
Chapter 1.

"Resentment is born of inflicted pain ... Love can turn into hatred, and hatred can be melted by love. Nothing is certain in this world. You can fall asleep in your warm room, but wake up in a dark and cold cave .... who can know exactly what will happen in the near future?"

"Master, can't we predict what will happen in the future by judging the facts ? I mean isn't white, white and black, black ? What I want to say aren't good people do good deeds and bad people do bad deeds. Everyone should know that if they do good then they can expect good things and if they do bad things then bad things will happen to them, right ?"

"Sarah,  what do you think ? What is white and what is black ?"


"Sarah....you always remember,  what you think is white  for others can be black and what you think is black can be completely white for someone else."

"Master , what do you mean ?"

" Sarah, tell me, if you walk down the street and you see a person killing another person, what do you think?"

"Of course, the killer is a bad person, murder is forbidden. "

The petite girl turned her back and answered angrily in a breath.

" Of course, Sarah is absolutely right if you think so. How you judge can be considered fair, just that ..."

"Just, what master?"

 Now, an annoying feeling is born in her heart just hearing the word "just " spelled by her master. What is her master thinking? Does she defend the bad guy? Why? Isn't her master supposed to be known as the wisest person in the world? It is absolutely clear that the killer was the bad guy, and the dead man is the victim.

"But, Sarah, you didn't know the other side of the story and you hurried to judge without knowing what happened."

"But , master? Isn't it forbidden to kill? Is not bad?" Sarah asked angrily.

"Absolutely. "  Her master answered without paying attention to Sarah's voice.

She already knew that her disciple was against evil ... but not all bad people are actually bad from the beginning, and that's what she has to teach her . Sarah must understand the facts behind a wrong decision before making a decision and somehow end up punishing the wrong person. Every action has a reaction and she  have  to learn "feelings"

"And then ?"

"Actually Sarah, what you thought was black for the killer was white, because the person he just murdered, killed his whole family and friends. His wife, his parents, his friends ... they were all killed by the person he murdered. "

"This does not ....The young woman looked at her master in astonishment. "

Her mind was churning and she couldn't say a word.

"Sarah, let me tell you that you are now by killer's side, but if I were to tell you that all the murdered people were inhuman people who killed an entire village, and the now  dead man was  a survivor."

"Masterrrrrrr, you're killing me now. Please stop, I understand now."

"Ha ha ha ha, Sarah ,Sarah. You are the best disciple and your heart is so strong, but you should be careful in the future when I will not be with you because anyone can easily fool you ... however .... never change your heart. Keep your heart strong and your soul pure."

"Master, are you going somewhere?"

"I wonder...."

"Wondering? "

The worry could now be read in Sarah's voice. Just the thought of her master leaving made her tremble.

"ha ha ha, look who's there .... "

Master Jeanne Roy found a way to get rid of the questioning face of her disciple.

"Mom, Dad ... why  are you  here?"

"Oh, wife, look at this little devil, she thinks we have no right to be here."

"Daaaaaaaadddddd, that's not what I mean .... but .... didn't you say you were going to Sun land to visit  uncle? "

Teased by her father, Sarah forgot the last words of her master.

"Ah, that ... change of plans little devil. Your uncle had a sudden meeting, so we'll meet him another time ..."

"Mooooooooommmmm," Dad calls me the devil again. The petite girl complained to her mother

"You  both should stop making so much noise. Master, you should punish them both and make them behave as such."

" Ah, ha ha ha ha, Your Highness, do not be upset, His Majesty is always troubled by the problems of our clan, it is good that he can relax a little. About Yu Bin ... I think she will one day become an amazing queen."

"I really hope so."  The queen said, sighing deeply.

 It's not like she doesn't know her daughter's ability. It's just that she knows very well what the other clans are capable of.

Sarah  was only 16 years old, but her thinking was much more mature than her age, she was a follower of goodness and hated evil from the bottom of her heart. Her black hair fluttered as she stood up, taking the sword out slowly, but determined to make a better world, and she promised herself that she would help every person in need. Her brown eyes looked up at the sky with confidence. She liked to wear white clothes and her dress fluttered in the wind, so if someone looked at her carefully she could see wings coming out of her back. Sarah was the perfect description of beauty.

Looking back, a warm smile was plastered on her beautiful face.

"Mom, Dad, let's go, let's go. ..Master...."

"Sarah ..." Master Jeanne Roy saluted  the young girl.

" See you tomorrow morning. Sarah said, smiling tenderly. "

It was a great day and it ended in an amazing way.

"hm, see you tomorrow ... Your Highness. " Said Master JeanneRoy, smiling warmly as she said her last words.

"Master Jeanne ... goodbye. "  The king and queen greeted their daughter's beloved master and left.

"Goodbye, " said Master Jeanne Roy, smiling at them.




"Miss, wake up, miss ... wake up miss"

"What happened ?"

" Miss ... you have reached your destination. "

Sarah  woke up troubled, it wasn't the first time she had such a dream, but it still seemed so real.

Next chapter