
Chapter One

Charlie's pov)

Waking up to the sun shining in my face. 'what a great way to start this wond..... Hold up.. Am I?? Am I naked??!!..'.I thought. Flash backs of what happened last night came back to me..Oh shit!. How could I have danced with my top of and only leaving me in my bra. I kissed a random dude and puked on him. Worst part is that I slept with Aiden freak'n Gray. Holy Shit!!!. Removing his arm from my waist, I tiptoed to his bathroom and grabbed my clothes on the way. I took a quick shower and changed back into the same clothes. I'm a mom for God sake, what the hell was I doing with this son of a bachelor?. Walking out of the bathroom only to see him staring right at me.

"would you please make your way out of my house". He said rudely.

"The least you could d is ask nicely". I said. He glared at me.

"Get your ass out. This was a mistake". Ouch!. That hurt.

"you know what Aiden? You're right. This was a mistake. Want to know why? You're just like all the other men out there who only care about themselves, not caring if thy hurt someone in the process well guess what? You're a prick and a jerk. When you finally decide to grow a pair and go after the girl you love, she'll never come running to you and then you'll end up like the lonely bastard you are". I ranted, more like yelled. He just stared at me in shock. Well I kind of shocked myself too. I took one last look at him and left.

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