
Chapter 1- DON'T READ THIS

It was a beautiful summer day it was neither too hot or too cold. It had a nice balance to it. It was summer season and you know what that means for high school basketball players. It means that it's time for summer camp where they practice to improve their game. Well, this is a different story for our hero who wasn't selected for the summer camp and has never truly stepped into the basketball court.

Kvothe was a stubborn kid with 0 potential for basketball but he never gave up in his pursuit for greatness in the sport he loves so much. He was bullied and made fun of by the other kids because since middle school he has been to every trial to join the basketball squad but he was never chosen because he was a terrible player. No part of his game is worth mentioning but Kvothe didn't really give a shit about none of this. He figured even if he didn't get into college for a basketball scholarship he will get in for an academic scholarship and tryout for the basketball team.

Even though Kvothe wasn't in the team he still wanted to help his team so he chose to be the assistant coach. He set up the equipment for practice and stayed behind to "clean" the facility and put away the equipment they used. But mostly he stayed behind to practice and use the school facilities. "Even with all that hard work and dedication will I really amount to nothing? Will I even be better than the kids from my school?" Thought Kvothe. After all those years of practice, nearly killing himself in practice and his body being so fatigued that he passed out for 2 days. All that blood sweat and tears and he was no closer in making it to the NBA than when he first started.

He finally made a decision to quit this sport that tossed his love, determination, and dedication away. He figured that it will be better for him if he focused on his studies. Now he was heading home when he spotted a kid running across the road but he didn't see the car coming from the side. Kvothe had to make a choice in a fraction of a second save the kid or let him die but what is this? He was already running like a madman on a mission to save this stupid kid from certain death or disability for the rest of this life. Kvothe ran a quickly pushed the kid with all his might. The kid went flying across the road shouting Ahh! While Kvothe was facing the car!

Short chapter. Hopefully, you guys enjoy it and I will try to upload a chapter every day.

Goodkidmadcitycreators' thoughts