
Chapter 1

What happened to friends forever. What happened to the promise we made to never forget each other, after all I did for him. After his level system developed he didn't change, he was always the same, I though it was a good thing. He didn't change how he forgot about people that helped him get to where he was, but I am the reason he is everything.

I was the one who got him out of class to fight monsters, tutor him to catch up and I was the one who set up his date with my bff Clara. I was the one who helped him at almost everything, except fighting.

Yet even as I thought about this while at deaths door, he confessed that he forgot about me, he said sorry... but I felt nothing but bitterness. After he became famous from defeating the Demon Lord he did't say anything about me, I didn't mind that he didn't tell the media but he didn't even text. It was like I didn't exist.

After all these years Clara, now as his wife, invited me to one of his events for another congratulations, you defeated the Demon Lord, years after. While drinking from the punch I got a look out the dark sky , to the high-rise buildings. Just barely, I saw it. The muzzle of a gun and the figure of a person crouching. Acting by pure reflex, I jumped .

There was a gunshot and I felt my body fall limp. After the gunshot he looked at where the shot came from, then at me. Not even registering who I was at first, but after Clara came running as fast as she could with tears from her eyes.

He realised, he looked at me in shock, "Lucy, why!? I couldn't even recognise you? You took a bullet for me and I couldn't recognise you. Why? Damn me!" My vision started to fade and my toes went cold, Clara was crying over my body trying to put pressure on my wound.

Someone called 000 but they wouldn't get here fast enough, "Don't go, don't go." Clara was saying under her breath as more and more blood came out. I couldn't feel either of my legs and my arms, I couldn't move.

I had no vision, just black. Then everything just faded, none of the five senses just blackness. Is this death? Just nothingness.

"Wanna have a second chance?" There was a voice in the black, "Damn, your life as a side character was pretty sad, you did just about everything for the MC but he just forgot about you. Pretty sad." MC? Like in those light novels? "Kinda"

You can read my mind? "Basically, as you may of noticed it is kind of hard to talk while not existing, anyways... You lived a pretty sad life, giving everything to someone else. So do you want to have a second chance? Yes, away we go!"

With out my consent, I was sent back.

"Before you leave, I gave you a small gift. You might like it! Finally, have fun doing good!"

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