

"Betrayal is like a poisonous dagger and you stabbed it right into my heart!"

"Jiějiě, ah jiêjiê there you are! What are you doing here?" A elderly woman about 50 was sat at the top of the hill looking down on the valley below and the far distance viewable.

"I was just thinking about the past. What the world had to lose for peace to prevail. The ultimate sacrifices."

"Are you talking about Bai Xihe and Bai Shi?"


The boy looked at her dazzled. "Shouldn't we be glad they are gone?"

She tsked and hit him on the head. "Silly child! You see you are so much younger, you know nothing. Let me tell you the story. Then you can finally stop listening to all those foul rumours. It's all just hearsay to begin with."

"Big sister I don't understand?" The boy was beyond confused. "Ah, how can you understand when I haven't told you yet, you idiot? Now listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you okay?" The boy pouted but nodded regardless. He wanted to know and showed he was willing to listen to what his jiêjiê was going to tell him about these individuals.

"To start you have to understand the basic principle of the world. There's life and death as you know. But there's also humans and non humans. They all fit and have their own place in the cultivation world. They are powerful beings in this world." The boy sat down and tapped her arm. "jiêjiê you mean the gods?" She gave a curt nod of her head. "There's also things more powerful then gods. Do you know what that is Ji an?" She asked gazing into the younger boy's eyes. He immediately shook his head no.

"Love is more powerful then anything, because for love we get stronger. We live and die for love. But there's something even stronger then love and that is betrayal. It crushes the soul and mind, it pierces the heart like a poisonous dagger. It doesn't kill but it's an everlasting pain, you get reminded of it every time, every moment of every second. They were once your friend and they betrayed you. Do you understand the torment a betrayal can inflict on someone? How it can change a person so completely?"

"I think I do jiêjiê. But if betrayal hurts that much why do people betray each other?" The woman sighed and gave him a cold look. "Survival, power, envy. Now child, now that you understand, you can understand the story I'm about to tell you. It all started 25 years ago back in the Guan sect." "Oh isn't that jiêjiê's old sect?" The boy asked and the woman patted his head as a reply.

"ALan! There you are! C'mon we have to go, shifu will kill us if we aren't there for his big announcement!" A girl with long black hair yelled. Part of it was pinned up in a beautiful traditional Chinese bun. She had two hair pins with a flower design at the end and a few rows of chains hanging down from them. Her bun was decorated with a beautiful flower clip tiara. Her bangs kissed the side of her face and a little chain adorned her forehead with a red tiny flower at the end.

"Xihe shidjiê, I lost track of time. You didn't have to come look for me, now you might get in trouble with shifu because of me." The girl looked down saddened by this because of her own behaviour. The other girl just gave her a gentle smile. "Don't worry, aShi is covering for us, now let's go!" She pulled her hand and dragged her outside. Her red dress flowing vividly with the movement.

Yes Bai Xihe has always been the epitome of beauty. She was known across all the different sects as the most beautiful female cultivator. She was the pride of Xian sect. Her brother Bai Shi was equally as handsome and well known. Bai Xihe was known as a troublemaker all around Wu, her brother the complete opposite. But both were prime examples of how a cultivator should be. Despite the occasional trouble caused by Bai Xihe, Bai Shi always tagging along to clean up her mess. They were both very polite and respectful.

They were strong and good at cultivation, they followed the rules and brought honour to the Wuguan sect. They were not native to the Guan clan. They are orphans found in the woods one day during a night hunt. The clan leader Guan Ju took them in and raised them as his own along with his daughter Guan Lan. She wasn't as powerful or great as the Bai siblings but she was good nonetheless. She was kind and caring, loved by the whole clan.

"Shifu, I told you, they were just entering but someone requested some urgent help to go help heal a sick disciple. Look there they are." Bai Shi spoke as he pointed towards the girls' direction. The man looked at them sceptically. "Is it true?" He asked them. Both immediately bowed and said "shifu." Bai Xihe opened her mouth to reply to his question. "Yes shifu, we were here on time but Jin Show came to us panicked, the sweat was trickling off of his forehead. He looked really horrible. His daughter was sick and he needed some strong spiritual energy to help her spiritual flow so she could heal faster. She wouldn't have made it through the night shouldn't we had intervened."

"Hm, I'll ask Jin show about this later, take a seat. No mischief Bai Xihe." She smiled and bowed again. "Yes shifu." They both sat down, the Bai siblings next to one another. "You owe me." He whispered and she chuckled. "Yes." Their shifu stood in front of them all. He looked down at them. Their shifu was a great cultivator named Sha Long. He was already old and had a grey beard that was growing by the day. He was a great war hero back in the day and is now a respected elder and cultivator, whose name is known all throughout.

