

On a certain day the world known to mankind ended, infected from a certain kind of virus people turned into something unimaginable, something beyond human comprehension, they turned into cannibalistic monsters and attacked the masses, armies couldn't stop them and the governments all over the world failed, now the remnants of humanity are on their own. Witness their fight for survival and find out whether they will live or will go extinct.

DaoistNZMm3u · Horror
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 1 - Beginning of the nightmare [1]

Beep beep beep.....


After hearing an unpleasant sound I woke up from my sleep, still laying on the bed I turned in the direction of the sound and slowly stretched my hand towards the alarm clock and pressed the button.


Lifting my upper body I slowly sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes. My lips moved.

"It's morning and I am finally awake"

Slowly getting off the bed I went straight into the bathroom and walked towards the sink, taking the brush and the paste that was kept on the sink, squeezing a pea size amount on the brush, I quickly started rubbing my teeth with it. I lifted my gaze and looked into the mirror and my heart sank, I happen to look upon a very terrible face, that face was none other than mine, I quickly splashed my face multiple times and then again looked at the mirror and it was slightly bearable.



After spitting in the sink I lifted my gaze and again looked in the mirror.

"I look awesome"

I quickly undressed and threw my clothes in the laundry, then I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower and started humming to myself.

"Sha sha sha ho ho ho"


I was now in my room deciding what to wear, searching the drawer I quickly found a blue jeans and a white shirt, after I wore my clothes I admired myself in front of the mirror and a grin appeared on my face.

Not to brag or anything but I looked pretty amazing, with my charm I could simply topple countries. I looked at the wall clock hanging in my room, It was now 6:35 AM . I still had time on my hands so I decided to take it easy and went in the kitchen to fill up my belly.


quickly stuffing my mouth a toast I washed my hands and mouth at the sink, I quickly took my bag and phone and went out of the apartment and closed the door.


I was in the middle of locking the door but then I remembered that I left my watch inside.



I was currently on the bus and somehow got a window seat. I was already sweating a lot due to the heat but sitting near the window helped me a little, just as I was having a quality time with my window seat the bus abruptly stopped.

'Why did the bus stopped all of a sudden'

just as I was pondering on the matter, a police officer got in and ordered all of the passengers to get off the bus immediately, everyone on the bus was confused including me, but he refused to elaborate further on the situation and didn't answered any questions the passengers asked him, all he said that the road ahead is blocked due a tanker that was transporting hazardous chemicals crashed and the dangerous chemicals leaked.

After getting a closer look on him I could tell that he was very nervous and anxious. I decided to not to poke him on the matter.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the exit, getting off from the bus I took a good look at my surroundings and spotted a barricade ahead. all the cars that went in that direction were forced to return.

'Guess I'll have to make my way through this chaos'

just thinking about it made my head hurt so decided to not to think about it much. I got off the main road and decided to make my way through the local streets of Delhi and started to jog.

Even after living here for more than two years I still don't remember the way to the college I've tried many time to remember but somehow I always end up forgetting it.

I have to make it in time for Professor Singh's class and If I didn't then he will murder me for sure but as someone who wished to live a long life I decided to pickup my pace and started running.


After constant running for past twenty minutes and asking every second person for directions, I could finally see the college entrance but now that I think about couldn't I just have used google maps instead, I wouldn't have to ask anyone for directions and that would have been easier too.

"Fuck" a curse escaped my mouth.

'now is not the time to think about that'

I quickly glanced at my watch and it was now 07:25 AM, I only had five minutes.

'If I didn't make it to the class in time, Yamraj will make time for me.'

[T/N = YAMRAJ is the god of death in hindu mythology]

I Dashed my way inside the gate and made my way towards the third college building but then I heard someone shouting my name, I turned my neck backwards and noticed a familiar figure.

There was a man holding a black office bag in his right hand and was slowly walking towards me, he was in his early Thirties, five feet eight in height, he had a slightly round face and wore rectangular glasses, he was wearing a well ironed blue shirt and a black jeans.

Noticing him I moved my lips.

"Good morning Professor Mishra, how are you."

"Good morning to you too Ravi, I am doing great. Speaking of which I've never seen you going late to class, did you perhaps overslept."

"No sir I was on time but you see... on my way here the road was blocked so I had to take a detour."

I then glanced at my watch and it was now 07:32 AM, chills ran down my spine and I dismayed.

'I couldn't make it in time'

"Hmm.... interesting I too had to take a different path"

Professor Mishra turned towards Ravi and saw his grim expression, he understood what was wrong with him, after all he knew Ravi for two years now, he calmly said.

"Don't worry Professor Singh will be late today, after all he lives in the same locality as me."

A gush of relief ran through Ravi, for him it was like he just escaped an encounter with Yamraj himself but just to be sure he asked Professor Mishra again.

