
chapter 1

The weather in September is so hot you can cook an egg on asphalt. Even inside your house is so stuffy, why not turn on an air-conditioning you ask? Because the bill is expensive! You can only cool yourself by drinking cold water.

Today is the same as another day when Risa keep thinking about how she can became crazy rich...no no, just rich is enough.

Tomorrow is a due date one of her loans but Risa didn't have money. Did she needs to take another loan to cover this one? There's already five app that Risa borrow, the total amount plus interest reach fifty million. How can she, an ordinary housewives got so much money?

Risa's husband just get layoffs at his company. Right now he's looking around for job. His age almost fourty so it's not a favorite age for hired. Company nowadays always wanted fresh graduate rather than the experience ones, at least in her country. They said that with the young generation they surely have much creativity than the old employee who has old thinking,stiff and not motivated.

Motivated my ass!! Just said that you want to paid cheap rather than hired an experience one for much higher salary!! Well her husband's salary is cheap and the payday is always off so It's not a bad thing he got out.

The compensation and saving has already consume for daily needs, car and house instalment, bill and other loan. Right now they can only make do for one more month.

Sometimes Risa think it's a lucky things they didn't have children, otherwise she'll feel guilty to the child. They need to tighten their belts so that the money can support them until her husband get a job.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly Risa hear her husband voice come near.

"No, nothing." Risa keep her head down to browse internet on her phone how to make a business.

"Do you still have some spare money? I want Rp300.000 for register an online cab."

Well, there's still that much in Risa's wallet but that money's for monthly expenses on food, another one is in the app online, that's too for her business on credit topup. Other...

"Driver online?" Every job is ok as long as he got money.

"Yeah. I got information that driver app open a job, and the register fee is Rp300.000" He stop for awhile, and continue "but if the money's for more important things then forget it." He just sat there with a sad face, making her guilty even though she didn't say anything.

"No, if you want this job then its ok, rather than you stay at home doing nothing and get bored." Actually Risa get depressed after he stays at home, he woke up when lunch is ready, stayed in front of computer the whole afternoon applying for a job, ate dinner and then stayed again in front of computer until midnight. Everyday get repeat until she can't take it no more.

"It's not that i want this job but what can I do? Our loan keep pressing, the money keep dwindling, i even though about selling this car so we didn't worry about the bill!!" He get excited the more he talk. He wants to go out to get information about a job, but the gas is also money, his friends already go back to their hometown to survive. This city is his hometown, where can he go?

He wants to reach his parents but they're elderly who survive through pension. His inlaws is not good at communicating, rather than help they will mock him for being incompetent. His age already old for company to hired, trying freelance but that one bid is so hard to get. He needs urgent money to payoff the debt, any job will do.

Just yesterday he got a phone call from his old friend, they said that there's a job for online drivers, he thought that as long as he got money, being a driver he will do it.

"I know, i know, don't get excited. There's still money if you want register, you can used it first, i can used other fund to make do, anyway there's only the two of us, instant noodles is delicious too." Risa said with depressed mood.

"I'll used it first, I'll pay you back for 3 days at most." He promise. He'll work hard to get money!!

With the money in hand, he urgently take the documents needed and hurry off to register before the kuota full.

Sign. She can only pray that everything goes smoothly.


"Yuno, here!!"

Yuno hear the voice and come to his old friend. Actually yuno didn't want to register trough his old friend but who can make him a veteran online driver? If he wants a guarantee then this is the only way.

Yuno's friend work as an online drivers for 5 years, he usually take a new person if the app open a job and trough this he get a fee from them. You see looking for a job is so hard that at the level as a driver they need insider!!

Yuno already made a deal with him that the fee can only be paid if yuno got a place. Yuno don't want to make a loses, otherwise what reason if his wife asked about it. She protect the money like her own life! Well he didn't blame her. She sacrifice her falling hair to manage the already limit money.

"The documents and money is here. You get a place for me." Yuno wants an assurance.

"Don't worry buddy, trust me!" After that he come into the office, register, talk for a while and everything is done. It's no more than ten minutes.

Yuno need to take a photo of his car, take a selfie and the app on his phone can running immediately and he can take an order now.

Yuno breath a sign of relief, finally he can work after five months of idleness. Anymore and he'll grow mushrooms in the corner. The life at home is so boring if you don't have anything to do.

"Thanks man, tomorrow I'll get your money." Yuno said as he slung his hand on his friends shoulder.

"Nah, we're old friend, it is what i should do. But tomorrow it is, i need to pay tuition for my child." He can be his friend but if it's about Money then it's different matter.

"Don't worry, I'll take an order now so you can have your money earlier." Yuno smile with his mouth open.

"Sure, sure " his friends too smile openly.

They ready to take an order and make money for their family.

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