

"You did well, my chosen." a heavenly voice spoke causing my eyes to widen and my neck to snap towards the voice,

I instantly bowed, as I recognized the presence that was with me throughout eternity,

"My lord." I said still bowing, "May I ask where I am headed."

God sighed.

"Since you were, one of the only followers left along with your wife, who actually believed my son was Jesus Christ, in a city filled with unbelievers, Instead of following the extremist and stayed true to his teachings, then I will offer you a choice of reincarnation. with it you are free to due as you please."

Me still bowing asked, "My Lord, with all due respect, I would rather just be with my wife wherever she is."

The almighty shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but your wife had left, I had offered her the chance of reincarnation before you and she accepted it."

After hearing this, My heart had taken a little dive.

Almighty had seen my heart grow heavy frowned and said, "Don't worry for she has mentioned you as well during. her travels unfortunately, I couldn't reincarnate the both of you in the same world. as it is not the fate that I had set out for it for them, don't worry though, in time should you gain the ability I would allow you to travel through dimensions, without side affects in order to find her, I have also notified her of this as well should she be able to, she is waiting patiently for you."

I nodded, a feeling of relief now flooding my body as I relaxed.

" Alright, When do I start."

God just smiled, and I blacked out.

Next chapter