"Really sir??"

Somewhat expecting the reaction Professor Mishra smiled and moved his lips.

"Yes we both live in the same neighborhood and on my way here I saw his car parked outside his home, the road is also blocked so he will have to take a detour too."

After hearing what Professor Mishra said, a smile crept on Ravi's face, he was relived.

Both of them casually talked for another five minutes or so then parted their respective ways.

Ravi entered the college building and as of now was walking in the hallway on the ground floor, he made his was to the staircase because the lecture hall in which he was in, was located on the fourth floor, he intentionally ignored the lift because he was in no mood of using it, he every once in a while used the staircase.

After climbing the staircase he was now on the fourth floor and slowly made his way to the lecture hall, he quickly glanced the letters written on a rectangular board that was hanging in the wall 'lecture hall' and entered the room.

It was a massive room, there were hundreds of chairs in which the students sat and seven long curved tables that stretched across the room. All of them were on an increased level than a previous one, on the other end of the room there was a table on which the Professors used to keep their stuff, behind the table was a large digital screen, on which the professors taught. The hall was big enough to easily hold around three hundred students while there would still me seats left.

As Ravi entered the hall, a thought struck his mind that Professor Singh would be there but he quickly discarded the thought because he couldn't spot him near the Professor's table. Ravi collected himself and went towards his seat in the fourth row and sat down.

Ravi then took a look at his surroundings and noticed that only a few students were present in that room, but if one were to actually count the numbers it would easily exceed a hundred because the hall was simply too big. Just as he was wondering thoughtlessly, two people approached him from the side and one of them smacked him on the back, Ravi cursed out loud.

"What the fuc..."

Ravi stopped in he middle, he quickly turned his head in their direction and was looking straight at them, they were none other than his friends, namely Ashutosh and Praveen.

Praveen was a year older than Ravi, they had a little to no difference in height, he was probably a bit shorter than Ravi, he had an handsome face and natural brownish hair, he was wearing a blue T-shirt and a black trouser, on the other hand Ashutosh was on the smaller side, his hair was curly, he had a circular face and he wore specs, he was wearing an unbuttoned check blue shirt over a neckless black T-shirt and brown jeans.

Seeing both of them Ravi frowned and moved his lips.

"Die... Dirtbags"

After that he turned away in the opposite direction, Praveen and Ashutosh were not expecting that reaction from him, both of them looked at each other and had the same thought.

'Is he on his period??'

Both of them found their way to the chairs and sat besides Ravi, Praveen placed his right hand around Ravi's shoulder and spoke.

"Hey chill out man.... and maybe don't make a disgusted face when you see your friends."

"And who do you think whose fault is that??" Ravi looked at Praveen and his face twitched.

"Wha... Wait, it wasn't me, Ashu was the one who smacked you"

[T/N = Here Praveen used Ashu as it was Ashutosh's nickname]

Ashutosh was surprised, his lips moved.

"Hey that wasn't me, don't put the blame on me fucker."

Seeing Ashutosh's sudden outburst Praveen flinched.

Ravi knew Praveen through and through so he knew it was him because Praveen tends to make weird faces whenever he lies. Noticing his weird face Ravi moved his lips.

"Bruh..... at least put on a poker face whenever you lie, your face make me wanna question how you got in the acting department"

Ravi shrugged at Praveen.

Praveen flinched again by Ravi's remarks and stuttered while replying.

"Aah.....um....every-everyone knows how my great my acting skills are, I am a born prodigy."

Praveen failed miserable at bluffing his way out this predicament.

Hearing Praveen Ashutosh developed a smirk on his face and moved his lips.

"Is that so... hey Ravi let me tell you, you do know Shreya right??"

"Mhm" Ravi nodded in affirmation. To which Ashutosh continued his words.

"She was in the acting department and Mr. Prodigy here thought that he could impress her right away so he joined by bribing their advisor, to his dismay she transferred to another college last week."

"Really??" Ravi's brows furrowed.

"Yes.... that is true" Praveen muttered in a low tone.

Pity flashed across Ravi's eyes, he felt bad for him.

"Hey why do I feel like you are pitying me??" Praveen looked towards Ravi.

"Because I am" Ravi replied.

Now Praveen went into his depressed phase.

Ravi clicked his tongue and moved his lips.

"Say Praveen how much did you bribed that advisor??" Ravi asked with curiosity.

"Five" Praveen softly mumbled.

"What?.....five??...five hundred???"

"NO.....thousand" Praveen's voice was still low.


'wait....five thousand' Ravi was late in accessing the severity of the situation and then he blew up.



Ravi couldn't believe in Praveen's words but soon he realized that Praveen wasn't lying and he facepalmed himself.

