
Our destructive fate and the love in between

"ella, are you human at all?" Jace asked, looking utterly terrified "maybe your father can have an answer to that, this is a lesson for you Jace wealth, i told you not to underestimate just anyone" ella replied, smirking devilishly. she breathed out annoyingly and Jace started coughing profusely "ella please stop!" mama begged helplessly "you stay out of this moment! since you caused it anyway" ella said and swung her arm, making Jace fling to the other side of the wall he writhed in pain, looking despaired but still hoping ella would come back to her senses "good job isabella, you are doing well" ashes said grinning devilishly "I'm going to end your life now Jace, I'm sorry" Ella said and raised up her arm to strike him "i love you ella! i just felt i should tell you that before you take my life since its evident I'd regret not telling you in the afterlife" Jace said and a drop of tear rolled down his flawless face "let him live ella, he doesn't have much time left anyway, if he die by your hands, you are certainly going to regret it forever since you're in love with him too" mama said, trying to intercede her in every possible way "Don't listen to her ella, this is your chance to become free, you'd feel no more pain, you'd have your nights all to yourself, you can have the heart to love whoever you want, it's your chance to be human again ella, do it! kill him!" ashes persisted and ella breathed in fraustratedly, not knowing what decision to make either way, she'd be hurt either she kill the man she loves or spare him and let him die according to his fate. whatever option, she'd suffer an heartbreak author:#Hennie_G

Hennie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

making friends (chapter six)

Alicia looked around subconsciously but there was no traces of Rush anymore.

"it was him, I'm sure i just saw him" alicia thought within herself with a frown.

"what are you doing alicia? i'd fall asleep in no time but i need you before that...." jerry said

"i told you I'm not interested! I'm really not one of the bees that hovers around you, i despise jerks like you" alicia said outrightly

"so you're really turning me down huh?" jerry asked angrily

few minutes ago, she sounded like she's going to give it some thoughts.

"yes, I'm not interested in you whatsoever" Alicia said and jerry scoffed

"you sure you ain't gonna regret this?" he asked

"of course not! there's nothing to regret about turning down a scumbag like you, now i wonder why you picked interest in me, i should've reported you when you took advantage of me in the first place" alicia thought aloud in case Rush was still somewhere around the corner, listening to their conversation .

as certain as she is, it still seems so unbelievable to her.

she still can't decipher the reason why the infamous superstar would suddenly show up in her her house and ask her to break up with jerry.....

"wait, has he perhaps noticed me in one of his concerts and have been following me?....even at that, isn't it weird?" the thought of that made Alicia's eyes dilate 'hehe alicia, dont be a fool, what can Larson Rush possibly like in you when he has so many models around him?" alicia thought again and sulked at it

"but why and how is he here?" she wondered for the umpteenth time


by then jerry has dressed up and got ready to leave

"I'd make sure you regret this" he said before slamming the door behind

Alicia respired heavily and collapsed on the sofa.

"here is a present for the job well done" Rush's voice echoed from behind

"take, it is the ticket for my upcoming concert that hasn't been announced to the public yet, you are the first person receiving this miss alicia" Rush said with his signature smile whiplashed on his face

"I'm not dreaming, am i?" alicia finally said her thoughts out

"of course you are not, ain't you Alicia brand?" rush asked rhetorically

"and you know my name too, its weird" alicia thought out "have you been following me mister Larson?" she suddenly asked

"well....." Rush trailed off and shrugged indifferently

"so..o..o, may i asked why you visit my house?" alicia asked one of the thousands of questions jogging in and out of her head

"well, i was bored! why? you don't like me barging into your house?" Rush frowned

"No, i mean, its just....." Alicia trailed

"hmm, i understand!" rush nodded and sat opposite her "so, you wanna be an actress?" rush asked

"huh? yeah, i heard you act too" alicia stuttered. still can't believe she's sitting opposite the infamous superstar and chatting with him about each other careers

"yeah, the producers wouldn't let me rest" rush said

"well i think you are skilled in acting more, all your five movies stole the limelight and sold well so far" Alicia said

"oh, is it five? i thought its four" rush squinted his eyes

"what, how can you now even remember that? 'love me', 'permission to love', 'Remember me' , 'love against friendship' and 'our diary'" alicia listed out

"wow i see you crammed everything so well" rush chuckled

"well, i didn't only crammed it, i can narrate each movies, scene by scene" alicia boasted

"really? then i must commend you for being a great fan, i owe you one for that, think about anything you want and let me know" rush said

"Really? but i can't think of anything at the moment, since I'm too overwhelmed, what about later?" alicia asked hopefully

"is that an excuse to see me again?" rush teased

"well, maybe" alicia said sincerely and rush chuckled in amusement

"you are being too sincere miss alicia" rush said

"am i?" alicia asked rhetorically and rush smiled

"yes, you are" rush said and alicia smiled sheepishly

"oh yeah, that reminds me!" alicia said and rushed towards a shelve and grabbed her notepad with a pen "mister Larson, may i have your autograph? i heard you never gave any of your fans an autograph" alicia said

"is that your request?" Alicia asked

"what?" alicia asked subconsciously

"being the first fan to have my autograph, is it your request?" rush asked and alicia scorned inwardly at him

"well, can you attend my graduation ceremony instead? its in a couple of months, I'd make my debut by partaking in the upcoming movie 'the demon King' but I'm the villain" alicia sulked and rush smiled

"waw, that would be a hit!" rush said

"i know right, i was able to make a top ranking in the last national IQ examination" Alicia said proudly

"wow, I'm proud of you, you must be really smart and talented then, I'd be looking up to your first movie as an actress miss alicia" rush said playfully and alicia smiled

"it sounds nice hearing that from you mister Larson" Alicia blushed

"i have an international shoot tomorrow morning, i should leave now" rush said and rose up

"oh right! you need to sleep, did i take a lot of your time?" Alicia asked apologetically

"No i think it's vice versa since i suddenly barged into your apartment, i don't know if i should apologize for that though" rush said grimly

"oh, its fine! please feel free to barge in anytime" Alicia said hastily making rush smile

"really?don't regret saying that later okay" rush said

"i won't! who would?" alicia said and dropped the notepad on the center table "you should return home now and have some sleep, i also have a drama class tomorrow" Alicia said

"then you should sleep" rush said

"what about you?" Alicia frowned

"don't worry about me, i don't sleep" rush said solemnly

"you're hilarious, every human sleeps so you aren't an exception" Alicia said

"then I'm not human" rush said

"of course, i understand. you are more like an angel" alicia said casually and smiled

Rush murmured some spells inwardly and Alicia fell asleep.

he helped her lay well on the sofa and covered her with a duvet.

"sleep well" he mumbled before signing his autograph in her notepad and after that, he disappeared.

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