He was wearing white robes and had a wooden stick in his hand which was used as a walking stick. Because he was old and had old bones he needed it to support his weight. His hair was long and grey and reached his just above his hips. He had stern eyes but despite his age his face showed barely any sign of it. He'd never admit it but he uses natural ailments to keep his skin looking so smooth. "Disciples, today I have an important announcement to make. Listen well I won't repeat it. We have been invited to send a few disciples to the Nian Lan sect. They are a very respected sect in the cultivation world even more so then our WuGuan sect. They are inviting disciples to come and study with them, it's an indoctrination. Those who will go will learn quite a few things under the grand master Nian Yu. I have already carefully selected who will go among all of you."

He glanced over each and every one of the disciples sitting on the ground awaiting his decision. "I expect you all to be on your best behaviour. The Bai siblings, Guan Lan, Wu Mian, Wu Gong. You are our sects best disciples and I expect you to our WuGuan sect proud. You'll be leaving in two days, go get packed after today's class. If you have any questions do ask me now." He finished.

Bai Xihe raised her hand immediately drawing the attention from her shifu. "Yes Bai Xihe." "Shifu, how long are we staying for? I expect there to be exams as well? Does it count for your class? How long does it take to get there?" Sha Long rubbed his temples with a sigh. "You're staying there for six months, yes there will be exams and yes they will count for my class if you pass. It takes about one week and a half to get there from here by foot. Of course we've arranged for a boat to take you to caiye town and from there it's about a day's walk to the Nian Lan sect. You'll be on the boat for about 4 days, with stops. Without stopping to visit towns it takes about 2 and a half days through the river Kaji. You're expected to do well."

"Yes shifu, thank you shifu. We won't let you down." She bowed and so did the other chosen disciples. "Are there any other questions?" Everyone shook their heads. "Okay then let's go over today's lesson. We will be discussing different types of spiritual energy. Now who can tell me what types of spiritual energy exists?" Immediately Bai Shi his hand was up in the air. Sha Long gestured his hand meaning he could answer the question. "We have the spiritual energy that's positive, made by our golden core and or qi, we have resentment energy which is all the negative feelings and thoughts combined into a negative energy. We have life energy which resides in all living things, we also have the spiritual energy which is that of the gods. But there's no account on that so we don't know much about it." He finished summing them all up. Sha Long had a found smile on his face. He was indeed very proud of his star disciple. Everyone knew how much he favorited and liked Bai Shi and loathed Bai Xihe as her first impression wasn't a very good one.

"As expected from my best disciple." He gloated and Bai Shi gave a simple smile. "Shifu, aShi forgot to mention the spiritual energy of the sea and demon clan. There's is not the same as ours. They depend on their own life energy to turn into their spiritual energy. They also consume the life energy of other things to fuel their own, they cultivate it by strengthening their life energy which then forms a spiritual drop. This drop is the source of their spiritual power. Our spiritual power is made by cultivating a golden core and with that golden core we gain spiritual energy through cultivation." Bai Xihe added.

"That's indeed correct Bai Xihe but next time don't interrupt without raising your hand!" He scolded her as he continued the lesson and she rolled her eyes at him. "Jiêjiê you know he doesn't like you, you aren't doing anything good by being correct. You're just agitating him more." Bai Shi whispered in her ear and she shrugged.

After a while class was finally over and the disciples packed up and dispersed. Some went to go train while others went to go have some fun and maybe cause some mischief. "Xihe shidjiê, I don't think this is such a good idea!" Guan Lan whined as they made their way into town. "Ah don't worry ALan. It's just some harmless fun!" She teased pulling her along. "Why bother Guan Lan, you know how my Jiêjiê is. Besides she never listens." Bai Shi stated and Guan Lan looked down. "But young master Shi, you could at least try and stop her! We're about to go to the Nian Lan sect, we have to be on our best behaviour!"

Bai Xihe chuckled at this. "Don't bother with him. aShi is even worse then me when it comes to being a troublemaker. He's just never one at home. He'd loose his spot as the favourite teacher's pet and he wouldn't dare live without his honourable title." She mocked him and he scowled at her.

"Bai Changxi!"

"Bai Fuxi! Don't act like it's not true. You value that title way too much and now you dare be disrespectful to your jiêjiê? You best remember, the promise we made, or have you forgotten dear little brother of mine?" She asked as she glared at him. Bai Shi averted his eyes as he gulped slightly. He shook his head. "I haven't forgotten, how could I? I'm sorry jiêjiê." She waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it."