'Good grief he is really gullible, how can he just throw this much money without even thinking about it, I could easily pay this months rent with it' Ravi sighed internally.

Since their conversation was getting nowhere Ashutosh swiftly changed the topic.

"Say Ravi.... why were you acting so pissed of in the beginning??"

"It's nothing really, I was tired, that's all."

"So he is on his period." Ashutosh's and Praveen's lips moved in unison.

Ravi heard them and his face became grim.

He placed both of his arms around their neck and began to tighten his grip.

Both of them couldn't handle the pressure and started begging Ravi to stop.

"Hey Ravi.....stop..krrrh....you don't want to go to pr....prison by killing your friend do...you."

"I can't breathe....Ravi please.....don't....mom, dad...krrh....help!!!"

"Are the two of you saying something, I am deeply sorry but I can't hear you at the moment, I think my hearing is damaged, I seriously hope it's nothing too serious" A sinister smile was clearly visible on Ravi's face.

"Seriously guys cut that out, you aren't kids anymore, first thing you do in the morning is strangle each other."

Ravi Looked in the direction of the voice.

It was a girl, she was five foot ten inches in height, her black hair was ponytailed and she was wearing a blue track suit, her name was Deepti.

Noticing her Ravi finally let go of his grip, Ashutosh and Praveen were left gasping for air.

Haaaaa...haaaaa...haa you saved us Deepti, if not for you I would probably be a lost cause" Ashutosh clenched his chest.

"Aaah!! me too...I thought I was gonna die, I even saw my grandmother smiling in heaven."

"Seriously what's wrong with you two?? Anyway this is not the time to be messing around, Ashu quickly give me your assignment from the day before yesterday, I need to write it down or else Ms. Disha will deduct my credit points."

Ashutosh made a indifferent face.

"Don't look at me, I submitted that yesterday."


"Excuse me, unlike you I take my studies seriously and don't bunk classes like you do"

"Hey..... I don't bunk classes...I just don't attend it when I have practice sessions" Deepti tried to justify herself.

Deepti had a knack for sports, unfortunately the same can not be said about her academics hence she tends to avoid lectures and usually spends her time either in the gym or in the field running or practicing any sport. She is what you would call a muscle head.

Since Ashutosh was dead end she turned towards Praveen, noticing her gaze directed towards him Praveen moved his lips.

"What?? Do I look someone who would do the assignment"

"Of course you don't" Deepti facepalmed herself.

Noticing her helpless gaze Ravi decided to help her and opened his bag and took a blue colored file and passed it towards her and moved his lips.

"Here take this, I forgot to submit mine yesterday so you can have it for now but after you finish writing yours submit mine to Ms. Disha."

Deepti was deeply affected by Ravi's kindness.

"I will never forget your kindness, I will fight for you."

"no need."

After casually chatting for a little bit all the four subsequently sat down because Professor Singh had finally arrived. Ravi glanced his watch and it was 8 O'clock, today for the first time he witnessed Professor Singh late to class by whole thirty minutes.


It was finally 09:00 AM and Professor Singh's class ended, he took his stuff and left the class unnoticed, everyone was busy doing something or talking o their friends, Ravi was no exception either and engaged with Ashutosh and Praveen. Deepti couldn't join them because she had to do her assignment.

"Hey Ravi check this video out, its going viral on the internet."

Ashutosh casually passed his phone towards Ravi, he glued his eyes on the screen and played the video, he could see a person running in the video, It was clear that the person running was a women, she had a camera mounted on her head and was panting, she stopped running and turned backwards and from there Ravi saw a frightening scene, a huge crowd was trying to break through a barricade, the police was having a hard time keeping them in check and the crowd was only getting violent with passing time, the policemen were giving it their all but they were only getting pushed back.

In the middle of the chaos a police officer spoke on a radio.

"Sir, we won't be able to hold these protestors much longer, these people are getting more and more violent, where is the army, if they don't make it here in time there will be many casualties."

The officer was flustered and couldn't wrap his head around the situation he was in.

After buzzing for a second, a static voice came through the radio.

"The army won't be going there, they are occupied with the situation in Dhaka, you need to keep those protestors at bay do whatever to keep them in check..."

The voice coming out of the radio and after a while the police officer heard a faint voice coming from the radio. Aside from the person he was talking to there was another faint voice on that side but he couldn't understand what the other person was saying as the voice was very low.

"What.....you sure.....fine."

And then he again heard the same static voice from the radio.

"You are hereby authorized to use your guns, don't let even the single protestor inside the city, do you understand??"

"Yes...I do...I understand" The police officer replied in low and depressed voice, his face became grim.

The officer's mind was in a jeopardy, he was conflicted.

