
End of My Life

Bang Bang Bang...Boom...Boom...

The sound of explosive and shot either from us or the enemy reply each other, we never thought that we must get involved in this conflict.

In the middle bullet projectile that shot by a robot defender and rebels. We as worker gunsmithing cannot do anything, every worker in here is killed one by one gradually.

"Wh-what we must do? I-I don't wanna die yet..." One of my friends with his shiver tone after watching their friend dead.

Same with me, I can't do anything, worrying about my life mixed with desperation because all of us will die made me can't think clearly.

I just take cover in the solid wall only to drive away the bullet that comes to me.

"Why must this happen to us? We are just gunsmith workers, if they want to use us, they also mustn't kill us right? But I saw so many dead bodies...?" I said while grabbing my hand to suppress my fear.

"Hey!! Come here, we don't have much time!" Shout some people in front of the door.

We all look at the man and we can see him still waving his hand to come here from the generator room, we up run right away to that man while the war still raging outside.

Bang Bang Bang...

The bullets rain down on us. Follow us from back. Unfortunately, just seven meters more until I reach the door. I got shot in my feet and right stomach from the back.


I just could only scream, some employees who hear my scream quickly turn away to me and try to take me to the door.

"Just keep running! Enemy right behind us!" I shouted to the employee who try to save me.

Bang Bang Bang

The bullets raining me again. And this time, so many bullets were lodged in my body. All my body feels numb.

Another employee only keeps running and desperately wants to survive. Quickly close the door and left me in this messy room.

I starting lost consciousness. Barely aware the presence of people who come to the room and search for any survivors left.

One of them found me who lie down helpless. They spit their saliva and kick me so hard.

"Arghhhh..." Pain sounds come out a little from my mouth. I even hardly made a sound again.

Knowing I am still alive. They kick me again and my limp voice comes out until I sprawl on the floor.

My vision started to blur, I just barely see one people aiming some black stuff at me.




I screamed and reflexively wake up from my bed. My heart beating so fast, and my whole body was covered by sweat.

Slowly my breathing started to calm down. My vision become clear, and I started feeling my body after feeling numb from sleeping.

Starting to look around me, and I begin to realize that I am still in my room. I recognize the stuff around me. I'm on a single bed, and there are wardrobe, book self, sofa, table, television and some stuff for my daily life.

Feeling confused after undergoing a horrible dream. I can still feel that dreams like true. I start to check my whole body. Especially the part that I feel gets shot from my dream, and it is still perfect.

"What a horrible dream," I said to myself.


I wake up from my bed, preparing myself to get back to work.

I make a toast with an egg and put it on a toaster, taking a bath while waiting for the food ready. After that, taking my toast and put it on a plate.

Walk to my wardrobe, I take my mechanic cloth with writing "Gun&Smith.co" a company that let me work there for more than eight years.

After wearing my cloth. I take my plate with toast, bring it to the table, and turn on the television.

I change the channel one by one while started to eat. Until I stop the remote button on a news channel.

I see some woman in as the news anchor informed some news.

"We got a report from the government that the rebels have moving forward and started marching north. They enter G forest and starting to move to X City.

"huh... The rebel starting to move more than I expected... I must be careful while I am at my place"

After complete wipe out my toast, I prepare to go to my workplace. And after checking everything. With my mechanic cloth and name tag with the name "Anthony". Yeah, that's my name, a gunsmith and crafter for firearms for more than 20 years.

Before going out, I stop in front of the desk, looking at the photos of three people with the background of a fancy house with green scenery. Grab the photo, "I'll go out, don't worry about me babe, hope you can rest there without worrying about me". After said that, I give a kiss on the photo and walk in front of the door.

"All right... let's go to work" While opening the door and go outside. The room becomes empty.


I only need 30 minutes of walking to the factory, I pass some ruined buildings and some destroyed vehicles and artillery. This is common scenery today because the world war just ended six years ago.

The result of the biggest war in history that included every nation and race, the result of this war make nearly 75% of land become inhabitable and every country started to develop again from zero.

Until I arrived at the front of a factory. Written "Gun&Smith.co" at the gate, the place where I work and dedicate myself as a firearm maker.

This is the place where I put all my might as a firearms maker. After I move from one factory to another factory, I chose this place as my last resort for my experience. Because how the head of this company keeps believing that human-made firearms still have high quality than robots.

I've studied about every firearm and even artillery that has been made by mankind from every era. Start from basic firearms non-gunpowder and some missiles and ICBMs using rocket propellers.

I put everything to be a gun maker because two reasons. First, because of how the world treated me. How people treat other people with violence, how the strong trample the weak. And the second, because of stupidity of mine where I can't protect my family and they got killed by some wild fiends. And with that, I hope my gun can help every people who need weapon to protect themselves.

After watching the name plate of this company, I look at workers who line up in the front of the gate. I did the same and waited until I arrived in front of a screen.

"Please stand in front of this screen and show your card" Cold tone from this screen comes out giving instruction.

I did the same thing and show my card.

