
Chapter 1: Summer.

YOUR, body automatically starts to feel hot when you hear the word summer. The first thing that comes to your mind are beaches, trees, the sun, and how the mountain meets the ocean.

That's what I am wondering while I draw those thoughts in my notes and await the plane to land in Malibu.

"Wow! Beautiful!" said the voice of a little girl next to me looking at my notes.

Her brown eyes widened and started to sparkle so I smiled at her and ripped the one sheet of paper from my pad to give it to her.

"A gift for you," I said.

She looked at me and accepted it. Her mother next to her smiled and thanked me, I smiled back then I put back my pad inside my bag and I zippered close.

Paint was my passion but the love of my life took this away from me, it's my mother. I wanted to become a painter but she wanted me to become a doctor, I obeyed her and became a doctor.

I stared at the window where the clouds are moving peacefully, where the clouds are not rushing to go where they wanted to go and where the clouds seemed like telling me to paint them.

Although they are just clouds I envied them regardless no one can control them and no one can ever touch them. maybe some people couldn't think of that but I do.

Being a doctor is not fun, maybe because this is not what I like. You countered many patients who are sick, critical, and dying.

When a person died their loved ones blamed you like oh my God! what do you want me to do? Do a spell so I can keep them alive?

When the plane landed in Malibu I don't know why my feet seem to be so excited to tread on the ground and they control me.

I am wearing a simple plain yellow dress reaching my knees and pairing my nude doll shoes, my blonde hair is tied well, and cover my eyes with sunglasses.

Once I'm outside of the airport the sun welcomed me. I look up, the sunlight peaking behind the coconut trees while those trees dance by the wind freely.

"Cassie!" I turned my head when I heard my cousin's voice, it was kyn, waving inside of her pickup truck and about to tread off.

Kyn is in a 4th-year college of criminology while her parents owned a flower shop. She wants to become a policewoman and I envy her because her parents support her.

She excitedly ran towards me while a big line on her lips appears. "Oh my God! every time we met you are blooming, what's the secret?" she continued once she came near. I smiled big from her compliment.

"Maybe because I put makeup on and wearing a nice outfit" I replied and I know it sounded like I disagreed.

"Stop!" she placed her palm in front of my face. "You are! Without that makeup and nice outfit," she protests. She abruptly picks up my luggage and goes to the truck, I smiled and shakes my head then followed her without saying a word.

While kyn was driving I rolled down the car window to feel the fresh air and kyn did it too. How nice to see the view that can refresh your eyes. Even though the climate is hot, you can see people walking like they are enjoying living here in Malibu.

"I think you will enjoy it here, I can see that in your face" kyn's broke my reverie.

"You think so?" I responded and smile.

"Why not!" She said.

Yes why not, that's why I'm here cause I know I will enjoy staying here. I just follow what my heart says and what my mind wants. At my 28th of age, I want to be happy, to be genuinely happy.


Kyn's parents welcome me with a warm hug and a smile on their faces. Auntie Jen is a 40-year-old sweet and lovely woman and uncle Toni is a 42-year-old caring gentleman.

They looked happy to see me like their own daughter. How awful that you want to feel this kind of hug from your mother. They are living an ordinary life but wealthy in their hearts, that's why I love them and that's why they were the first people in my mind that I can approach.

Their eyes looked amazed when they see how I grew up as a lady, you can see on their faces that they reminisce about the day when kyn and I were young.

"Oh dear, time is really fast, look how lovely you are," said Auntie Jean as we walk into their house.

"Honey what would we expect? Since their young, we could see the beauty not only on their faces but their heart" uncle Toni followed his compliment. My lips made a flattering smile looking at kyn giggling over her cellphone. My head secretly tilts wondering who that person is.

Uncle Toni is a supervisor in a big supermarket here in Malibu while auntie Jen manages their business flower shop.

"Why don't we come inside and eat lunch?" auntie Jen invite us and we followed her inside.

I bet my mother found out that I was not in the house, she knew that it was my off day so I could be in the house. I didn't tell her my plan, I didn't tell her that I'm here at my aunt and uncle's house, why would I? She never listens to me and if she knew about it she would come and pick me up like a kid playing around.

That's why I asked my Auntie and uncle not to tell my mom about it and they agreed. All I want presently is to enjoy my life here in Malibu, to experience that no one can control me like a cloud.

"Seriously, why here in malibu? If you want to pursue your passion you should go to our capital city" kyn's suggested while she is in my room where auntie Jen place me. It's 8 in the evening here. I don't know if she is serious about it. Should I knock her head or strike the bat on top of her head? I just sighed.

" Why not try here? What can be painted there? 8 people walking down the sidewalk, a train, etc. It's common, I want something new like people have never seen in their lives" I tried to explain to her, what I want. She pouted and nodded like she is agreeing with what I said.

" Well, you have a point " Then she quickly looked at me that wanted to say something. "So what do you want to paint? Trees? Ocean? Isn't common too? And---

"Not just that" I interrupt her comments. I put my left hand on my waist and the other hand playing on my bottom lip with my fingers while my brain functions something that what is the right thing to do. " it's like when you have a crush on someone at the first glance and boom," then I look at kyn " it's yours " kyn's eyes turned small being suspicious and her silence took 5 seconds.

"Are you saying that you want to paint a lover?" She said and my shoulder suddenly dropped. My eyes twinkled like I don't know how to explain it to her.

"Nevermind," I said.

"Kyn! Cassie! Dinner is ready!" auntie Jen called us for dinner and we go.

A lover? I don't know, maybe kyn is right maybe she's wrong I still don't know what will come tomorrow.


AFTER I unpacked my things I checked my phone and there were a lot of messages coming from my colleagues. Asked where we are, why I did not come, am I ok, etc... I decided to power off my phone so I have no reason to check on them.

I opened the window to feel the fresh air, the leaves are dancing again by the wind. It's 11 in the evening and the sound of the night can really put you to sleep. But out of nowhere I abruptly looked at the place where I heard a strange sound, sounds of persons as if they were fighting and I was right.

I saw a group of men beating someone on the side of an abandoned house, "Hey!" I shouted and when they heard it they ran away.

I hurried down and get outside of the house to check on the man. Jeez, people in the house are sleeping now and I am the only one who is awake. Oh yeah and the man I will check on.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned. He couldn't answer me because he was hurt. He wears a sweater with a hood on his head on top of his cap so I couldn't see his face. I came near close to him to check where he was hurting.

"Le-leave me alone" he ordered.

"Bu-but you are----

"I said leave me alone!" he shouted. I have no choice but to obey him, I just gave him my handkerchief and was about to leave but he grabbed my hand. "Don't tell anyone about this" was his request then he let go of my hand.

He was so stubborn, I guess he doesn't want me to see him as a weak person, that's so lame then. I left him as he wants to.

When I closed the door, I was kinda worried about him, I hope he will be ok and doesn't get a serious injury.

I guess that guy was messed up.