'Dammit why me, how can they just give the order to shoot all these people?? I don't want to do it, these people are innocent, they haven't done anything wrong but they are not gonna back down anytime soon. Aah! just curse my luck'

Another officer nearby also heard the the person on the radio and got scared, he was inexperienced since he only joined recently, his mouth trembled.

"What are we going to do now sir??" uneasiness could be felt in his words.

The officer ignored the newbie.

[T/N = there newbie means the officer that joined recently]

"fuck" a curse escaped his mouth.

The police face twisted and the finally started to move, well standing there would do him no good so he moved his leg, signaling the newbie to follow him and they went to a police jeep the officer took a microphone in his hands and placed it smaller end towards his mouth and spoke.


The officer was half hoping that this would scare the protestors and they will run off but to his dismay they weren't even a little wary of the warning instead they got even more aggressive.

"The crowd is getting more violent by the second" the newbie stated the obvious while his face twisted in fear.


a loud sound echoed through the surroundings. The office turned himself in the direction of the noise and upon seeing what happened his face twisted in fear.

The barrier was compromised and protestors started pouring on this side.

The officer was surprised but soon collected himself and cried in a loud voice "Fall back!! we need to fall back and form a new barrier abandon this position and form a new one."

He ran towards a police jeep and quickly jumped into the driver's seat, he quickly took the keys from the dashboard and inserted into the key hole and twisted the keys in clockwise direction.

"Vroom, Vroom" the jeeps engine revved and the officer hit the accelerator and the vehicle moved forward.


Suddenly a man crashed on the jeep, blood sprayed on the windshield, the officer quickly hit the brakes and the jeep came to a halt in a split-second, the officer got off the vehicle and approached the body.

After witnessing he wounds on the body the officer almost puked.

"Oh no!! how.... this can't be real, I mean how, I must be seeing things... his insides are hanging out of his body"

The officer thoroughly examined his body and his gaze stopped on a particular spot on his chest, He made a twisted face.

"Is that..... a bite mark??"

His legs started trembling and the involuntarily placed his left hand on the holster in which his handgun was.

he took a look around and noticed that the protestors weren't running away from the police but instead lunged towards them, which was very odd, because most of the time protestors ran away from police and didn't attacked them.

All of this was very hard to process by his mind, panicking the officer started to run, suddenly a protestor lunged at him from the side and the officer lost his balance and fell down.


"Aargh" the officer let out a groan and tried to stand up meanwhile noticing the protestor falling beside him, the officer reached out for his gun and pointed at him and moved his lips.

"Hey!!....Hey you... don't get up or I'll shoot you."

The protestor ignored him and stood up, he behaved like he didn't even heard him, looking directly at the police officer he jumped on him.

The officer slightly moved his gun down pulled the trigger.


The bullet hit the protestor's leg and he fell down again.


Watching the protestor falling down on the ground again, the officer flinched on the sight.

'Wait..... what the.... it didn't even flinched!! I shot him in his legs but he didn't even flinched, heck many people would start screaming right away.' The officer got even more anxious and he blurted out some words

"Did you not hear what I said, stand down..... if you stand up again I'll make sure to disable both of your legs"

By now officer figured out that there was something wrong with the protestor, even after getting shot he was now trying to get up again.

The protestor leapt towards him making a weird sound.


The officer panicked and pulled the gun's trigger multiple times without taking any aim, two of the bullets missed but the third connected to the head of the protestor, he fell down for the third time and finally stopped moving.

The sudden course of events left the officer's mind in a jeopardy, he slowly regained his composure and stood up to observe the body.

The body's condition was bad, it was extremely pale and looked very cold and it smelled horrible just like a corpse.

The officer controlled his urge to vomit and looked away, in the middle of all the chaos he was standing next to a rotting corpse, he finally moved away from the corpse, suddenly he heard a painful cry for help.

"Please... help"

The officer turned his face to the left and found the newbie officer lying on the ground, his expression was twisted in pain and a group of protestors surrounded him. The officer couldn't believe his eyes, he witnessed something beyond his imagination, it was simply devastating, blood was oozing from him, his stomach and abdominal area was ripped apart and his insides were clearly visible, the protestors were eating him like heynas munching their prey, this realization left him in a state of shock and his gun fell down form his hands.

The officer lost his sanity and started crying.


The officer was running backwards and tripped on his legs.


Noticing his oud cry, a protestor turned towards in his direction, he noticed the officer and ran towards him, the officer was still in a state of shock and his legs refused to move, no matter how hard he tried his legs refused him.

The protestor was running towards him like a fanatic, he reached him the blink of an eye and lunged on him.



This is my first time writing anything so don't expect much. I am a big fan of zombie genre so after lazing around for months my lazy ass finally decided to write something of my own, I will do my best to give y'all a good reading experience tho. you can show support by commenting some constructive criticism and ideas for the story.


DaoistNZMm3ucreators' thoughts