"Anthony, weapon assembly field, confirmed" The screen said my name and then the gate opened beside me.

Entering the factory area, I saw many logistics robots and some workers had started to work. I'm also noticing so many robots in military class who guard this place.

"Hey, Anthony!!!" Said someone from the back with his familiar tone.

"Ahh, Eric! You still in this place huh...? Strong enough to work yet?" I asked Eric. He is one of my seniors that cheerful enough near end of his life.

"Hahaha... What are you talking about? Of course, I am still strong enough for assembly and designing new firearms" While showing his arm with his muscle that forced it to appear, even though just a little bit.

"Haha... Just be careful at your workplace okay... I hope you can get promoted to be designer". While patting his shoulder.

He is one of the longest gun makers in this company, he is also a designer of new like me but he still wants to assemble firearms because of his passion which he doesn't want to rust his skill.

"Alright-alright... This is the sixth time people remind me about this" I can see sulking on his face.

"Haha... all right, I'll leave you, I must go to my workplace," I said to him.

After a small talk with him. I enter the building, Walk through the hallway, until I arrive in front of a door with the writing "Anthony" hanging at the door.

This is my workplace, the room where I will spend my day crafting, designing, and making firearms. With a workbench and boxes of firearm parts. Tools and kits for making firearms.

There is also a bench to design new prototype. A bench with so many blueprints, ruler, and some writing about my design. Also, there are some prototypes that I worked out, probably in two months my design will be approved and get some massive production.

After looking around my workplace, I took a breath then let it out slowly and walked to a window that show the view courtyard of this company.

Until I noticed some projectiles went straight to the front gate.

Boom Boom Boom

The explosive projectile hit rapidly to the gate. After covered by dust, bunch of people rush from the gate with firearms and started shooting directly at the building.

Bang Bang Bang

Bullet barrages rained down into the building, few of them even hit my room. Fortunately, before they shoot I crouched and took cover.

"Shit!" I never expected this kind, my hand started shaking and I can't get rid my fear from my mind.

I recall again the dream that I experienced this night. My mind mixed up between worry, fear, and even scared.

"Come on, I can do this!" I shout in my mind, trying to calm my mindset. After a few times calm out my mind, I prepare to get out of this war. Bringing some important files, and one of my best prototype.

I hurried up ran into the hall and try to get out of this place, until I was nearly at the main hall, I was stuck with some people who try to get out and the rebels who want to get in into this building.

I take cover at big debris, try peeking around me. I see many people who shoot each other, even workers whose fight back against the rebel.

"Oh god, I need to save my life at first..." Said me after seeing so many people die one by one.

'All right... I need to get out, but where I must go? I feel I'll die if I rust to the front door fighting the rebels... think... think' Try to figure out for escape plan.

"For all workers, please go to the generator room in the basement, I said, please go to generator room on the basement" Sound from the speaker echoed to the whole building, including the rebels hear that announcement.

"All right, basement" said while clenching my fist.

Hurried up run back to the hall, passed my workplace, and go to the end of the corridor, until I found a door with "Basement" written on there.

Open the door, I rush into the generator room. Same with the basement before, the generator room is at the end of this basement.

When I enter the generator room, I found a ladder. And some notes at the handle of the ladder.

I took that note and read.

[For everyone who has come to this room. Please, I need you to flint this explosive create in this room in order to destroy the building because I don't know if I can make it back after writing this note. I'm not forcing you to destroy this room if you want to save your life, you can use the ladder in this room, it will direct you to waterways out of town, the choice is yours

- Eric]

"So, he wants to be a hero huh?" I said while looking at the ladder.

I think about my life from born until now, I've lost everything, family, love, and even friends.

"All right, I will wait for one hour if there are some people who manage to escape from the building"

After that, I wait for a while and did not see people come here after me. Then I hear some sounds so many people come here.

I just hide my body beside the explosive crates while holding a detonator, waiting for them closer to me.

Not only one but probably four or even seven. I tried peeking a little bit. I guess they just checking to make sure this place is safe.

"Argh... I hate this… our captain just give a dumb order to us, who else who try to escape to this place?". Said one soldier while kicking some pebbles.

"Just to make sure because there are workers who announce that in the basement have an escape tunnel to outskirt this town," One of them said while check and looking to other places.

"Huh... he just a crazy old man you know, you seen that he is just charging forward with a bayonet attached to his firearms?"

"Yeah, but at least we need to check this shit for satisfied our captain" That one person keep insisted

They are keep closer until just 15 meters away from me.

'Fuu... I will follow you, honey, just you wait...' I thought while closing my eyes. My hand a little bit trembling, I never expected my life will end up like this.

Quickly after they were just 8 meters from me, I triggered the detonator.


Suddenly my surrounding become white, so bright, but weirdly I'm not closing my eyes. Just accept my fate.

I'm sorry guys... I don't think that auxiliary volume is actually for description and information from some character. At first I thought it could use as prologue... I'm sorry for this mistake.

Lightwood_Lightcreators' thoughts
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