2 God's Plan

Am I....dead. I can no longer....feel anything. I can still see my body. It's dark all around me. I can't see anything. Seems like I got hit by a truck. How ironic. I- I really died the same way you did huh sis. Looks like we both couldn't live the life we deserved. *I pray that the curse of the truck doesn't leave our family.*

Well I wonder what happens now. It feels like I've been drifting in this empty abyss forever. Am I going to heaven. I feel like I lived a pretty good life. I made friends, even a best friend at that. I was pretty popular at school and pretty nice. I was captain of my kendo club. Won Kendoka of the year. I helped my sister and tried to get her live the best life that she could. I think if there is a heaven I would deserve to be there now. But what...what if I'm going to hell! I don't think I did anything bad in my life but but I didn't accept Jesus as my lord and savior! Or what if it's because I...I caused my sister death. Maybe it was all in God's plan to let my sister live her life inside the walls of our house.To let her cry every night and not know the joy of life. It sounds horrible but what if.....what if I'm the one who ruined it by trying to show her the outside world. Trying to get her to live. And trying to see my sister smile. Am I getting punished! Do I deserve to go to hell!

I've been drifting for a while now. Is there a chance I'll get resurrected. Is that why I've been here for so long. Nah I don't think so. I don't deserve to get resurrected. My life was short but it was fun and was enjoyable. There are people who deserve a second chance. People who were treated unfairly and couldn't live the life they deserved. People like my sister. Even if this is the end to my life. The short life that I lived. I'll still be happy. If my sister could just get a second chance through the Resurrection. Yes that's all. That would make me happy. That would leave me in peace.

Suddenly a shining light. A really bright light. Brighter than the sun. Shines all around me. I can't open my eyes. I blink. I blink again. And I blink again. Gosh how many times do I have to blink. After blinking for a while I open my eyes and I'm in the sky. Below me is a city. A huge city. A Massive city. I mean an enormous city. Then a man appears before me. I..I can't look him in the eyes. He has a bright aura. I have to look at his feet. Or else I might go blind. He has a deep voice. Yet it's still soothing and calming. But at the same time firm. I don't know if that makes sense.

"Welcome young man" The man says.

"So life has treated you unfairly too I see. Yes your another poor soul who had to pass away at a young age. Taken from your mother, your father, your friends everybody who you once knew. They all are probably mourning for you right now. Knowing that you probably won't ever come back. Knowing that they'll probably never see you again. How do you feel. Do you feel bad for leaving them."

Huh me. Am I supposed to feel bad. Is it even my fault that I died. Well I guess I didn't look both ways before crossing the street but it's not like I wanted to die.

"Who are you anyway" I ask. "Are you God."

"No, I cannot be God. God is more glorious than I am. I'm just here in his place as for if God was here you would surely go blind. I am although here to inform you that you have interfered with God's plan."

What me. I interfered with God's plan. I didn't even really know if there was a God.

"You have interrupted the perfect plan of God. Your sister would've lived a long life. If you hadn't done anything. You do not decide the future for another. Only God can. The God who created us all. The God who rules over each and every single one of us."

"A long life huh. A long life inside the walls" I say.

"Yes a long life inside the walls where she would be safe." He replies.

"You call that living! Living your life inside the walls of your house. Not knowing what it's like outside.

"But she does know what it's like outside."

Huh. I blink in confusion.

"What do you think the reason was for her being locked in her room. The outside world is cruel. Your sister was rejected by the world. She was bullied by her classmates. Her parents didn't help her. Her life was full of misery. If things continued she would eventually end up committing suicide. But the way of God had a plan for her. There are many people who became successful from home. Even though others had a handicap on them. Nobody knows the plans of God either than God himself. That's why we do not interfere with the ways of God."

So it is all my fault. I wanted to believe I was doing the right thing. I wanted to believe that is wasn't my fault. That trying to get my sister the life I thought she needed was right. But I was wrong. I am just an ignorant 15 year old after all. What do I know about living. Who am I to get someone to live the life I thought was right. Maybe everyone's life is predestined. And that we are just supposed to let things go the way God planned it. No matter how cruel and unjustified it is. Is that what life is. Is that the reason we were all created. To live like slaves to destiny.

"Even though you interfered with Gods plan. God still loves you. And God wants to give all humans a second chance." The man says.

A second chance.

"The Resurrection as it is being called on Earth nowadays. It allows a small amount of people to be revived from the dead back into their original bodies and back to the same age they once were when they passed away. It allows them to go back and see their families, their friends and to live the life they want. If you are one of the fortunate to get resurrected then you are free to live your life the way you want to. God has no control over you and there is no such thing as destiny in your line. It is a wonderful and holy gift from God. A spectacular occasion."

"What do you have to in order to get resurrected" I ask.

"I'm sure you've noticed the massive city below you."

I mean it's not hard to miss.

"The place is home to thousands of people. People that have died at a young age.

People below the age of 40. People that God has deemed worthy of having a second chance. But ofcourse not all you can be revived. So your all kept here for your time period to decide who gets Resurrected or not."

"But how do you decide who gets resurrected and who doesn't" I ask.

"Those are things you have to find out on your own" He replies. "But understand you have a time period of 1 year to earn your Resurrection or else your time limit will run up and your chance of getting revived will be gone."

"Wait what do you mean time period. And-"

"No more questions" he says. "I wish you the best of luck on your journey. And I wish you enjoy your time here. Remember *God loves you*."

Suddenly it's dark again. And I cannot see anything. Then in one blink of the eye. I'm in a room. The room has a bed, a desk and a vault/safe. What is this. Is this my room. I exit the room through a wooden door. The passage way is empty. I continue walking. Finally I reach the end of the corridor. There's a beautiful blonde lady at the counter.

"Welcome to Hasi hotel. The best Hotel in the land of Otsoa"
