
Our own little world

Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 374 Views
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What is Our own little world

Read ‘Our own little world’ Online for Free, written by the author Blessing_Godswill, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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One hand pointing to the sky, the other to the earth. She looked past heaven and earth only to face her own face . The day she had been betrayed by her lover was the day she fell to the abyss of hell. In a world where demons and gods existed, he had now became a demon, a demon with eyes that no longer looked at her with love, but only a deep burning hatred. Now, all she saw when she closed her eyes was the look on his face when she had stabbed his heart with the dagger he had gifted her. Gods and demons were the symbolization of a stark contrast of polar opposites. She was not allowed to love him, just as he was not allowed to see her. They were never allowed to be together in the first place, and in the midst of being swayed by the words of others, she had forever wounded the heart of her beloved that had trusted her with his life. Just like that, while her body was still in heaven, her heart had already succumbed to the depths of hell. Standing at the edge of the cliff, she turned back to look at his face that was void of any emotions. To ask for forgiveness had never been an option for her in the past or in the present, for who was she to ask for forgiveness when her life had completely become a mess? The only thing she hoped was for him to forget her, to forget all the time they had spent together, all the memories they had shared. If that could lessen the pain in his heart, she could deal with the sins that stained her soul. Offering him a gentle smile, she took out the dagger he gave her, not noticing the sudden change of look in his eyes. I'll experience all the pain I have done onto you, all the sufferings you went through. Stabbing herself with the dagger, she fell from heaven into hell like the wisps of the first snowflake that graced the earth every winter. If only she had looked back, she would have seen his hand reaching out to her desperately as if she was the light in his darkness. For him, she was willing to die not only once but many times.

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The Last Gospel: Chest of Saint Siméon

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Lubang vagina mbak Angela terasa nikmat dan hangat saat penisku telah menusuk masuk ke dalamnya. “Ahhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhh!! Ahhhhh!!” mbak Angela menjerit dan merintih hebat saat merasakan batang penisku telah masuk ke dalam lubang vaginanya dengan begitu keras. Langsung aku tindih tubuh mbak Angela, aku remas buah dada seksinya yang terasa kenyal dan lembut di tanganku. Kemudian aku goyangkan pinggangku untuk menusukkan penisku dengan ganas dan brutal keluar masuk ke dalam lubang vagina mbak Angela. “Ahhhhhh!! Ohhhh!! Auuuu!! Ohhh!! Ahhh! Uhhhh!! Auuuuu!!” mbak Angela merintih dan menjerit hebat saat lubang vaginanya aku sodok bertubi-tubi dengan batang penisku yang begitu keras ereksinya. Langsung terdengar bunyi kecepak akibat tusukan batang kemaluanku yang menusuk lubang kemaluan mbak Angela berkali-kali dengan keras, brutal, dan ganas. “Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhh!!! Uhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhh!! Ahhhhhhh!!” mbak Angela merintih-rintih menahan sensasi rasa nikmat di lubang kemaluannya akibat sodokan keluar masuk batang penisku bertubi-tubi tanpa henti. Sambil terus menusukkan batang penisku yang begitu keras dan perkasa ereksinya ke dalam lubang vagina mbak Angela, tanganku mulai meremas buah dada wanita tinggi semampai itu dengan liar. “Ohhhhh!! Ahhhh!! Uhhhhh!! Auuuu!! Auuuuu!! Ahhhh!!” mbak Angela menjerit dan merintih keras merasakan tusukan batang penisku di dalam lubang vaginanya. Jeritan dan rintihan itu disertai bunyi kecepak yang makin keras akibat basahnya lubang kemaluan wanita itu saat aku sodok dengan penisku. Aku juga mulai menjilati leher mbak Angela dengan beringas, aku ciumi leher putih mulus dan jenjang itu, kemudian aku gesek-gesekkan bibirku ke kulit leher putih mulus itu, selanjutnya aku jilati leher indah itu dengan lidahku dengan sangat lekat. “Ahhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhh!! Uhhhhhhhh!! Ahhhhhhhh!! Ohhhhhhh!!!” mbak Angela merintih, mendesah, dan menjerit merasakan kenikmatan tiada tara itu. Kemudian lidahku mulai bergerak menjelajahi area dekat telinga wanita cantik itu. Lalu langsung aku jilati daun telinga mbak Angela dengan penuh nafsu dan hasrat seks. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhh!! Ohhhhhh!! Nikmat banget!! Ahhhhh!! Sayang!!!!” mbak Angela makin merintih dan menjerit saat lubang kemaluannya terus aku sodok dengan batang kemaluanku. Terinspirasi dari kisah nyata. Warning 21+. Nama orang dan tempat disamarkan.

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Can we start over? [GL]

Twin sisters Lucille and Phoebe couldn't be more different.. though they were always close something set them apart. With parents who are both committed to having the 'perfect family' life can be difficult.. Their father is an extremely wealthy business man so eyes are often on them. When Phoebe drew on the walls as children Lu happily took the blame and the lashes that went with it. Seeing the fear on her sisters face was enough the make her take the blame every time she could.. As a young child she'd been sent away several times to get 'help'. When they were 14 Phoebe experimented with smoking pot and hid it in their bedroom. Their parents smelt the substance straight away and confiscated it.. Lucille wasn't home at the time and when she arrived, Phoebe had already said it was Lucille's. A few days later Phoebe brought a lighter into school, and set the library on fire whilst playing with it. Lucille was close by and when she got home she found that her whole life was flipped upside down.. Taking the past into consideration their parents sent Lucille thousands of miles away to a secluded boarding school for rich kids with behavioral problems. A year later her parents offered for her to come home but Lucille insisted on staying away for a year longer, and even another after that. This year they decided they were not taking no for an answer, she was to finish her last year of schooling at home. When Lucille arrives home everyone is shocked.. the sophisticated white haired woman who strolled through the front door was not what they were expecting.

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