"It's been so long since I've last heard your birth names. I think you only mentioned them once, and have always gone by your courtesy name since my dad adopted you guys." Bai Xihe grinned. "Like you're one to talk Guan Mazu." Guan Lan whined while shaking her head. "Please no! I prefer Guan Lan, I don't think my given name suits me all that much." She admitted as they walked side by side towards the village.

Bai Xihe patted her back. "There's a reason for courtesy names my dear." She cooed as an evil smile appeared on her face as they reached the village. They walked through the market filled with people new and old, many stalls with tasty delicacies. It ranged from food to clothes, jewellery, alcohol and toys. "Okay now as planned! Go for it ALan!" She pushed the poor girl forward towards a stall filled with jewellery. "Hello sir, I'd like this one please." The man smiled. "Ah but of course young mistress. Here you go, that will be 3 gemstones." She nodded and handed him the money that Bai Xihe had given her for the hair pin.

As soon as it reached the man's hands it turned into egg yolk. The man held a squished egg in his hand and it was dripping on his goods. "What the?" Suddenly Bai Xihe erupted into laughter. The man turned around and glared at her. "You again! Bai Xihe!" She smiled before handing him some actual money. "Sorry boss, but it remains funny every time~" the man rolled his eyes before shooeing them away.

"Let's go drink!" She cheered as she accepted the hair pin from Guan Lan and linked their arms together. "You do this to him every time Bai Xihe shidjiê. One day he won't sell to you anymore." "Nonsense ALan, he knows it's all in good spirit. There's no harm in laughter. Besides I think he prefers this over the live snakes in his boots, or the shower of birdpoop." Guan Lan nodded agreeing with her.

"Bai Xihe! Here to drink? I've kept your table free just in case." The waiter said as he was waiting outside luring people into his tavern. "I sure am sir! Ah I can't thank you enough for keeping my table free sir. You're so kind, this truely is the best tavern in all of Wu!"

"Young master you talk too nicely of us!" She shook her head. "It's all the truth kind sir! Truly the best tavern in all of Wu for sure." The man smiled as his face showed a hint of being flustered. "Okay okay, first round is on the house for your kind words! Come on in." She winked at her brother before entering. "Ah so kind of you sir! I will enjoy it to the fullest ~" the man nodded as he set down a jar of wine on the table. Guan Lan immediately poorer Bai Xihe her cup and then Bai Shi's cup before her own.

It was true that in terms of rank she was above them being the daughter of the sect leader, but she was a year younger then them and always felt the need to respect them as her seniors. They were more powerful then her and her father was smitten with the two as well. But somehow she felt it was right to serve them like this, like one would serve their respected seniors or elders. "Thank you aLan." She said as she took the cup and downed it all in one go. She made a kgh sound as the liquid travelled down. "Ah good wine!" She wiped her chin with the sleeve of her red dress.

It was very typical to see Bai Xihe dress completely in red. Even though it was the favoured colour for marriage as it is an auspicious colour, symbolising life generating properties as well as festivities and good health. The only thing that wasn't red was her sash belt which was pitch black.

Whereas Bai Shi was always dressed in pitch black with a red sash belt and red under robes. They were quite a pair. Bai Shi his hair was half up into a ponytail, a crown around it, both siblings had a tassel adorning their sashbelt, along with a self made contraption called a holster. It's a piece of cloth attached to their sash belt and it keeps their sword attached to their hips. The long tassel is something from their past, it has a unique flower on it called the phoenix flower. It was beautifully crafted in jade along with some other flowers. The sword holsters were usually only used when they travelled as it made it easier to not always carry a sword in your hands.

Guan Lan was the complete opposite of them both always dressed in light colours such as pink and light yellow. Her hair done simple with a hair pin adding to it. She almost never wore any or much jewellery unlike her shidjiê. Bai Xihe always wore outstanding jewellery. She was known for it, but it didn't mean she thinks she's better then everyone. It's just her way of self expression. She's a very kind soul, a kind heart.

There isn't a soul alive who doesn't adore at least one of the siblings or both. There hasn't been anyone who had anything bad to say about either of them, besides their shifu. Even those victim to her pranks always have a good laugh in the end and adore her.

"Guan Lan, have you thought of a name yet for your sword?" Bai Shi asked her as he emptied his cup in one go. She pouted. "No, I have so many names in mind but I just don't know. None of them feel good enough or sound right. I feel like I'm disappointing my sword." She admitted.

