
Crisis and Encounter

"Damn now I smell it too urgh."

Jonas held his nose, "Let's go back to the lake to take a bath."

Jonas changed his damaged sword with another and they went back to the lake.

This time they were faster because the filth on their bodies was unbearable.

It was still middle of the day and they couldn't help but look up to the blue sky with two suns. It looked incredible.

When they reached the lake, one could see clothes fly in the air before they jumped into the water. They cleaned their bodies from the filth and started to enjoy their time swimming.

Koray and Dino left the lake to put their clothes on, when suddenly a girl popped out from the middle of the lake.

She had long brown hair, fair white skin and a big pair of melons. She held a big white pearl in her hand.

The moment she made eye contact with them she screamed while pointing at Jonas. Dino and Koray had already their clothes on, only Jonas was still naked. The girl started to shout at Jonas, trying to cover her eyes and breasts.

Jonas had a wicked smile on his face, "Huh? What's wrong lady? Never seen a long snake? You gonna learn today!"

Dino and Koray started laughing hard holding their bellies. Jonas even changed his voice to sound like Kevin Hart when he spoke to the girl.

The girl swam to the opposite side of the lake. After she left the water she turned around and shouted something in a strange language.

Jonas had already put his clothes on and the three of them were making fun of the girl and laughed at her.

But their expressions changed when they saw an enormous shadow dashing out of the forest clearly targeting the naked girl. They started jumping and shouting while pointing behind the girl.

The girl felt something was wrong when the trio stopped to laugh and saw them jumping, shouting and pointing behind her. She heard a faint sound coming from her back and she turned around.

The last thing she saw before she died was a mouth full off razor sharp teeths.

A giant wolf which reached a height of 3 meters and 8 meters length bit off her head.

The trio was shocked, how could such a giant beast exist?!

A brutal Aura spread through the whole area engulfing the trio. They felt their hearts racing madly and their bodies trembling nonstop.

The giant wolf with blue fur swallowed the pearl that was held by the dead body of the girl.

Blood was dripping down from some deep wounds on its body, it was clearly injured but that didn't change the fact that this giant mad wolf could kill them in a second.

When the brutal eyes of the wolf fell on the trio, their bodies turned stiff. It felt like invisible chains had locked them. They couldn't fight back at all.


The giant wolf roared before jumping over the whole lake. It jumped over 70 meters while blue arcs of lightning leaked out from its enormous body.

Jonas, Dino and Koray felt that death was near, but they couldn't move at all.


Suddenly another sound broke through the space. They saw a purple lightning crashing down on the head of the giant wolf. It was only 8 meters away from the trio, when the purple lightning hit it.


The purple lightning nailed the wolf on the ground shattering the earth creating a big crater.

The impact created from it, hit the trio, sending them flying over 20 meters.

They felt like a giant hammer smashed into their bodies.

Dino even puked blood and Koray was pretty sure that some of his ribs broke when he crashed on the ground. Only Jonas got away with a few bruises, thanks to his earlier flying session, he rolled quite well when he crashed on the ground.

Many different emotions went through them after witnessing everything, but they stood up and took out their swords. Whatever killed that brutal wolf, it could kill them too.

They saw another person descending from the sky, landing beside the dead wolf.

That person had brown skin and dread locks-iro. His upper body was exposed, showing off his refined muscles. His pants and boots were made from a white tigers fur. Purple arcs of lightning were dancing around his body.

He put his hands on the dark spear that impaled the enormous blue wolf.

Suddenly a heavy pressure pressed down on the trio making them kneel. Many arcs of purple lightning started to devour the whole corpse, only leaving scorch marks behind.

The trio gasped at that sight. Jonas couldn't help but say, "Jesus Christ, that guy is op."

The other two didn't say anything but nodded inwards.

That guys dark spear vanished into thin air and the pressure disappeared.

He gave them an impression of a mighty god of lightning.

"Are you guys from earth?" Asked the black dude in english, while walking towards them.

Now they were really surprised.

Dino answered, "Yes we are from Germany, what about you?"

The black dude smiled, "Nice, I'm from Spain. How did you guys get here?"

"We got sucked into some lake and you?"

The black dude scratched his head, "I was running under heavy rain when I was struck by lightning, the next moment I woke up here."

"Holy sh*t are you for real?" Asked Koray and the black dude nodded.

"How long have you been here?" Asked Jonas.

The black dude didn't answer, but stared at Jonas for a few moments, pondering about something, in the end he only shook his head.

"I don't have time to chat right now, I still have another prey to catch. Let me give you some good advice, don't trust the native people here, try to kill them if you can. I know it sounds strange but you will only get killed if you let them live, they hunt people from earth. Ah and if you see a floating island in the sky, run for your life, bye." After saying his part, he turned into purple lightning, vanishing into the sky.

The trio was left stunned when they heard a faint echo.

"Eat those pills, it will heal you and you won't need those trash weapons anymore hahaha!"

After the voice vanished three bottles with pearl like pills fell from the sky. Each one of them catched a bottle.

It took them some time to calm down. They were still injured and sat down to relax.

"Damn that was intense I thought I would die." Said Koray.

Dino used his shirt to wipe off the trails of blood from his mouth, "But we survived and we got very important information."

Jonas felt mentally and physically exhausted and said, "True, we know now that we aren't the only ones from earth."

"And the native people seem to hunt down people from earth, for whatever reason."

Dino leaned on a yellow tree before asking, "I want to know how he did get that strong and how long it took him...."

Koray nodded, "Right bro, his strength is surreal, but the animals here, no the monsters are strong as hell. I couldn't move at all when that wolf attacked."


"Yeah I almost shit myself."

They looked at each other and started to laugh.

Dino picked up his bottle and said, "Well, let's heal ourselves."

Next chapter