
2. Beginning Of Disaster

Novella and Arifa turned their heads spontaneously, surprised by the banging of the table from the students who were now panting. "Why? do you miss me, Morgan?" Asked Novella, sarcastically.

"You! You're close to me, because you're just taking advantage of me, right?" Morgan pointed, staring intently at Novella.

"It means?"

"You deliberately told the teacher that I cheated on my class uts yesterday!"

The designated girl, stood up. his eyes fixed on Morgan, unreadable. "If so, why?" Asked Novella, smiling crookedly.

"Damn it! My UTS score is stuck, and that's because of you! I'm your girlfriend Vella, how come you can be this bad with your own boyfriend?" Sarcasm Morgan.

"Is that true?" Asked Novella, laughing gracefully.

Morgan frowned, the whole class started whispering loudly, watching the two of them. Novella smiled crookedly, her eyes narrowed, fixed on Morgan. Novella's hand reached out to stroke Morgan's firm jaw, giving Morgan a soft, sickening caress.

"I'm really close to you, because I intend to take advantage of it. But if the UTS score is? Try asking Arifa." Said Aleya.

Morgan brushed Novella's hand roughly against his face. his eyes turned to Arifa, behind him. "You are Arifa right?" Morgan asked coldly.

"Haen." Arifa muttered, nodding flatly.

"Can you explain all this?" Demanded Morgan.

Arifa took a deep breath, his friend Novella had always been bothering him lately. He stared back at Morgan's eyes, a look of anger from the Caucasian man glared at him.

"Novella isn't wrong, but you're the one who's looking for problems with him. You easily took Vella's chemistry summary book, so Vella retaliated for your behavior by leaking your cheating activities to the teacher, and it was me who reported it." Explained Arifa.

"What? How dare!" Morgan was angry, he was about to approach Arifa, but Novella stopped him.

"The fault here is you, not him. Now go! I know you need a lot of time to rework all those papers." Said Novella.

Morgan glared at the two of them angrily. His lips thinned, holding back the chatter of his teeth. "Just look Vella, I make sure you regret playing with my feelings!" Threatened Morgan, walked away.

Novella did not heed the man's threat, she waved goodbye. "See you.." Novella waved, smiling mockingly.

Their teacher had arrived, entering the classroom in a hurry. he sat down, and invited his students to sit neatly in their respective chairs. everything went smoothly, from the opening of the folder, until the middle of the time.

All students take notes and remember what their teacher says on the blackboard. only Novella, who felt bored in the room. he scribbled on the paper, to clear up the blanks.

"Novella! what are you doing? you heard me right?" Exclaimed the teacher, in front of the class.

Novella, she looked up lazily. His eyes blinked a few times, looking confused. everyone praises her beauty, besides being smart, Novella is also good at acting.

"Yes sir?" Said Novella.

The teacher was seen rubbing his face roughly, taking a breath in facing his student now. "You didn't notice me did you?" Asked the teacher.

"No." Answered Novella.

"Why? You think you're smarter than me?" Asked the teacher, staring angrily at his student.

"I don't want to see you, I'm just afraid to fall in love." Answered Novella, staring at the teacher in front of her, innocently.

The teacher in his 20s snorted in disgust, every time he studied. this one protege of his always made him blush, just because of a mere bunch of loose change.

"You are! Aren't you ashamed to tease me? I am your teacher, respect me!" Cried the teacher, annoyed.

"I will respect you, but as my future." Answered Novella, smiling sweetly.

Everyone who saw, blew their noses. they don't know what to shout anymore, for sure they are baper. Arifa, she was already giggling amused beside Novella. Unlike the teacher, he looked away, embarrassed.

"Y-you! It's up to you." Said the teacher, tidying up all his books, his gaze turned to Alex, the class president.

"Alex, I have sent today's assignment, a substitute for uts to your number. Divide the group into 5 people who are absent, work on it, and collect it in 20 minutes. Those who don't collect? Are you ready for the consequences." Said the teacher, walking away with a bright red face. .

Arifa gently nudged Novella's arm, their chemistry teacher didn't usually succumb to that. "How come my heart doesn't feel good, Vel? Shouldn't we, we go to school now." Asked Arifa, feeling worried.

"It's just your feelings, isn't it good, is it, if you don't become UTs?" Said Aleya.

The whole class was excited, because their UTs were replaced with assignments. they think, in the next hour there will be an empty hour. The class president stood up, his desk in the front row, causing Alex to turn to face the back.

"The assignment from Mr. Oksa has been sent, check the group!" Said Alex, sitting back in his place.

Arifa and the others also opened the notification. how surprised they were, when they saw the contents of the chemistry assignment from Mr. Oksa.

"Oh god! my devil, fucking you!" Cursed one of the students, followed by the lethargic groans of the other students.

"This teacher is crazy, giving him a 20 minute assignment. If this is the task, a week will not be finished."

"This is the material I hate the most, hikss.."

"If this is the task, I'd better have a brain swap operation as well."

Novella took a deep breath, she didn't like working in groups. complicated, Novella hates this. "Vell!" Call Arifa.

"What?" Said Novella, lazily.

"I'm in the same group as you, right? My friend is just you." Arifa pleaded.

"Whatever." Novella replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

Students scattered with each other, looking for friends to form groups. no one dared to ask Novella, knowing that the girl would refuse. "It's just the two of us Vell?" Asked Arifa, scratching the back of his neck, not itchy.

Alex, the class president stood in front of the class. pounded the table in front of him. all the students stopped huddled together, watching Alex who was already carrying a paper.

"Groups are divided into absenteeism, one group is filled with 5 people. Because our class only has 17 people, it means that two groups must have 6 people. Group one, from the first absent number, Aela to Arifa. The second group, from Dinda to Halda, and 5 the rest of the last group, got it?" Alex's instructions.

All students breathed a sigh of relief, returning to their respective desks. Arifa complained that she did not want to be separated from Novella's group. he shuffled to his feet, approaching Alex to coax him. while Novella, she was indifferent to being in the last absence, her group consisted of 3 students and 2 students.

"Hi!" Said Jeni, approaching Novella.

Novella turned her head, her face flat a sign of disinterest. "What?" He said, raising one eyebrow.

Novella was slightly impressed, Jeni was very beautiful with her blue eyes. he is of european descent, deservedly he could have a gene with blue melanin. "We're a group, so where are we going to work on it?" Jeni asked, hesitating.

"Hellow! wellcome to my bastie, how are you? im feeling good." Said the student named Nerd, his handsome face, not the same as the meaning of his name.

"Shh..don't make noise, my ears can't hear it." Said Jeni, pouting.

Black cat typekal, cute and dangerous at the same time. that's why Novella doesn't really care about Jeni, who has always wanted to be friends with her.

"Yes my princess, I'm sorry." Said Nerd.

Novella glanced at Arifa, she lowered her head in resignation, different from Novella's group. Arifa was standing with his group. the other group is complete, not with the group. Novella looked at the whole class, there were no remaining students who should be members of Novella's group.

"Our members are only like this?" Asked Novella, frowning in surprise.

"Yes, the other two didn't attend. One was sick, the other didn't come to class." Jeni answered.

Novella looked at Jeni sharply, what was the meaning of this? whoever is a member, must obey every rule. Novella doesn't like it when she is in the same group with incompetent people.

"Who is not present?" Asked Aleya.

"Weza?" Squeaked Jeni, biting her lower lip, nervous.