
The last of the Hassan (Part 2)

"Why not?"

He was startled by that response!

He frowned in confusion.

Aurora seeing him frown said once more "Why not? I saw someone getting his ass kicked and found out he is really really skilled, so I figured why not just save the guy?" Aurora shrugged.

Aaron called out to Aurora in their telepathic channel.

"What are you up to? I know he is skilled but this? What are you doing?" Aaron was yelling at her in their telepathic channel.

"I'm sure you have probably thought someone as young as me might be from some hidden organization or some big ass prestigious family or something? Right?" Aurora said looking at him with a playful grin.

"Lets us introduced ourselves first? My name is Aurora Blood and this here is my twin brother Aaron Blood, here is our best friend Nyx Prince."

Aurora introduced themselves to the boy by pointing at herself, Aaron and Nyx.

The boy found their surnames were familiar so he tried to recall where he heard it, soon he found out who these people are, in front of him.

Since they have introduced themselves, he thought for a moment before he also introduced himself to them.

"Zulkernyn Yazid Hassan"

The three looked at the boy and was surprised that he really introduced himself!

The boy was giving off the same vibe that Erisviel once did when they first met.

But the guy in front of them was too 'emo and edgier' than Erisviel.

The three of them were really surprised! Instead of giving thanks and taking off, he actually decided to introduce himself?

Aurora noticed the wound on his upper arm!

She ripped off a piece of cloth from her dress, which startled everyone else. They were thinking why suddenly she started to rip her clothes off!

Especially for Zulkernyn, he was dumbfounded that after introducing himself to the girl in front of him she started to rip off her clothes? Was she crazy in the head?

Holding the ripped piece of her clothing, she stood right in front of Zulkernyn making him jumped in surprise.

Frowning and looking at the wound on his upper arm.

"You're bleeding! Let's stop the bleeding first then talk, else you will pass out from blood loss or worse!" She said with seriousness in her voice.

Zulkwrnyn was in a daze.

He doesn't know why but he feels weird?

His heart feels warm, by the sudden concern of his health from the person in front of him.

He looked around also saw the other two were also staring at him with a frown on their face. There were worry and concern in their eyes for him?

For him? Why?

They dont know him, so why?

He was feeling weird and was finding this situation too difficult for himself to understand.

He even found himself in confusion about why did he let the girl patch up his wound on his arm?

Aurora after cleaning the wound and seeing that it's only a superficial wound that the bullet only grazed his upper arm, sighed in relief.

"You should check yourself with the hospital or a doctor. It might get infected if it's not clean properly or properly dressed." Aurora said roughly patching up the wound on his arm.

"Thank you, for everything." Zulkernyne genuinely gave a smile and said his thanks.

The sudden smile from this kid was blinding for the three of them.

The three of them cursed in their telepathic channel.

'F*c*/Son of a bi*ch/this damn Motherf**ker.' Aurora, Aaron and Nyx.

'His smile was effing lethal' the three of them said in their mind at the same time.

The boy in front of them had a neutral resting bi*ch face and was always had this emotionless look, he looked like an emo-edgy boy with 'back off' aura.

But the moment he flips his switch and smiles?

Damn, his smile is like an angel enveloping the whole world with their sacredness and their purity.

They really can't put someone who just killed off people twice his age to have this kind of pure smile.

"Aaron, Nyx and I are creating an organization to help and protect ourselves in the future. After seeing you fight like that I thought you would be a valuable ally to us. That is why I saved you. From the conversation, I heard from them when we first arrived?" Aurora stopped and thought for a few moments, she looked at the corpses and then looked back at Zulkernyn.

"Hassan? The order of assassins? Hassan-e-Sabbāh? You are the last remaining descendant of the true assassin order arent you?" Aurora said, it was just a wild guess but from the look on the face in front of her, it seems like she was right on spot.

Zulkernyn was surprised then leaked his killing intent after hearing about what she said.

He demanded "How did you know? tell me who do you work for?" He went into his battle-ready mode, facing Aurora he was very vigilant and cautious.

Aurora felt challenged, it hurt her pride as a former queen.

Even Aaron and Nyx felt this guy was overreacting too much.

The three of them released their killing intent to the maximum that made Zulkernyn see a face shrouding in darkness.


He never felt this much fear, the amount of murderous intent the three of them were releasing was too much. He felt like suffocating to death.

He cursed in his mind and shouted to the three of them who are in front of him.

"Did you all committed genocide or something? For god sake that is too much."

It was like a flip was switched his entire aura changed and personality changed along with it.

He was looking at the three of them with fear and annoyance.

The three Aurora, Aaron and Nyx they reined in their intent and Aurora said to Zulkernyn.

"Well, who knows?" Giving a smirk to Zulkernyn, she turned to look at Aaron and said 'Trust me' in their telepathic channel.

"It was not hard to figure out after learning about you are the last of the Hassan and the assassins were good but not as good as you in terms of the Art of Assassination or killing whatever you call it." Aurora said to Zulkernyn.

She learned many things over the years about the history and mythologies of this with Aaron.

She learned about this Assassin organization which was full of facade, a show to the world to hide their real organization.

Aurora was intrigued by it as there was an organization in her past life she was part of, that protected the Mist for thousands of years from the shadows.

The organization that everyone knew was only a facade, a fake to throw off people so the real organization can work from the shadows.

The thing the assassins order did was similar, the real organization was hiding on the shadows of the fake one.

"Hmpf, hiding in plain sight? anyone with a good head could figure it out." Aurora said snorting looking at Zulkernyn with disdain.

Here is the first chapter of the week!!!!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

If there are any mistakes? Please make a comment on the comment section or make a paragraph comment and let me know.

Help me improve myself.

[(1/5) Weekly chapter released.]


Now, back to sleep.

*Author collapses on the bed from exhaustion.*

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts
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