


It was a message only Grid could see, in other words, everyone else would regard grid as the sinner, not the gods.

''You blame others and manipulate humans as if they are dolls!''

Grid's voice resonated, aimed at the sky.

''Do you have no shame...''

Grid needed something substantial, something that could bring their rage out more than anything. It was when Huroi passed through his mind.

''It might be that your mother mistook her sh** for a child!!''

[Zeratul is raging and is expressing his prideful existence]


Zeratul's voice, which came from the sky was finally heard by Grid.

''You, who can not accept that humanity can flourish without you, are nothing but parasites!''

The eyes of the players in the scene, especially Damian looked at Grid with awe. It was not because what he said was right, but because it seemed like grid's vocabulary had grown larger.

[Hexetia looks at your achievement and feels regret in his judgment]


''Before I am a hero, I am a blacksmith, Grid the legendary blacksmith! through arduous work I built my achievements and skills to finally create the best gear, I could, only to be cursed as incompetent by a god who envied that human! Do you dare call yourself a blacksmith, Hexetia???''

[Hexetia is shaken by your words]

[Hexetia admits his envy had always gotten the better of him]

[Hexetia admits he admires the human who could grow to such levels without his help]

''Then throw that envy away-!''

As grid finished his words, a lightning storm covered the sky.


it was none other than Judar, the god of wisdom. But Grid ignored his words.

''Together, we'll surpass the limits, blacksmiths see a new realm of possibilities thanks to each other, you may be a god, but do you not wish to see the new''

[Hexetia's heart is softening]

[Hexetia's envy is dissipating]

[Hexetia wishes to challenge you to a competition in the future and work together with you to discover new things]

[The gods of Asgard are enraged at Hexetia's decision!]

[The 7th evil, Corruption, has seen through your plan and nods in agreement]

-...To take away the sin of envy. You are definitely an amazing human.

The 7th evil had finally talked to Grid.

-Before Pagma was born, there was a blacksmith called Bultar. Was he worshipped as a legend like you and Pagma? No, he was a very ordinary blacksmith. However, he worked hard. For the sake of those who needed his skills, he never left the furnace and his skin was always red.

Who was the owner of this cold and cynical voice? Grid was still unaware of who exactly this second voice belonged to.

'God's Command is the power of the fourth evil, so is it Taren's voice?'

In any case, it wasn't important. Darkness encroached Grid's eyes and then his location changed from the Vatican's warehouse to a shabby smithy.

Ttang! Ttang! Ttang!


There was a blacksmith making various tools with crude workmanship. The blacksmith's skin was red from the heat of the furnace, and he was covered with sweat. It was Bultar. He hammered desperately despite his fatigue and suffering.

'Why is he going so far?'

The reason was immediately apparent.

"Hey! Bultar! Isn't it ready yet?"

"I'm almost done!"

How many days had he gone without sleep? Bultar, who was dozing off and almost fell into the burning furnace, woke up when he heard the voice. The person who called out to Bultar was a villager. A small village covered in pouring rain could be seen through the gap of the smithy's open door. The levee had broken, and the village was being flooded. The villagers were struggling to minimize the disaster, and the only blacksmith in the village, Bultar, had been working day and night to make tools for the villagers.

"Bultar! I need 20 more shovels!"



Everyone had a limit. It was the same for the legendary Grid. Working one more day or night would be difficult, but Bultar had to withstand it. He stayed in one place for four days, hammering constantly. The amazing thing was that Bultar never showed any villagers he was having a tough time. He knew that his strength was needed to protect the village.

Additionally, he knew that if he talked about his limitations, the villagers would feel greater anxiety. Therefore, he worked without saying anything. He persevered to the end. This was the moment his mind transcended his flesh. Once he succeeded in protecting the village, a voice entered his ears.

-He heard Rebecca's voice.

Bultar was called by the goddess of light. The goddess claimed that he had sacrificed himself for the sake of others and overcome his limits. She promised to give him strength that would make up for his lacking abilities. It was a situation where Bultar was blessed by the blacksmith god, Hexetia. Blessed by Hexetia, Bultar became an incomparable superior blacksmith, praised by the people as one of the 'seven selected.'

-Afterward, Bultar kept trying hard. He was filled with a passion to become the best blacksmith to repay Rebecca and Hexetia who blessed him. Nobody expected for this passion to be poisoned.

