

'Wait...' Damian was astonished. Weren't the quest's contents updated the moment Grid touched the holy sword? Then that meant the mention of the 'evil person' who used the power of the seven malignant saints was referring to Grid.

"Grid!" Damian felt a chill as his voice entered Grid's ears. Grid was also looking at a new quest. It contained a powerful temptation that was causing him to feel conflicted.

[Crossroad of Good and Evil]

[★ Hidden Quest ★

After all sorts of adventures, you have won the power, God's Command, that the fourth malignant saint, Taren, left for later generations.

You can hear Taren's voice, "The light was so bright that I couldn't see the darkness hidden beyond it."

The voice of the Martial God Zeratul is also heard, "Human. This isn't Taren's arrangement. It is Dominion's and my arrangement. Don't listen to the voice of the corrupted one."

The Incomplete Holy Sword is starting to be eroded by the power of God's Command.

The Incomplete Holy Sword is a symbol of Rebecca.

Please make a choice.

Will you rely on the power of the seven malignant saints to make the Incomplete Holy Sword yours or return it to the Rebecca Church?

Pioneer your own path!

Rewards for Gaining the Incomplete Holy Sword:

The 'Holy Sword of the 4th Evil' will be acquired.

* Your race will evolve from a human into a half-god. A half-god is a race that transcends humanity and approaches being a god. There will be room for great increases of all abilities.

* The passive skill God's Command is strengthened. The probability of activating God's Command will become 100%. However, a critical hit won't be applied to skills that God's Command is used on.

* The skill, Corrupted Holy Sword, will unlock.

* You will be cursed by Goddess Rebecca, God Dominion, God Judar, and God Zeratul.

* Affinity with the Rebecca Church, Dominion Church, and Judar Church will fall to minus values.

* Followers of the Warrior God will chase you.

Rewards for Returning the Incomplete Holy Sword:

Goddess Rebecca's blessing. Affinity with the Rebecca Church will rise to the maximum.

* Affinity with the Rebecca Church is already at the maximum.]

Duguen! Duguen! Duguen!

Grid's heart thumped as he read the contents of the quest. His greed wriggled under the enormous stimulation. Grid's original heart was crying.

'Grab the Holy Sword!

'A half-god, half-god!

'No one will be able to beat me! I will reign forever!

'The whole world will see me everyday, and people will look up to me.

'My first love Ahyoung will feel regretful every night. Huhuhut.

'What about those guys who bullied me?

'This is a unique opportunity. It is dangerous now. A strong person like Kraugel or Agnus can take my position at any time.

'What about those people hoping for the downfall of the Overgeared Kingdom? What if I am deprived of everything and return to that awful life?'

Duguen! Duguen! Duguen!

His conflict was biased. Grid's greed was too strong, despite receiving many rewards and overcoming his past. He gripped the holy sword harder.


Grid faintly heard Damian's shout. Damain was a player that respected Grid deeply, and Grid also liked being around Damain. It was similar to a mutual feeling

of admiration, but that wasn't enough to sway him. Grid refused to let go of the Holy Sword gripped in his hand.

"Grid! Wake u..."


"Take the sword, cement your place as the strongest."

Grid heard a foggy sound that seemed to come from inside his head. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like this is what he wanted.

"You can have all the things you've wanted with this power, defy the gods and join us!"

The greedy sound ringing in his head kept getting louder. He heard some sounds outside of this voice, but it was muffled as if they were behind

a wall and trying to shout through it. As the greed takes over, Grid decides on the path he will take.

[You've started the corruption of the Holy Sword.]

[You've accepted the power of the Seven Malignant Saints.]

[The Goddess of Light, Rebecca, frowns at your choice.]

[Affinity with Taren has risen by 10.]

[Affinity with all the Gods of Asgard has fallen to -5.]

A myriad of messages fill Grid's vision, but that clearly isn't the end of it as a ominous black aura spews from Grid's body.

[You've inherited the Divinity of the 4th Malignant Saint, Taren.]

[You've gained the partial symbiology of Taren, 'Greed'.]

[You already have Divinity from your Blacksmithing, and it will fuse with that gained from Taren.]

['Divinity' is enhanced as the combination begins.]

[From now on, Divinity will apply to all your skills.]

