In a world of a superhuman society in the year 3099, a runaway girl lives alone and far away from her dark past as she learns to get around on her own with the use of quickness and a hint of technology. Witness as she leaps and jumps from one building to another with her incredible wits and strength. What is her past? What would be her future? What secrets does she hold and what else could she learn about herself? Meet her closest friends and frienemies alike...journey with her as Outlaws.
"Hey, miss?"
A voice said to me as I felt tapping on my shoulder..."Excuse me miss. You can't sit outside our property..." The voice said. I snapped out of spacing out and got up slowly, "Oh...Sorry, sir." I said before walking off to a corner. It was a busy day in Erimus. Year 3099. The era of superhuman abilities and it's still filled with traffic and crowded as the 21st century. Then again... the crowd has always helped outlaws like me.
The river of people back away from the building as the sirens go off the skyscraper that the guard shooed me off from, "The systems were shut off! There's a breach!" One of the guards posted outside yelled out as more of them ran into the building while the others stayed outside. People gasp as every light from this tall pillar of an industrial building completely shut off. Hey in 3099 RGB is everything. I grinned blending into the crowd, "Damn I wonder who did that?!" I said with a rather...fake tone, "Right??? That's a high-security facility too!" A random dude next to me said. I nodded and slowly walked back against the crowd.
"High-security. Yeah right..." I whispered under my breath and placed my face mask back on. You're probably wondering. 'What happened???' Well...As I said. Superhuman era. Right? I'm Kitsunae Fukuro but you can just call me Sunae. My powers are simple and not really for combat. I can use a radar-like power with my eyes to see through buildings, peep at wires, and even track people through their auras and even see a whole city system in map form but something that big can take a lot out of me. My powers go two ways. Radar in map...basically 2d view like a layout, or I can use it like an x-ray and scan through the building...That's how I got this powerful CPU they used to guard the whole building. Cool huh? I wasn't even in the facility and yet I managed to get my hands on this puppy right here. Imagine the upgrades I could give myself or the little inventions I could come up with. Heh. When using my powers, I tend to space out like what I did when the guard noticed me outside. I had to catch his attention to get one of my little robots to yoink this epic find off their systems and teleport back to me.
I've been a runaway since I was 11 and I'm 18 right now. It's super fun. Yeah, that's right. I'm a thief and despite my powers being useless in combat, I can shut down a whole building littered with security and get away with it...I'm guessing you already had an idea of what I do outside of stealing stuff just to get around and getting away with it- WELL. I spend my free time coding...hacking...and creating my own tech to assist me and my little adventures or at least that's the best way to sum it up for you. OH, and hopping around buildings just to get to places when I feel like it. In other words...I'm a major nerd but hot as hell. Hacking through highly watched places and stealing components just for fun is amazing. I get money by selling what I create underground. Some illegal stuff.
That's all you need to know about me...for now. Anyway! Let's get this show goin'.
The next day...
A loud ringing started to fill the room I slept in...
"Mmh...Morning you damn noisy little thing." I said groaning awake.
Yet another day in the underground city. I got up stretching and yawning despite not having much sunlight at all. We don't address underground cities in Erimus by name by the way...Only by numbers. I live in 20. Where all the magic in my business happens.
"What should I do today..." I said to myself looking at the mirror before suddenly...spacing out...I then gasped throwing a knife at the door.
"HEY HEY! CHILL OUT!" A voice said.
Exhaling, I lowered my arm down, "It was unusually silent even for you...but then I saw you in my sights. Surprising I missed." I said and grabbed a nice white tank top.
"Tch. I'm not here for you. Drop the tough cookie act just cause you won last time we fought." The voice angrily said.
I don't count my enemies usually but when I do, it's when they really crossed my nerves.
"So, Amari Aiza. Is getting scared by my reflexes your purpose here?" I said with a rather low tone. I speak in a neutral tone...or so they said. Amari is an errand girl and bodyguard of that big boss I work with. We only fought when the said 'big boss' crossed me.
"Mmhm. From being badass to being painfully formal I say. Well, I'm only here cause boss wanted me to escort you to his office just to be sure you won't ignore his part of the business." Amari said.
I snorted and walked off to grab my ramen cup and prepared hot water for it, "Yeah right. Is your big boss afraid he'll sink his biz?" I scoffed.
Amari raised her eyebrow glaring, "Maybe you're just afraid another fight might break out between us. For someone who wears a sports bra to bed and makes the biggest names break down, you're a softy." She comments and leans on the wall.
I slowly looked at her with the fork in my mouth, "And for someone who acts so tough just cause you have 'high and mighty' powers, you're very observant to things you really shouldn't be looking at. Especially seeing how you're on my crap list." I said with a grin.
Amari rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I snickered and prepared another cup for her placing it on the little table I had.
"Don't be too sour now. Eat up. I know your boss isn't too generous." I said and slurped my ramen. She glared and looked at it.
"Seriously. Do you not understand that I don't like you?" She barked.
I snickered and swallowed my food, "I don't see us duking it out right now. Who says I can't offer food to anyone I want? Unless you're THAT petty." I grinned again.
She didn't reply after that and just sat and ate the food. I'm not one to stay and bicker when the fight is over. After out little heated meal, I then went back to my room to get changed washed off, and change with my favorite windbreaker jacket and cargo pants. I gotta use my chest bag too. It's hella cool.
"You look dumb." Amari commented as I stepped out of my room.
I snickered and walked out the door ignoring her little comment. As we walked through the metal walkways our stacked residential areas had, I gave out a pretty big yawn. I was way too early for business. Even for me.
Amari rolled her eyes and pushed me forward a little, "Hurry up will you?" She complained.
I placed my hands behind my head and relaxed while of course not following what she said, "Yeah yeah. Keep complaining hotshot but we both know you can't do anything about it." I teased with tired eyes and a little grin to make it even saltier for her.
Amari didn't speak after that. She knows she can't beat me in a rematch. I wiped the floor with her hard face real good heh. I'm not gonna waste my early hours fighting with this hard-headed brat.