
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

The end of show

One old man vs 34 ants with level of ant-king strength.

"Who will win." One of them asked asked but no one answered.

Because in their mind, that old man was undoubtedly strong but facing 34 ants which each one of them easily slaughtered them in the past. Almost impossible.

"Let see. My back is killing me." That old man cracked his back straight again. "If we continue like this, we will be very bored. Allow me make a first move."

Hearing this, those ants weren't happy. They charged like a tsunami.

"Wew. We have gone this far. To be honest, I love you guys"

"We love you too."

They exchanged last word to each other. Thinking that old man is going to be like them in the past.

From out of nowhere, that old man took out a fishing-rod.

"Oh my god" someone exclaimed.

That fishing-rod weighted at least 10 tons from appearance. Even so, they can see that old man wielding it easy like a part of his body.

"Let me teach you. Some etiquette." He swang heavy rod. Part of city was eradicated from the map. 14 ants perished in that attack.

Seeing those ants easily meet their own demise, they couldn't believe what happened in their eyes.

"Who is he." asked a bewildered former S hunter.

"Don't know. If he is strong like that, he should be very famous but why no one comes to my mind." Someone tried remembering all retired hunters.

The remain ants weren't giving up. They sped up and flew faster.

He gave up fishing rod and changed to fight in close range.

"Remember this, kiddo. I only perform this only one."

He stood like a high mountain. For a moment, they saw a big mountain standing in front of them.

Sometimes, they saw bird, tiger, lion, … all kind of animal on earth. Not only see animal, they also saw monsters goblin, vampire, golem.

"Big bang blow" he punched the nearest ant. It died without resistance. He punched it easily like a watermelon.

Some ants attacked him with claws.

"Watch out"


"Adamant" his skin became tougher. Even 3 ants ganged him and beat him up but none of it could scratch a wound on his skin.

In a blink of eyes, he sent 3 ants reunite to the other side of earth.

The rest became more crazier. They attacked him like a vicious storm.

"Although I'm old, my strength is still there." he hammered one by one to the ground. Each shot is deadly.

Until no ant is presence.

"Phew." he warmed his body and turned to 16 orphaned child.

"Let see." he looked at children who were out of word. "You must be Hae-In, right."

"Yes" she replied.

"Thank you. I will help you this time." he took out a potion and poured it on corpse body.

It's strong and miracle. A new organs reappeared. The wound started to close at visible rate. A heart started to beat again.

Their adopted mother took a first breath after being a corpse for a while.

"There. We don't owe each other. I have repaid my debt." He turned to leave. "You must be hurry. This place is dangerous now."

"Wait" a voice rang out. "There is another big ant going that way."

"Big ant. Oh. Why I forget that."

"Goto. Why you say that. This and that isn't different from suicidal."

"I know. But." Goto said in low voice. "I want to know how strong he is."

"Grandpa" when Kanae called him but he had already disappeared .

Immediately after that, they heard a loud sound from a certain direction.

"Is this over. He is fighting."

After that sound, they felt no aftershock. For a moment, they thought that old man met a hard opponent and died.

However, a loud sound rang out making them wake from daydream.

From the sky something was flying. A big shadow appeared under their feet.

The ant king head planted on the ground before them.

Their mouth were opened wide.

"What a strong ant." that old man returned with a lot of dust on his clothes. "Thank for telling me. It's been long for me to feel the young spirit flowing in my blood." he knelt at their eye's level.

"Keep this as secret." he whispered to them and stood up. This time, he is going to leave for real.

"Wait. Can you accept me as your apprentice?" Goto was the first one to wake up to reality.

"You" he gave a glance "No. I don't accept apprentice."

"Why. I am very talent."

"Too troublesome. I'm very old now." he refused right into Goto's face.

Kenzo knelt and begged that old man.

"Please. I want to be strong."

"No matter what you do. I won't accept apprentice." he stepped one step away from them.

Seeing this, they hurriedly found a way to beg him.

"Grandpa. You owe me one game." Cha Hae-in spoke her opinion.


"Remember that game."

"WOAHH. I forgot. Sorry." He said before asking her. "So what are you going to ask me."

"I …"

"Wait. Cha Hae-In. Let discuss together."

They formed a circle to discuss.

"So what are we going to ask."

"Ask him how to be strong like him."

"No no. Don't ask like that. He will lose interest very fast. Beside, are you sure he will say."

"So what to ask."

"I know what to ask"

"Akari. Are you sure." they asked.

"I'm sure." Akari replied

"Two questions, right. One is honest and other is a lie."

"Correct. That is how we play." the old man took a sip enjoying his wine.

"So what is dungeon? I mean. Its existence." Akari asked.

"That's a prohibited knowledge. You know"

"I don't know but I want to know"

"Right. Listen. I may forget something while talking."

He talked about dungeon and why it appeared on earth. The existence of Monarch and Ruler. The fall of Ruler. A Ragnarok is coming and the end of human age.

"That's … fantastic story." Akari gave a compliment.

"Yeah. It will be a good story. If only."

"So my next question. 1+1=2. Correct or false."

"Hahaha. You are a smart girl. Sacrificing one question in exchange for confirmation"


"Wait." she gave a sign to believe in her.

"According to the rule of the game. I will tell this is false."

When hearing this, they didn't know how to describe their feeling.

"Are you lying, grandpa?"

"Hahaha." he laughed out loud before explained. "I don't lie here. I tell the truth. I am a man of word. I keep promise."

"That means the end of human is coming."

"Correct. So spend time with your family. We don't know what will happen tomorrow." he picked up his luggage. "Maybe we all die."

"Grandpa. Please teach us."

"Sorry. No. I have to go."

"Please. Please." when seeing them beg like this, he didn't know what to say to chase them away.

"Right but in one condition. You must overcome my trait."

"We will do it."

"Hahaha. Good. Come to that mountain at tomorrow. I will wait there." he disappeared.

They all felt that they had a good deal to become strong.

On the building.

"This should be good enough." Jean looked at situation.

The old man was a paid actor. Delta acted as old man for a whole time. Different from Alpha and Beta, Delta can talk. Not only she talked well, she also talked too much.

"Delta will guide them probably." From her pocket, her phone rang.

"Alo. Oh. Hello Go Gunhee." she said to the person on the other side of line.

"Don't speak my full name like that. It's very rude."

"Sorry. I wasn't learned at school so it's hard for me to be polite." she added.

"Nevermind. What is the situation in your area. I hear there was an army of ant."

"Don't worry. They are all gone."

"Gone. Where."

"Don't know. They automatically disappear." Jean summoned her Stand.

Story Guilder used his ability. The entire collapse city returned to its normal state. As if there were no ants here from the beginning.

What happened was made up by her Stand. She just used this city to perform a show.

"Please send a special force. The situation here is very strange."

"Right. I will send one"

She turned airplane mode on the phone and took out another phone.

"Let see. How to train their ego."

On her phone, the old man had a role of leading them in pursuing for strength while albino woman had a role of teaching them how to behave.

For homunculus woman, Jean didn't have to worry her since she would educate their ego very well.

The problem left is on old man side.

"What should I teach them." she suffered on the internet in order to find an effective way to train them.