[From now on, it is possible to raise Divinity. As you follow the Malignant Saint's legacy, it will continue to grow as

you inherit more of their power. The maximum level of Divinity is 10, although depending on what actions you take that

may change. Every level up your stats will increase by 10%, and the power of 'Greed' will be enhanced. Furthermore, every second

level up will increase the number of consecutive uses of divinity will increase by one.]

[The divinity has taken root in your body and has changed your race.]

[Your race has evolved to the race 'Half-God'.]

[You've been cursed by the Gods of Asgard!]

[As you grow, you can slowly repel the various cursed placed on you by the gods.]

[You've gained the item 'Holy Sword of the 4th Evil'.]

[You've gained the skill Cursed Holy Sword.]

[The passive skill 'God's Command' has been strengthened.]

[You now have a hostile relationship to the Rebecca, Judar, and Dominion Churches.]

[The Followers of the Warrior God will chase you to the ends of the earth.]

As the messages continue, everyone in the venue is shocked at the changes Grid went through. He now exerts a holy aura that isn't possible

for humans to have. Even the former and current Pope of the Rebecca Church didn't have this feeling of holiness. It seems as though time

stopped, everyone has frozen in place whether they were an ally or an enemy.

[Taren's divinity fuels you with power.]

"..Go, slay those petty followers of the lying Gods."

[Under special conditions, you've learned the Sword Dance 'Drop'.]

Grid awakens from what seems like an hour of staring into darkness spare the system messages, and stares at the Yatan Servants that pushed

him this far in the first place. Gripping the former Holy Sword, he starts the sword dance to repel those that dared to attack his family.

[The Holy Sword of the 4th Evil enhances your skill damage.]

[The Holy Sword of the 4th Evil condemns the Followers of the Gods.]


While he didn't have massive expectations, the new skill has learned for a reason. Every follower of Yatan falls to the ground almost like

gravity was multiplied where they stood. Coughing up blood, most of them died with that one skill.

[The Holy Sword of the 4th Evil bolsters your speed to finish off the followers.]

With the various benefits provided by the sword and newfound holiness, he swiftly finishes off the followers that lived the skill.

[The power of Greed steals part of your fallen enemies' experience and skills.]

[You've leveled up.]

[Your skill 'Divinity' has leveled up]

[You've learned the skill 'Blackening'.]

[You now deal an additional 5% Shadow Attribute Damage when attacking or using skills.]

[Your understanding of 'Yatanism' has increased.]

After he finished them, his mind cleared and his field of view broadened. With the clarity he didn't have before because of the tension and

pressure of the thought of his family getting hurt, he decided to check the new sword dance he got.

[Drop (Corrupted)]

-A sword dance that displays an overwhelming grudge against the sky and those who dwell on it.

It is a deep and destructive sword dance that informs the heavens of the authority of Asgard is in risk of falling.

-Inflicts 100% of your physical damage to all enemies within five meters of you, and there is a 100% chance of ignoring the enemy's status resistance.

-Deals triple damage to those related to the Gods of Asgard or Hell.

-Deals an additional 500% damage to the Gods of Asgard or Hell.

That target that gets hit won't be able to attack, and their defense will decrease.

Skill Usage Conditions: Have a sword type weapon equipped, affiliated with the Malignant Saints.

Skill Mana Cost: 1,250

Skill Cooldown Time: 25 minutes.

As he is reading the other various benefits of his choice, the Contractor of the 1st Great Demon that was ready to jump in despite his character

stared in shock at the hellscape that happened seemingly instantaneously. Before it was a simple venue that was cleaned recently because of the

incoming guests, but now it was filled with flattened corpses and a circle of blood around most of them. Even with that the most fearful thing

was unaffected as if it was a completely normal view.

Grid's Wife, Irene, has watched the entire "fight" with mixed feelings clearly shown on her face, covering the eyes of Lord while staring at Grid.

As Grid goes up the approach his wife, he hears a familiar voice that didn't come from anyone in the venue.

"You've attracted too much attention with your fancy stunt you pulled off."

"We're bringing you to the place where the God's eyes don't reach to prepare you for what's to come."

Hearing this, Grid is furious. He did this partly to protect his family and yet he is told he will not be able to protect them for an unknown

period of time. How could they do this?

Almost like he read his mind, Taren replies.

"Calm down, the 7th Saint has gotten quite interested in you and will protect your family and ones close to you. That said we need to leave, NOW."

As the Saint finished the sentence, Grid disappeared like he wasn't there to begin with.