"Don't stress so much, the right name will come to you." "Hm, what did you call your sword?"


"Bîànhuā? Transformation or metamorphosis or the actual red spider lily flower?" She asked interested.

"Both, my sword symbolises transformation, it transforms the world into my image, meaning it cuts down my enemies transforming into my desired place. Red spider lily as it's the flower of death, because my sword brings about death but also safe passage, as that is the other meaning of the flower. It brings safe passage for those passed. My sword just does it for the living." She explained in detail and Guan Lan was in awe at the explanation that fit her sword so well.

"Mine is called chuàn. It means to string together, my sword is a way to bring people together." Guan Lan smiled at this. "The name definitely sounds like you. Great, I think I have an idea of what to call my sword now!." She exclaimed excitedly.

Bai Xihe poored herself another cup of wine drinking it. "Do tell us." "Míng." "To understand?" She hummed. "Yes I want to better understand people and have my sword help me on the way, as it's a valuable tool for us cultivators. It helps us understand others, their emotions, their life, all of it."

"Look at our little Alan becoming so wise! It's all thanks to our good influence right aShi?" He hummed as he drank another cup of wine. Guan Lan finally touched her cup and they engaged in playful talks. "boss, another three jars of wine please!" Bai Xihe shouted as she slammed the cup on the table.

The waiter nodded and immediately brought three jars of wine over. Bai Xihe immediately placed a piece of gemstone rock on the table and the waiter immediately smiled and bowed. "Thank you, thank you young masters. Please enjoy." He said before scurrying away to the kitchen only to return with some sunflower nuts. "On the house." Before leaving and serving the other customers. "See this is why you've gotta be nice to people, you get free stuff and when the time comes they'll help you out." Bai Xihe stated as she filled their cups to the brink and picked up. "Here." The others also picked up their cups. "Cheers." They clanked it together some liquor spilling before they drank it all in one go. Some of the liquor missing their mouths and spilling on their chin.

Once the cup was placed down they used their arm to clean their mouths. "Good wine, good wine." And so the night continued on until they were drunk and the store had to close.Guan Lan was lightweight so she was completely out of it while the Bai siblings could really hold their liquor. They carried the girl back to their sect and home. "aShi, tell me. Why are you always pretending to be stoic? I know you're not and have many thoughts and opinions to share yet you keep them quiet?" He let out a sigh. "Jiêjiê, it's safer this way. If I'm seen as a serious person people will always believe me, so that way I can always keep you safe from any harm. Because no matter what they'll believe me and trust me because I've never given them any reason to doubt or have ever caused mischief either."

She smiled at him and caressed his cheek. "Bai Shi, I'm the one that's supposed to protect you you know. I am after all the older sibling." She chuckled. "But I really appreciate it very much. But don't give up yourself for my sake alright? Just be yourself, I can take of myself. We can take care of ourselves always. No need for anything else hm?" Her eyes had a tender look in them as she looked at her little brother. Her heart warmed as he was willing to do this for her. They continued on the road back to their sect. It was already late and they pretty much broke curfew to be back inside their sect. But they knew how to sneak back in so they didn't worry all too much. They just worried about Guan Lan being too loud. Because yes she's a very loud drunk.

"Shidjiê! Look it's a leaf! Isn't it a pretty leaf?" She shouted as she pointed at a fallen leaf. "Yes very pretty, now Alan let's play a game hm?" "What game!" She slurred her words a bit. "Who can stay silent the longest." "Me, me me,me! Definitely me!" She shouted once again. "Not like that Alan you need to be quiet. Now let's play okay? Not a sound." She instructed and the girl nodded zipping her lips silent. They continued walking and reached their sect gates soon enough. They silently made their way in and succeeded.

As they were making their way back to their house in silence, it was suddenly interrupted by none other then Guan Lan. "Owww! Don't poke me!" She whined obnoxiously loud. "Shh Alan, no one's poking you. Be quiet or you'll lose the game!" Bai Xihe whisper shouted at her. She whined again and they just decided to hurry on back before they get caught. "Stop right their Bai Xihe." The voice belonged to none other then their shifu Sha Long. She gave an sheepish smile with a slight chuckle. "Shifu, we meant to be quiet I swear!" She stated. She got hit on the arm by his cane. "You! You aren't even supposed to be out at this hour Bai Xihe! Always causing trouble, taking your brother and young master Guan with you! Have you no shame? You're ruining their reputation by involving yourself with them!" He stated. "Shifu!" Bai Shi bowed before continuing to speak. "We only went out of town to drink, it was getting late and jiêjiê said we should be back before curfew, but me and Guan Lan kept on drinking and she tried to stop us. Guan Lan is very drunk as you can see, we didn't want her to get punished so we snuck back in. But unfortunately she wasn't good at being quiet. We apologise for our behaviour shifu."

