
Chapter Two

After Baekhyun and I introduced ourselves, he helped me in the rain. He took me to his home and try to comfort me. "So, why were you in the streets by yourself at this time of night?" He asked. I froze for a moment, I put my head down and cried. I told him everything and all of a sudden, he hugged me. "I'm sorry that happened to you Y/n..." I wiped away my tears. "No, it's ok. I think I deserved it anyway." He looked at me confused and broke the hug. "But how if you just forgot to take the pill." I just stood there, he smiled at me. "Look, you can stay with me as much as you like." I looked up at him. "Really? Are you sure?" He nodded. "Of course." I shook my head. "No, I can't. There might not be any room for me. I can live on the streets until I figure something out." He schooled his head and he looked very serious. "You can't do that, you need somewhere to stay for the baby." I knew he was right, I just didn't want to bother him. I finally gave up. "Fine, I'll stay." He smiled and comforted me. Months went by, the bigger my stomach got the more people start talking about me. I mean it's normal for a 22 year old women to be pregnant. It could've been worse though, I could've gotten pregnant real early since someone did something to me that I never told anyone... I started to eat more. My taste buds were different than usual. So Baekhyun and I started dating but we are not official yet, he's helping me take care of the baby even though it's not his. I'm really excited for my son or daughter to finally be in this world with me. Baekhyun took me to the park to relax, he put a blanket on the grass and we sat on it. He cuddled with me while rubbing my stomach gently. He kept telling funny jokes to me which made me really happy. "Oh Baekhyun remember tomorrow we have to be at the doctor's office at 10:40 am." He smiled. "Ok princess, I'll remember that." I blushed and laughed. His funniest always gets me. After staying in the park for like an hour, we left to go home. That night, my stomach started hurting a lot. I think I was have contractions. I tried rubbing my stomach but it was no use. I woke up Baekhyun. "Baekhyun?" He made a hmm sound as his response. "I think the baby is coming." I tried to hold in the pain. Not even 2 seconds, Baekhyun rushed to get everything in the car and helped me get to the car. When we finally got to the hospital. They helped me on to a bed and calmed me down. 1 hour later of pushing, I finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I thought it would be a girl but in that moment, I really didn't care about anything but my son... I cried with tears of joy. "He's beautiful..." I said while holding my son. "What should you name him?" Baekhyun asked me. I smile and said,"Jihyun, Jeon Jihyun." Baekhyun smiled. "So Y/n?" He looked nervous. "Yes Baekhyun?" I said. "I love you and I was wondering if you'll be my girlfriend?" I pulled him close to me and I pressed my lips on to his. He blushes. "Yes Baekhyun, I love you too." He smiled and we shared a kiss. 6 months passed by, Jihyun is so adorable, I love him with all of my heart. Baekhyun was working and I was at the grocery store with Jihyun. I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I said. "No, it was my fault." That voice sound familiar. Like I've heard it before. When I saw his face. I knew it was him.