
Beating [Part 1]

It's been a week since I meet Kai and his brother Shay. Even though Kai told me not to come back, I thought it worth the risk. I'm back in Kai neighborhood now and it's pretty scary.

"Hey kid what a you doing in our neighborhood without paying." yelled a man.

"Come on Cruz, just let him be." said the other man.

"He's trespassing and the boss won't like that Leo" said Cruz.

"We're here for Kai not this person" said Leo.

"Wait you guys are here to see Kai too" I asked.

"Hold on kid, what did you just say" said Cruz.

"I just thought you were friends of Kai's" I said.

"Haha, this dummy thinks we're Kai's friends" said Leo.

"Well since Kai's not here why not just beat him and show him" said Cruz.

So before I knew what was happening they were beating me. I made it Kai's house a little while later but he wasn't there, and neither was his brother. I sat on Kai's front porch steps. It began to rain but I knew I couldn't go home, so I sat there for hours in the rain. At some point in time I fell asleep, and when I woke up I was laying in Kai's arms. Kai was sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake him but he looked so cute. I reach my hand out a stroked his hair out of his face. His eyes suddenly popped open and I turn so red because I had been caught. I went to pull me hand back but Kai put his hand over mine and held it on his cheek. I realized then my heart was beating ninety to nothing, and that scared me even worse than the beating I'd just received. Kai looked at my with sadness in his eyes. I knew I was going to do something stupid then.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"Bad, why didn't you listen to me?" He asked

"I thought it was worth the risk to see a friend" I told him.

"Oh, are we friends?" he asked.

Of course I knew he was teasing me, but hearing this made my heart hurt just a little. Did he not want to be friends with a rich kid from North Stream? Does everyone want a ticket out of South Park? I was a ticket to get him out, if he had just asked. My thoughts were suddenly disturbed when Kai talked to me.

"Matthew are you ok? You spaced out, I was only kidding. Of course we're friends" he said.

"I knew I was only thinking" I said.

"Matthew you really shouldn't come here, it's to dangerous." he said.

"I know but I wanted to see you again" I said.

"But your safety is the most important thing to me" he said.

"I'll be more careful." I said.

I spent the night at Kai's house, and I later realized I fell into a deep sleep in Kai's arms that night. I remember that night just before I fell asleep thinking how safe Kai's arms felt. I think I knew even then that I would fall in love with this guy.

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