
Dungeon Improvement Part 2

"Hua! What is this"?

I picked up the small pebble and stared at it in confusion for a few moments.

"Where is my stone? This is only a small gravel."I feel a little angry since I put a lot of effort into creating this and finally started to see the result.

"Maybe I did something wrong in the process, let me try again."

But this time also the same results.

I tried again and again however results were always the same. I am very frustrated. I yelled at the system

"System why I wasn't able to make stones. Is there anything wrong With my method"?

[I am very sorry but with your level, it would be impossible to create the length of stones that you want ]

"So that's why I wasn't able to succeed. Haa! It would have been good if you told me sooner."

[I am very sorry about this event. Additionally, I want to inform you that to create stones, the level requirements are not high If you increase your level one time it would be possible.]

"That's a relief, I am only at the beginner phase, It wouldn't take much time to level up just once."

Moreover, if I consider carefully these tiny pebbles are not so bad. They can be used to prevent water from getting muddy despite their size.

I quickly create more of these pebbles and spread them evenly on the bottom. Surprisingly it worked even better than I expected.

I wonder why I didn't realise it earlier, maybe I was too pissed at that time to understand this simple fact.

I take a look at the status window to know how much energy is used to make the pond. I only have 65 P left, which means it cost me a total of 15 P to create the pond including the pebbles.

It took less than creating the fields but it is still a concerning thing since energy is essential for the dungeon Without energy, I may be not even able to open the Portal.

I have to be careful to not use too much. Furthermore, I should ask the system how l can replenish the energy.

"System can you tell me more about the energy, like how I can replenish it"?

[Since it is a vital thing the dungeon automatically refills the energy bar but it would take some time to do that, The ratio and capability depend on the current level. The more you level up the rate of refilling and the capabilities of the dungeon to preserve energy will increase. As for now, it is 5 P in 24 hours.]

"Only 5P In one day " I had a lot of things to do and with this ratio, I don't think I could manage. If I don't find a way to solve this problem later it will become an issue for me.

[There is a secondary option for the energy but I would take cores from the mutants.]

Cores, that's right I also have three cores in my bag.

I quickly took out the cores from my bag and put them in my hands, an additional faction showed up in my status window

[would you like to use these cores to refill the energy ] There were two options one was "Yes" and the second was "No", of course, I chose yes without hesitation.

[converting cores to energy ]

[Please wait.....]

[The convention is complete]

[ Successfully gain 15P]

I received a total of 15P from cores, which means one core is equal to 5P. This is not much considering it was cores from normal zombies, if the quality was better then maybe I could have gained more energy points.

I am really glad that I collected the cores In the morning when I go outside I have to work hard to find zombies and collect cores from them since not only it will help me to get stronger, but it will also help to Improve my dungeon and without improving the dungeon I cannot get a relaxed life.

"ahhhh-hhaaaaaa"I let out a big yawn.

"Let's call it a day I am getting sleepy" I should fill my stomach and get some rest because tomorrow going to be a busy day.

A few hours later I woke up got ready and opened the Portal

After crossing the portal I descended into the building from which I entered the dungeon. I go to an open location in the building and look ahead. The situation on Earth has improved significantly since the stormy dark clouds are no longer there and the sky also looks much clearer than tomorrow.

When I was enjoying the view a sudden chilling breeze passed through me. As a quick reflection, I hugged myself with my own hands to make my stiff body feel a little better.

"Aaah choo! So cold"Maybe I came out at the time dawn that is why I started to feel cold, Yesterday was also cloudy.

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