

Do you believe in fate? I do. Today I got lost but the worse part is that I'm sick. I don't know how to get home.

"Hey dude are you lost" yelled a boy.

"Where am I" I asked.

"South Park" said the boy.

"You mean I'm not going home." I asked.

"No, hey are you ok" the boy asked.

At that time the world started to spin. The next thing I know is that everything goes black. When I wake up there's a guy sleeping in the chair next to me. He looks so cute sleeping. I wonder who he is. As I think this the boy turns in his sleep. The next thing I know is his eyes are open and he's looking at me. He's really hot. God why am I think this.

"Your awake now and your fever is gone to" he said.

"What's your name" I asked.

"It's Kai and what is yours" he said.

"Matthew James"I said.

"Well Matthew James your lucky my younger brother was there when you fainted." said Kai.

"I am" I said.

"Yes, this is South Park. There are gangs everywhere. If my brother hadn't been there I don't know what would have happened to you" said Kai.

"May I ask you something" I asked.

"Yes, you don't have to ask me." said Kai.

"Where is North Stream." I asked.

"You went the wrong direction. If you go three block and turn left, then keep going." said Kai.

"Can I ask why you helped me." I asked

"Not everyone here in South Park is bad. I like to think I'm a decent human being." he said.

"Tell me about yourself Kai." I said

"Well let's see I have a brother but you already know that. I work two jobs. I also love cooking." he said. "What about you?" he asked.

"I'm divorce, I go to an all boys school, and I'm a romantic at heart." I told him.

"What your really divorced? I mean your only like what sixteen or seventeen."

"Yeah I got married at a young age because my parents wanted me too." I told him.

"So you didn't love her" he asked.

"No not really, but I didn't have much of a choice." I said.

"Everyone had a choice and your not anyone's puppet Matthew James" he said.

"I know, I guess I should be going" I said. "Can I have your name in case I get lost again and end up here." I asked.

"Sure my number is 455-554-67**" said Kai.

"Ok thanks Kai. I hope we meet again" I said.

"Me too. Matthew you probably shouldn't come here again. This place is bad." said Kai.

With that I left. Unfortunately I would not take Kai's warning and I would later get myself in trouble. That day when I left Kai's house, I was the happiest I had ever been in my whole life. It was Kai that made want to make one decision on my own.

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