9 Accidental Encounter

---The day after Yue Yang's visit to the headquarters---

Morning,a new day has began and unlike the other ones there is no light.It seems like it's going to rain.Yue Yang slowly opens his eyes and he sees Saeko who is currently looking at him.Saeko smiles and says:

"good morning, master,breakfast is ready"

"good morning,are fourth mother and the others ready yet?"

"yes,they are already at the dining hall"

Yue Yang stands up and walks towards the dining room with Saeko by his side.the two enter in the dining hall and in it several figures are already waiting.

Yue Yang and Saeko greet the three(fourth mother and the sisters)and sit down.they then begin to eat.after eating breakfast Yue Yang speaks

"mother could you tell the patriarch that I contracted a grimoire?oh,but don't tell him that I have done so since a year ago"

"why do you want to tell him now?"

"because the first branch continues to bully us of the fourth and they brag about how great Yue Tian is,that unparalleled genius"

'besides I need better resources in order to grow stronger'

"I see then it cannot be helped then"

saying so she stands up and walks away

---next day,Yue clan, fourth branch---

"have you heard,it appears that our third young master contracted a grimoire at the age of 9"

"seriously? wasn't he a weakling?"

"Um,I heard he enjoyed every second of his life with miss Saeko and now that madam has returned he seems to have entered depression"

yes, after hearing the conversations between the servants he certainly entered depression

'And what about 9 years old? didn't I say 10 tears old when I asked mother to reveal it?'

In order to improve his chances to survive Yue Yang leaves the mansion in secret and heads towards a forest in order to train his spitting thorny flower

---outside White Stone City, Demonic forest---


with that shout the beast is cut in two, effectively determining Yue Yang's victory

"come on now,eat it and become stronger,my precious flower"

following the orders of her master,the spitting thorny flower opens his mouth like leaves and devours the corpse of the beast

afterwards the Spitting thorny flower slightly increases in size

"well then, let's continue to hunt,shall we?"

---in another part of the forest---

Xue Wu Xia walks alone within the forest.

honestly,she doesn't wish to be here however it seems like it was decided that she needs training and so they sent her in this forest

'anyway,in this forest there aren't any dangerous beasts otherwise they wouldn't have sent me here'

Thinking so she proceeds deeper within

---half an hour later---

Yue Yang looks with satisfaction towards his spitting thorny flower.

after eating many bronze ranked beasts it finally evolved into one itself.

In that instant a young girl's shout is heard deeper within the forest


hearing that he rushes to rescue the young maiden


In a deeper part of the forest Xue Wu Xia is desperately escaping from a terrifying beast,a Black bear(bronze ranked beast,lv.3)


Yue Yang quickly rushes towards the sounds of battle.The trees don't allow him to go too fast but thanks to his movement techniques he still proceeds at a considerable speed for having the body of a child and as he gets closer signs of battle and occasional stains of blood are much more visible.

there,he sees it,a young girl whose arm is injured and a big black bear

he quickly rushes towards the latter and slashes with his sword

the bear is cut in half

"eh?" 'what a let down,I thought it would be tougher'

the girl,Xue Wu Xia stares at him, dumbfounded 'wasn't that beast invincible?but he slayed it so easily,who is he?'


Yue Yang/10 years old/Summoner rank:braveman(lv.2)(rank up)


"Stealth lv.2","sword mastery lv.1->lv.2",

"silent steps lv.1->lv.3","Counterfeit lv.1","Divine Vision lv.1"


"Fighting-Type/bronze beast/Spitting Thorny Flower -> Bloody Tongued Spitting Thorny Flower"

(unique traits:

"it is capable of devouring

corpses and alive beings alike in order to increase its strength"

abilities:"Poison Spit lv.1->lv.2",

"take root lv.1->lv.3"

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