
Chapter II

The woman in front of her has the appearance of a woman in her mid-twenties. As for the man, he looks like in his early thirties. In her memory, the two of them were Illyra's biological parents. But she remembered that they are almost in their sixties.

So why their bodies seem to revert into this state?

Noticing her daughter's confusion, the woman patted her cheek and twirling her body with a delighted smile.

"How's mommy's new potion? Did we look younger?" Illyra's father smiling, his hand reaching his wife in a half-hug.

"Aa, a new potion? Youth potion?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

The head of Illyra's mother bobbed enthusiastically. Her eyes twinkled, looking at her expectantly.

Feeling somewhat awkward with her stare, she nodded and said, "Good job, mom." Illyra's mother cheered.

Witnessing the couple's happiness, she could only feel delighted and scared at the same time when she realized the potential that Illyra's mother had. Her moniker truly isn't just for show.

'Mad scientist' they called her.

She coughed, breaking the couple's happy atmosphere. She felt rather uncomfortable seeing their intimacy. They are Illyra's parents, not her. Even if they were her parents, seeing them act lovey-dovey really made her embarrassed.

Rubbing his head in sheepishness, Illyra's father pointed to the sofa. She sat with her hands on her lap, looking at them.

"We have a mission for our lovely daughter." the light brown file was handed over to her, it was information about the target. "Since my lovely Illyra has finished her education, daddy thinks this mission won't be too troublesome, right?"

Looking at the profile in her hand, Mikki saw a photo of a sixteen-year-old young man who emitted a cold personality. He has the appearance of a high-quality top model with his short raven hair and a pair of onyx eyes that combine perfectly with his pale, clean skin.

"James wants his son to enter normal high school." He explained, "This is personal favor he asks especially for our family. Daddy only can count on you." he pleads.

Illyra's father maybe barely spends his time with his children, but he definitely knows them best. His daughter despises doing something boring like hearing a lecture she already mastered.

This kind of undercover mission is not her forte.

Turning the sheet of paper, she knew the situation was unavoidable, but Illyra's personality prevented her from doing whatever she wanted. "Am I the only one available? What about Illyas?"

"Oh!" Illyra's mother gasped. "Sweety, you know that Adrian, James's son, is the only heir of Salvatore royal family right?" she nodded, "Then it's dangerous for him if your brother is the one who becomes his protector..."

"Why?" confused by their reasons, Mikki tried to remember whether Illyra's brother had some kind of grudge against the Salvatores, but she found nothing.

Illyra's mother looked at her husband, pondering something before she decided to explain. "It's like this..." her face looks uncertain, "You know your brother likes to..." she turned to her husband and whispered, "What's the name?"

"Casanova," he whispers back, she nodded seriously.

Her eyebrow twitched, 'It's not like I can't hear what you're talking about. Why bother with that?' she thought.

"Ahem. You know your brother likes to be a Casanova, right?" she remembers that tiny bit information and nodded, "So, lately he's steering in the different path... of gender."

A second later.

"No way!" her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes, way!" Illyra's mother exclaimed, matching her incredulity. "We love your brother whether he's straight or not." she gazed at her husband's eyes lovingly, "But if somewhat James's son preference changed after meeting your brother..."

"Because of his charming eyes~" Illyra's father sing-songed brightly, grasping his wife's hands.

"And his devilish smile~" she raised their joined hands before the two of them abruptly turned to their daughter.

"We're doomed!" they shout in sorrowful tone synchronously.

She opened her mouth to speak but interrupted by Illyra's mother, "Anyway! Daddy darling created an amazing tool! It's perfect for your mission!" she clapped cheerfully. "Hurry up, darling! Hurry up! Show it to our lovely daughter!"

Smiling, Illyra's father took a small metal box and carried it in front of his daughter, "Here, daddy designed this with my lovely Illyra in mind." he said, "Go on, open it."

Taking it in her hand, she slowly opened the box. She was surprised to find six pairs of elegant but beautiful male earings. She picked the silver earing with small rubies ​​on it, her eyes shone with astonishment. "It's beautiful."

"Isn't it? It matches your eyes." Illyra's mother gushed. Her husband pats her head before explaining it uses.

"Illyra, these earings can help you hide your true gender." he took the red one from her earring box. "Rubies, Sapphires and Peridotes can be used as camouflage. It emits illusions around the user's body and has the shortest effect, about ten hours by charging in two days."

"Remember, it's only an illusion. So, don't be careless," adds Illyra's mother.

She nodded, 'The effect is really incredible.' she stared at the earring in dazzle.

"Ah, but there is a special way to activate it." drawled Illyra's father. She titled her head. "It's really easy. You just had to say 'henshin'." he said, smiling innocently.

Blinking, she ask for confirmation, "Did I hear that I had to say 'henshin' to activate it?"

"Yes." Illyra's father confirmed, "It's easy, isn't it?"

"What the hell!?"

Happy New Year for everyone~

Rekka29creators' thoughts
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