The man looked at them all with a scrutinising look. He rubbed his temples letting out a long drawn sigh. "Fine, I'll allow it just this once. You won't be able to cause any trouble in the Nian Lan sect regardless. Now hurry off to bed and don't let me hear a sound! Go!" They bowed "Yes shifu, thank you shifu." Before hurrying away in silence. Bai Xihe had placed her hand on top of Guan Lan's mouth to silence her. They silently entered the house and put Guan Lan in her room as she fell asleep while on their way there.

The siblings then proceeded to each go to their own room to get some much needed sleep.The next day was filled with lectures and their shifu was being extra hard on Bai Xihe because of last night despite saying he'd do nothing about it. Bai Xihe didn't complain and just continued on with her usual behaviour. Which included every now and then teasing their shifu. His face always got so red when she did. People swore you could see steam coming out of his ears whenever Bai Xihe teased or pranked him. He really loathed her to the deepest part of his core. Everyone else found it very amusing to say the least. It gave their minds some rest after a tiring lecture. It made sure they could refocus whenever he restarted his lecture again. It was also quite the good laugh for the disciples, they'd surely miss it when she's gone.

At the end of the day the Bai siblings were packing their stuff for the trip to the Nian Lan sect. She packed some clothes and some extra jewellery, some other important and necessary stuff. Bai Shi also packed his necessities and they made sure to help Guan Lan as well as she was suffering from a headache from drinking too much. They made sure to get plenty of rest and went to bed early with Bai Xihe playing her famed 6 string Kōnghóu, a harp. She played a soothing melody which helped people relax and fall asleep more easily.

She stopped playing around midnight to get herself some rest as well. The next morning they were up and ready. They sat down at the breakfast table as breakfast was being served. Bai Xihe was putting in the last hairpin in her hair, she also rushed down doing her hair. Yet it somehow always looked amazing, it was truly a gift. They ate breakfast in short silence. "Jiêjiê, what is the name of the song you played last night?" Bai Shi asked her while eating a steamed bun.

"Shang Shi, to appreciate." Guan Lan stuffed some food in her mouth before saying "It's really fitting! I like it. It really helped me sleep last night and eased my headache!" She got a light tap to the back of her head by none other then her father. "Silly girl, if you didn't drink that much you wouldn't have to deal with a headache now would you?"

"Diē!" She whined as she rubbed her head with a pout. "It's not my fault I can't handle much liquor." "Good that you know, drink less then. Anyways it's about time for you to leave. Now don't cause any trouble, enjoy yourselves and show them how good our WuGuan sect is!" "Yes sect leader! Don't worry, we will do our sect proud!" Bai Shi stated as they bowed. The man smiled and laughed. "Good, I expect nothing less, now let's go."

They took their stuff and left the house walking to the gates seeing the other two disciples already waiting for them. They bowed to the sect leader and then to the other three. The three returned the bow. "Have a safe journey and learn plenty!" "Yes sect leader!" Everyone replied at the same time. "Let's go." Bai Xihe stated before walking out of the gates the others following.

They had a boat waiting on them back in Wu, the sect was a little walk away from the main city. Once they arrived there they met up at the pier and boarded the boat. "I can't believe we are leaving Wu and going to Lan, I've heard many things about the Nian sect. Nian Yu has two great son's who are also well known in the cultivation world just like the Bai siblings." Wu Gong spoke as they settled down on the bench on the boat.

"That's right, Nian Haoyu and Nian Chao. They're both very respected and live up to their names. I heard they're both very handsome and really strong and skilled." Wu Mian added and Bai Xihe rolled her eyes. "Okay let's not talk about this." She waved her hand and her Kōnghóu appeared. She placed her fingers on the delicate strings and started moving them along to a soft relaxing beat. She was playing Shang Shi and hummed along. Everyone on the boat just sat and listened to the soft melody that relaxed their bodies and calmed their minds. Bai Shi closed his eyes to enjoy the song even more. And so their journey to Lan was peaceful and filled with soothing music provided by none other then Bai Xihe and her six string Kōnghóu. She could play all day long without missing a beat. She created her own songs with each their own properties and spiritual effects.

It was another of her well known skills in the cultivation world. The Bai siblings had unique skills which were already known by the world. They were almost held on a pedestal but they weren't at all like that. They were simply gifted cultivators just like the Nian brothers.

Next chapter