
1. First Day

Owen was looking at his reflection as he got ready for his first day at his high school, The Sendai Institute of Powers. Owen is 16, 5ft10", buff and despite being born with brown, has white hair and is a British white male, with his torso and back being covered in scars, and having three tattoos one over his heart, one on his back, and the other on his left lower abdomen. He pulled on his uniform shirt and jacket, which had a hood and mask on it, his jacket and trousers were black with a white shirt and black combat boots, he flicked his hood up and pulled up his mask and left to get to the school.

Owen was placed in 1C based on his performance in the entrance exam, the 1 indicating it was his first year and the C indicating it was the third-highest in ranking, there was general conversation in the predetermined friend groups Owen sitting in the corner away from everyone else minding his own business. As a young women that looked in her mid-20s, entered all the conversation died out, as she then stood at the front of the classroom and said "Good day Class 1C, I am your homeroom teacher Alisa Jeager, although you can call me Miss Jeager, any questions?" As all the boys were too busy looking their homeroom teacher's voluptuous body to hear her, Owen rolled his eyes and raised his hand. "Yes, and you are," acknowledged Alisa, "I am Owen, and what about our power rankings Miss," Owen replied. "Thank you for asking, we will go to the testing room momentarily, any other questions?" Alisa asked, "Are you single?" one of the boys in the classroom asked, "I don't see how that is any of your business," replied Alisa furiously, "Anyway, time to go for testing now."

As they were walking to the testing room Owen looked into Classroom 1A, and what he saw shocked him, as he turned his head away and kept walking he muttered "Miyu," no one but Alisa heard and she curiously looked at him too deep in his own thoughts to notice her curious look. "We are here," she said bringing everyone to an abrupt halt and disrupting Owen's train of thought. As they prepared to enter the Testing room.

Please note I am a student, so I may publish randomly, but I will try to write at least two chapters a week.

Also thinking about adding a harem, tell me what you think.

DarkerOcean87creators' thoughts
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