Bultar was able to exert the 'Creation' power after polishing his skills. In addition to the millions of tools already on the ground, he started to create tools that were beneficial to humanity, and he soon made new minerals. The result?

-Hexetia got jealous.

Hexetia became furious once a human, whose achievements were trivial when compared to a god's, started to be praised by humanity. The blacksmith god then destroyed the human race. All types of minerals fell from the sky, and the ground boiled with lava.

-Bultar watched the people die, and the last piece he left behind was the Stone of Original Sin.

The First Holy Sword was the greatest achievement Hexetia left behind. It was the reason why humans couldn't forget Hexetia. Bultar denied it. He sealed the sword with the sin of envy that Hexetia left behind and exterminated the evidence of Hexetia's achievements with humanity. It was the 'seven selected' who fought against the gods and helped humanity. Like Bultar, they were blessed by other gods. This was the birth of the seven malignant saints who the gods deemed evil.

-In the end, we didn't stop the gods. The gods preached that the seven malignant saints were the original sin who threatened the earth. We fought for humanity, yet we became villains.


The voice didn't express negative emotions such as resentment or anger. The main character of the unknown voice remained sarcastic to the end. He had learned how to control his grudge after hundreds or maybe a thousand years.

-The seven of us were sealed between the ground and hell... Yes, the seven of us watched the gods. We hoped that their brilliant 'light', which once blinded us, would be revealed to the next generation.

It was the feeling of grabbing at straws. The seven malignant saints wanted to believe in the compassion of the gods.

-Yet the same thing repeated again. Hexetia felt jealous of Pagma and threatened humanity. The other gods ignored it or helped, but we were convinced. The rise or fall of humanity is only determined by their whims. This world is merely something created for their entertainment.

The seven malignant saints were desperate. They thought that a generation without their presence would suffer from the crisis of annihilation, that the human race would disappear from the world. However, the result was different from what they expected.

The gods had consumed a great deal of power in the war against the seven malignant people and weren't in perfect condition. This meant they were forced to borrow the hands of hell. 1st Great Demon Baal received the demands of the gods and stood on Pagma's side. This time, the gods were Baal's entertainment.

Humanity was saved thanks to Pagma and Baal. Since then, 200 years passed.

-It is now this era.

The seven malignant saints were weaker, and the talents of the legends were infinitely weaker than the previous generations. In particular, the fact that Pagma's Successor won the title of Hero King instead of the Sword Saint and that there was no substitute for the Undefeated King was huge.

What if the gods' sins were triggered now? Humanity would once again step on the path of destruction. The seven malignant saints were determined. They wouldn't wander as ghosts any longer and would give their remaining power to the inexperienced heroes of this time. Although they would perish, they hoped humanity would be protected. However...

-...You changed the flow.

To think that Grid removed the envy, the source of one of the seven sins...? The seven malignant saints were amazed at Grid's ridiculous accomplishment of challenging the gods and waking Hexetia from his delusional dream. This Hero King had seemed so infinitely small compared to the past generations, yet they now realized that he was greater than anyone else.

-The next six sins that the gods will commit are delayed, and for a time, humanity will walk on the path of peace. Of course, the peace that was discussed here was merely avoiding punishment.

-The war between humans, who commit more sins than the gods do every day, will continue for a lifetime... Well, that isn't a problem for us to intervene in.

The conversation was coming to an end. As the voice faded out, Grid asked, "Who are you?"


It was said to be the greatest sin.

-I am the 7th evil, 'Corruption.'

[The quest ''Borders between lies and truths'' has been completed]

[An unknown person is reaching out to you]

'You have passed a trial out of many, though the first step is the hardest part of the eternal journey'


[The unknown person has revealed themself!!]

[The True martial god , Chiyou, Has revealed his existence to you!]

[you have acquired 'Chiyou's acknowledgment'! ]

[The new quest ''Tale of forgotten gods'' has been generated!]

[You have received enlightenment as a reward for completing the quest!]

[You have received the 'True Martial god's technique' as a reward for completing the quest!]

As the darkness dissipated, the archangel slowly flapped his wings as he ascended towards the glittering clouds.

[The class quest 'Path of a hero' has been successfully completed!]

It was the birth of the future god-slayer, the one who fought against the world to protect his own ideal that day and would do so for decades to come.
