
What the fuck??

On the way out of school, i noticed the sky darkening weirdly for a few seconds before lightening back up, Tho nothing happened i had a weird sinking feeling in my guts, i wasn't really sure what exactly caused it but I've always been one to trust my instincts, i asked to get off the car deciding to walk the rest of the way. It was a 8-9 minute walk anyway, plus i could save some cash.

The blistering heat made me start regretting getting off the bus, but a few minutes later, i stopped doubting my decision when i hear a loud "BAAAAAAAAM!!", i almost jumped out of my own skin, once i came back to myself i immediately took off running in the direction of the sound hoping my guess was wrong.....It wasn't.....The same Bus i'd gotten off of a few minutes ago was now a smoking and sparking wreckage, it looked like it could explode any second now, so i hesitated to go near it, thankfully my hesitation saved my life as it almost instantly caught fire and exploded extremely loudly, "BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!! The shockwave was great enough to knock me off my feet.

Disoriented, i shakily stood up, but i saw a sight that immediately made me wish i was unconscious, The burnt flesh of the passengers was emitting a smokey charred smell and black smoke, i had no doubt they were all dead, but that wasn't the problem, The problem was that a charred form of a human being with barely any skin left was Fucking Standing!!!!!!

It stood up shakily, and considering that this shouldn't even be possible i'd say it did a great job, its head seemed to swivel as if searching for something before it turned towards Me. Although i was paralysed from fear, my fight or flight instincts didnt even need to activate, i made the conscious decision to run the fuck away from whatever the fuck that was, but unfortunately it seemed the monster wanted something different. As i took off, from the corner of my eye i could see it start to lumber in my direction, and i wasn't sure but its eyes seemed almost pitch black, with no notable iris.

Running and screaming with all my might, i kept wondering why there weren't any other vehicles on the road i could've tried to escape with, whilst the roars of the monster acted as background motivational music. Sprinting with everything i had, i kept thanking God for making me develop an interest in martial arts 3 and a half months ago, i was sure that with my previously untrained body i'd have fallen prey to the thing still chasing me, "why the fuck is it still following me?!!!!!!" i yelled inside, but never stopped throwing my legs forward.

A minute later i received my answer about the vehicle scarcity, A huge pile up had formed at the school gate with utter pandemonium going on, there was blood and guts everywhere and the screams and roars from different directions were extremely confusing. I seemed to have found a second wind as i took off with increased vigor, not stopping for one second to look around, i kept running till i could hide in one of the bushes on the side of the road.


It felt like i was dreaming, but the terror from a few minutes ago was no dream, i slowly gathered myself and stood up, slowly moving towards the bathroom, i splashed my face a few times before drying up with a towel, when i was dry my reflection in the mirror carried a determined look.

It was time to decide a plan of action, it seemed like the zombie virus of movies had come to earth, so i had to prepare myself, i had enough food to last me a month with rationing: rice, beans, eggs, sugar, milk, oil, canned meat and canned fish, pasta and some custard. My gas canister was almost empty though, i made a mental note to try and refill it.

Next was weaponry: I made a spear with a short knife and my mop stick, wrapping them together with black tape and some rags. I had a baseball bat i'd bought for self protection and a taser just in case, then i chose 1 other knife to put in my sock. Feeling satisfied with my weaponry i started thinking about what to do, As a 19 year old guy i'd basically split off from my family, taking care of myself and making ends meet by trading on the Forex market, i'd have to go to my Parent house in Abuja eventually but that seemed far into the future as it was a 5 hour drive on a good day.

I tried calling them but it seems there was very bad reception, quickly remembering some survival guides i'd seen i quickly downloaded a map of most of Nigeria, and extra survival guides, then i contemplated going to get extra supplies right now.

Deciding against it i needed to eat something because my stomach was growling. Making a quick meal of rice and stew, i wolfed it down whilst placing the rest in a food flask to best preserve it.

I looked out the window and it was best described as hell, there were an unending number of those beasts as men women and children all moved with the speed of trained athletes attacking any living thing around them, humans dogs and cats were all on their menu, but surprisingly, cattle and poultry were left alone.

Next chapter