
The question

Approaching the doors to the board room she, again, felt the pain in her chest. It wasn't anything a doctor could prescribe...maybe a psychologist, but no regular doctor. It was her anxiety flooding her chest causing her pain she couldn't fix with medication. She closed her eyes and took three steady, long deep-breaths.

"You okay?" The deep voice startled her.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just a little nervous," she chuckled, "anyway, what are you doing here, Chris?"

"Well, I was sent on this side of the department to pick up some paperwork and figured I'd check up on you before your first board meeting." Chris looked her up and down for a quick second, then continued, "and it seems to me you need the encouragement. You'll do fine." He assured her.

"Thank you." Although Stacy felt relieved by his presence and somewhat encouraging words, the anxiety was continuing to eat at her slowly. She made herself ignore the pain and told Chris she was going to prepare for the meeting.

"Okay, I should get back with these papers anyway. Good luck!" Chris smiled slightly with a sincere look of hope as he turned away to get back to his job.

Her pain had faded she was in swoon from Chris' words. Man, did she love him, but never would utter a word about that to him. She trusted him and around him all her demons seem to be defeated. If only she could just open up and tell him. The fear of being rejected, though, can make a woman rather fight her demons on her own. Stacy went into her board meeting, attempting a strong look of confidence, but throughout the meeting she kept her mouth shut and just listened. Her goal that meeting was to retain information, although, she was also prepared to speak...but only if required. Soon enough, the meeting ended and she was well on her way back to her office to organize her notes from her meeting. On the way, she bumped into Chris, "I'm so sorry, I totally spaced out while walking!"

"You did that on purpose, I can't believe you Stacy." Chris joked.

"But I-," with Stacy on the edge of getting defensive Chris replied, "I'm joking. Sometimes you've really got to chill."

"Haha, okay...um...Chris?"


"Would you like to go to the bar and grab a few drinks, maybe?" Did she really just do that?! What possessed her to say those words?!

"Of course...although I'm not a huge drinker. How about a movie at my place?"

"Sure! That sounds great." She was having a mini panic attack because she couldn't believe he said yes! But wait, what if it's a trap? What if he just wants to get in her pants? What if he cancels? Why did she ask... anything could go wrong! She may as well just call him and tell him she's not feeling well and can't make it over there, but what if that makes him not like her? Her negative thoughts kept rushing through so fast it gave her a massive headache. She went to her office and closed the door. Yeah, that's what she need peace and quiet in isolation. She needed to clear her mind or else she may just break down into tears. Yes, tears. The reasoning, not even Stacy can figure out, but she just knows she has to get away from it.