
The Watching Spirit Ritual

Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Ever saw something out of the corner of your eye but when you look whatever form you saw was gone? Ever wanted to know what was there? If your answer to these questions is yes then this ritual is exactly what you need, this isn't a ritual for the faint of heart, you may have heard that on nearly all posts like these that are out there, I say this because all those who wish to dismiss this as another scary story and stay ignorant should leave. First, all you'll need is a mirror and a dark room, this room mustn't be so dark that you can't see anything but just bright for you to see a silhouette in the mirror, standing front of a window, with your back to it, at night may produce this effect. You stand in front of the mirror you should be standing far enough from it that you see your head and enough room for you to see something else.

To see the form that kept evading you, stare at your silhouette you shouldn't see any of your features, you should just stare at the reflection focus on that only, not everyone will see something, it means that you aren't being watched, you should wait for a few minutes just staring, it takes time before a form would appear. A form should slowly fade into your vision, what you may (or may not see will vary from person to person. You must not speak the entity thinks that you can't see it, it thinks you're not lucid therefore will interact with you more than it would at any other time, you'll start to feel the entity make contact with you, it won't feel like a normal object making contact with, at least it shouldn't, it'd feel like an imprint a shadow of a sensation, accounts of this show that this is usually felt around the neck.

There are some dangers when doing this ritual, the form that appears should be a silhouette, you shouldn't see anything more than that, if you do then it knows you can see it, why the entity would react like this is unknown, if your ability to sense the entity increases then you move as quickly as possible to a light source or something produces/activates a source of light, they should be gone, however if these anomalies haven't occurred then all you have to do is attempt to look at the entity, then either leave the room or activate a source of light.

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